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<br />Excerpts From Intem.1 Revenue Code
<br />'See, 6321. Lien For Taxes,
<br />
<br />" any person liable to pay any lax neglaets or rafuses to
<br />!!ly the Slme eher demand, the amount (Including any Inter-
<br />H~ addltlonlllmount, addition to tax, or assessable penalty.
<br />toglthtr wltll any cosllllllt mlY accrue In addition thereto)
<br />shill bll IIln In flvor of tilt United States upcn all property
<br />Ind rlghll to property, whether real or personal, belonging
<br />to such person.
<br />
<br />See, 6322, Period Of Lien.
<br />
<br />Unlsu another date Is specifically fixed by law, the lien
<br />Imposed by saetlon 6321 shall arise at the time the assessment
<br />Is mada and shall continue until the liability for the amount so
<br />auessed (or a judgment agal'st the taxpayer arising out of
<br />luch liability) Is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason
<br />If lapse 01 time.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6323, Validity and Priority Against
<br />Certain Persons,
<br />(I) Purcha..r's, Holders Of Security In.
<br />temll, Mech.nlc's LltnOrl, And Judgment
<br />Lien Creditors. - The lien imposed by section 6321 shall
<br />ftot be valid as against any porchasar, holder of a saeurity
<br />Intllnt mxhanlc's lienor, or judgment lien creditor until netice
<br />thereol which meets the requirements of subsaetlon (Q has
<br />been lIIed by the Secretary.
<br />
<br />(0 PIIce For Filing Notice; Form,-
<br />
<br />(1) Place For Filing - The notice referred to in sub-
<br />saetlon (a) shall be filed -
<br />(A) Under State Laws
<br />(i) Real Property. In the case of real property. io one
<br />office within the State lor the county, or other governmental
<br />subdivision), as designateO by the laws 01 such Stale. in
<br />which the property subject to the lien is situated: and
<br />(i1) Personal Property - In the case of personal
<br />property, whether tangible or intangible, in one office
<br />within the State (or the county, or other governmental
<br />subdivision), as deslgnaled by the laws of such State.
<br />In which the property subject to the lien is Sltualed:
<br />or
<br />(8) With Clerk 01 District Court - In the ollice of the clerk 01
<br />thl United StitH district court lor the judicial district in which
<br />tha property subject to !len is situated, whenever Ihe State has
<br />not by law Oeslgnated one office which m..ts the reQuIJements 01
<br />au.rllraph (A), or
<br />(C) With Raeorder Of Deeds Of Th. District 01 Columbra - In
<br />the Ifflce of the RaeorOIl of Deeds 01 the District of Columbia. .1
<br />till ,lIperty subject to the lien IS situated In the Oistllct 01
<br />Colu.blll.
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<br />(2) SlIus 01 Property Subject To lien - For purposes or
<br />paragraphs (I) and (4), property shall be Oeemed to be sltuated-
<br />(A) Real Property - In the case of real property, at III
<br />physical location; or
<br />(B) Personal Property - In the case 01 personal property,
<br />wl\!ther tanglbla or intangible, at the residence 01 the
<br />taxpaYII at the time the notice of lian Is filed.
<br />For purposes 0' pllagraph m (8), the residence 01 a corporation
<br />or partnerShip shall be d..med to be tha place at which the
<br />principal exaeutive office 01 the business is located, and tht
<br />residence ot a taxpayer whose reslOence Is without the United
<br />States shall be O..med to be in the District of ColumbiL
<br />(3) Form - The form and content 01 the notice
<br />referred to in subsaetlon (a) shall be prescribed by the
<br />Saeretary. Such notice shall be vallO notwithstanding any
<br />other provision of law regarding the lorm or content 01 a
<br />notice of lien.
<br />
<br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for
<br />certain interests even though notice of lien
<br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect
<br />to:
<br />
<br />1. Saeurities
<br />2. Motor vehicles
<br />3. Personal property purchased at retail
<br />4. Personal property purchased in casual sale
<br />5. Personal property subjected to possessory lien
<br />6. Real property tax and special assessment liens
<br />7. Residential property subjaet to a mechanlc's
<br />lien for certain repairs and improvements
<br />8. Anorney's liens
<br />9. Certain insurance contracts
<br />10. Passbook loans
<br />
<br />(g) Reflllng Of Notice. - For purposes 01 this
<br />section.
<br />
<br />(I) General Rule, - Unless notice of lien is rel.led In
<br />the manner prescribed in paragraph (2) during the required
<br />refiring period: such nOlice of lien shall bs trealed as filed on the
<br />date on'which It is meO (in accordance with subsection In) alter
<br />the expiration of such refiling perioO.
<br />
<br />12) Place For Filing. - A notice of lien refiled
<br />during the requIred refiling period shal! be effective only-
<br />(A) II.
<br />Ii) such notice of lien is remed in the office in whi~h the
<br />prior notice 01 lien was filed, and
<br />(il) in the case of real property. tl\! lacl of refiling Is
<br />enterea and recorded in an index to the extent required by
<br />subsaetioll (I) (4), and
<br />IB) in any case in which. 90 days or more prior to the date
<br />of a refiling 01 notice 01 lien under subparagraph (A), the
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<br />Secratlry received wrinen Inlormatlon (In tile manner
<br />prescribed In regulations Issued by the Sacretary)
<br />concerning a chlnge In the tlllplyer's relldance, II I notice
<br />or such lien Is Ilso lIIed in accordar.cs with subsaetlon (I) In
<br />the State In which such reslOenee Is located.
<br />
<br />(3) Required R,flUng Period. - In the Casl
<br />0' any notice 01 lien, the tarm "required "filing perloO. means-
<br />(A) the one-)Iar perloO ending 30 Oays Ifter the expiration
<br />01 6 years aher the date 01 the assessment of the tax, Ind
<br />(B) the one-year perioO ending with the expiration of 8 years
<br />after the close 01 the preceding required relillng perloO for
<br />such notice of lien.
<br />
<br />Sec, 6325, Release Of Lien Or
<br />Discharge Of Property,
<br />
<br />(a) RN" Of Lien. - Subject to such
<br />regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, the Seci1tary shall
<br />Issue a certificate of release of any lien Imposed with respect to
<br />any Internal revenue tax not later than 30 days ahar the day on
<br />which-
<br />(1) Liability Satislied or Unenforceable - The Saeretary
<br />finds that the liability for the amount aS!essed, log ether with all
<br />Interest in respect thereof, has been lully satisfied or hiS
<br />become legally unenforceable; or
<br />(2) Bond Accepted - There is furnished to tha Secretary anO
<br />accepteO by him a bond that Is cOItOilioned upcn the paymant of
<br />the amount assessed, together with all Interest In respect
<br />thereol. within the time prescribed by law (Including any
<br />extension of such time), and that is In accordance with such
<br />requirements relating to terms, conditions, and lorm of the tiond
<br />and suretl~s thereon, as may be specified by such regulations.
<br />
<br />See, 6103. Confidentiality and Dis-
<br />closure of Returns and Return In.
<br />formation.
<br />(1<) Dltclosure of Certain Returns .nd
<br />Return Information For To Admlnl*tratlon
<br />Purposes. -
<br />
<br />(2) Disclosure of amount 01 outstanding lien. -II a notice of
<br />lien has been filed pursuant to sect.on 63231~, the amount of the
<br />outstanding obligation secured by such lien may be disclosed to
<br />any person who furnishes satisfactory written evidence that he
<br />has a right In the property subject to such lien or Intends 10
<br />obtain a right in such property.
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