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<br />(b) Thel'e has occul'l'ed a b:ceach of 01.' default undel' any
<br />tel'm, covenant, agl'eement, condition, Pl'oVl.Sl.on, 1'8pl'esentation
<br />01.' wal'l'ant y contained in this Deed of T l'ust, the note 01.' any
<br />othel' loan instl'ument secul'ed hel'eby;
<br />
<br />(c) Thel'e has been a default by the Tl'ustol' in the payment
<br />of any pl'iol' 01.' subsequent line 01.' encumbl'ance in l'espect to
<br />all 01.' any pal't of the pl'opel'ty;
<br />
<br />(c) Tl'ustOl' shall file a voluntal'Y petition in bankl'uptcy
<br />01.' shall make an assignment fol' the benefit of cl'edito1'5 in l'e-
<br />spect to the pl'opel'ty; 01.' an action to enfol'ce any lien 01.' encum-
<br />bl'ance 01.' judgments against the pl'opel'ty is commenced.
<br />
<br />11. Accelel'ation Upon Default. In the event of any default. Beneficial'Y may
<br />declal'e all indebtedness secul'ed hel'eby to' be due and payable, and the same shall
<br />thel'eupon become due and payable without any pl'esentment, demand, pl'otest 01.' notice
<br />of any kind. Thel'eaftel', Beneficial'Y may:
<br />
<br />(a) eithel' in pel'son or by agent, with or without bl'inging
<br />any action or proceeding, or by receiver appointed by a CoUl't
<br />and without l'egard to the adequacy of any security, enter upon
<br />and take possession of the property, or any part thereof, in
<br />its own name or in the name of the Trustee, and do any acts which
<br />it deems necessal'Y and desirable to preserve the value, market-
<br />ability 01.' rentability of the propel'ty, or pal't thereof 01.' inter-
<br />est therein, increase the income therefl'om or protect the security
<br />hel'eof and, without taking possession of the propel'ty, sue fol'
<br />01.' otherwise collect the l'ents, issues and pl'ofits thel'eof, in-
<br />cluding those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less costs
<br />and expenses of opel'ation and collection, including attol'ney
<br />fees, upon any indebtedness secul'ed hereby, all in such ol'del'
<br />as Beneficiary may detel'mine. The entering upon and taking pos-
<br />session of the tl'ust estate, the collection of such rents, issues
<br />and pl'ofi ts and application thel'eof as afol'esaid shall not CLll'e
<br />01.' waive any default or notice of default hel'eundel' 01.' invalidate
<br />any act and in response to such default 01.' pUl'suant to such notice
<br />of default and, notwithstanding the continuance in possession
<br />of t:he pl'opel'ty 01.' the collection, l'eceipt and application of
<br />l'ents, issues 01.' profits, Trustee or Beneficial'Y may be entitled
<br />to exel'cise every right provided for in any of the loan instru-
<br />ments 01.' by law upon occurence of any event of default, including
<br />the right to exercise the power of sale;
<br />
<br />
<br />(b) commence an action to fOl'eclose this Deed of Tl'ust
<br />as a mortgage, appoint a l'eceiver, 01.' specifically enfol'ce any
<br />of the covenants hereof;
<br />
<br />(c) deliver to Tl'ustee a written declal'atlon of default
<br />and demand for sale, and a written notice of default and election
<br />to cause Trustor's intel'est in the pl'operty to be sold, which
<br />notice Trustee shall cause to be duly filed fol' record in the
<br />official records of the county in which the property is located.
<br />
<br />12. FOl'eclosure by Powel' of Sale. Should Beneficiary elect to foreclose by
<br />exercise of the powel' of sale hel'ein contained, Beneficiary shall notify Trustee
<br />and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Twst and the note and such receipts
<br />and evidence of expenditures made afld secul'ed hereby as Tl'ustee may require, and
<br />upon request of the Beneficiary, the Trustee shall file fol' l'ecord, in the County
<br />where the propel'ty is located, a notice of default, setting fOl'th the name of the
<br />Trustol', the Book and Page or Document No. of this Deed of Trust as l'ecol'ded in the
<br />County, the legal description of the above-described real estate and that a breach
<br />of an obligation, for which said real estate was conveyed as security, has occurred,
<br />and setting forth the nature of such bl'each and the Trustee's election to sell the
<br />real estate to satisfy the obligation and shall mail copies of such notice in the
<br />manner prescribed by applicable law to Trustol' '3nd to such othel' persons prescribed
<br />by applicable law. After the lapse of such time as may be l'equil'ed by applicable
<br />law, the Trustee shall give written notice of the time and place of sale to the per-
<br />sons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law, descl'ibing the property.to be
<br />sold by its legal description, said notice also to be published in a newspaper of
<br />general circulation in the County wherein such property is located, at the times
<br />and in the fashion required by applicable law; and the Trustee shall then sell said
<br />property at the time and place designated in the notice, in tile manner provided by
<br />law in effect at t.he time or riling .iiJid notice, at public auction to t.he highest
<br />
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