<br />B8-=100508
<br />
<br />ASSIGNKENT OF KoRTGAGE - CorDoration
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL KEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Superior Mortgage, Inc. a
<br />Corporation, the party of the first part, in consideration of One Dollar and
<br />oth~r valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by Colonial Central Savings
<br />Bank, FSB, B Corporation, the party of the second part, at or before the
<br />ensealing and delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is hereby
<br />acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set
<br />over, and, by these presents, does grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer,
<br />transferred, and Bet over, unto the said p.rty of the second part, its
<br />successors and assigns, a certain INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, Bearing date
<br />of February 2, 1987 , as fJ87-100620 in the offices
<br />of Register of Deeds Hall County, Nebraska .Q....'-.-" \ ).::=;+.1,,,,1'\,,\(::-
<br />and ..de by Debra L. Sherrill a single person ~".,,-,-.,~~, ",' ~ vet\\\ e.\ J ~. ,
<br />to, or currently assigned to, Superior Mortgage, Inc. and all its right, title
<br />and interest to the pre.ises therein described, as follows, to-wit:
<br />Lot Seven (7) of Park Gardens second Subdivision, in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Together with the note therein described, and the .oney due or to becoae due
<br />thereunder, including intere.t thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .... unto the
<br />..id party of the .econd part, it. .ucceBBOrs and assigns forever, subject
<br />only to the provision. of .aid INDENTURE OF ftoRTGAGE therein cont.ined.
<br />
<br />And the party of the first part doe. hereby sake, constitute .nd appoint the
<br />.aid party of the .econd part, it. true and la.ful attorney, irrevocable, in
<br />it. na.., or otherwise, but at their own proper cost. and charges, to have,
<br />u.e, and take .ll lawful .ay. and ..ans for the recovery of the .aid aoney and
<br />intere.t, and, in ca.e of pa,.ent, to discharge the .... as the p.rt of the
<br />fir.t part .ight, or could do, if th... pr...nt. .ere not .ade.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Superior Kortg.ge, Inc. . corporat.ion of the State of
<br />Nebra.ka ha. caused this A..ign..nt of Bortg.ge to be executed by it. Vice
<br />Pr..ident .nd .tte.ted by it. ABat. Secretary .nd it. Corpor.te Seal to be
<br />hereunto &tfi,xed the 21tll d., of October in the y.ar 1987 .
<br />
<br />
<br />,.
<br />- ~;.\
<br />
<br />Roy
<br />
<br />
<br />President
<br />
<br />< ~ ... ~ I ~.
<br />
<br />By.
<br />
<br />'"\
<br />
<br />State of H~bra.ka
<br />
<br />...
<br />
<br />County of H.ll
<br />
<br />AU..
<br />
<br />On the D.te .bove .tated, before .., a Not.ry Public, duly cossi..ioned
<br />and qusU.f1ed in snd for ..id County and Stste, Person.lly ca.. the above
<br />
<br />naMed Roy Hofrichter, Vice President & Karen G. Beilke, Assistant Secretary
<br />of Superior Bortgage, Inc. .ho are person.lly kno.n to Me to be the identic.l
<br />per8Oft. .hose n.... are affixed to the .bove ..sign..nt of Mortg.ge a. the
<br />Vice Pre.ident .nd A..t. Secretsry of ..id Corporation, and they .cknowledged
<br />the in.tru..nt to be their voluntsry act and deed, and the volunt.ry act .nd
<br />deed of the said Corporation.
<br />
<br />.....~--
<br />
<br />WITlESS ., hand
<br />afOr...id'r _a:. ~:,:~..,
<br />
<br />[:ti<s~:,;L.~~:."
<br />
<br />and official ..sl, in Grand I.lsnd, In s.id County, the date
<br />
<br />"'~. .....-.., ....--r-'l::.c
<br />
<br />LO.1- 41 i (2771C(fj./tpjJ
<br />Notary Public
<br />
<br />Dixie A. McCord
<br />
<br />My co..1..ion expires:
<br />Return to:
<br />
<br />P.O. BOX laa-,
<br />ORAND ISLAND. NE 68802
<br />
<br />I FORM KoDIFIED 151 9-87
<br />
<br />~:
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