<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />and cosu of su.iL laxed aL_hh_m__._h_muh__u_u__ m______h_hhu__h_h_mmh_mhhh__m__hhhhmhhh_.hmm_m_mdollars, and, wheteas, iL was lhen and Ihere
<br />
<br />fw1her ordered in the said aclion /hal in defaull of Ihe payment of the sum so found due by the said_hl~tl}.h~h_X_...hm~_1,l__~_~~_~:t::_hu_m__m__
<br />__m_mh_____m_____h_ooh_oohhoo___hh_h_hhhoo_hhh___hm.m____m__hhhhhm_m_mh__mm_/haL_h_mm_______h_~_~_~_:t:_i:_m~oo.hh~:t::~.~:t:_!:hhhmmhmhhOO__,
<br />
<br />Sheriff of said County 0!-_uhu_mhh_m_uuhH_a.:.1J_hhuhh__hooh_mm___hmh.__mum' should cause /he lands and lenements hereinafter described 10 be
<br />
<br />adverlised and sold according 10 law 10 pay /he same, and, whe.-eas, defaull having been made Iherein, Ihe sauL_h._mhm__mhhmh_m_h.hmmm._m
<br />
<br />__hhm_____.m._m_u. m~~1ll.~.t:.!:m~u~_m~~_I1_~.t:_!:U_hU____h_uhhmhhumu_m' Sheriff of said county, under and by virlue of Ihe said decree and
<br />. -. 14th December 87
<br />the order of sale 10 h,," dilly dlrecled, did on thehmuoomuu_h__m__um_____h_h_.oo__ummummm.m.day O!-m_mm__h__mhu_h_.mhh_h.hhhU_h.hhA. D. 19mmh
<br />
<br />alIM'h._J9.Xl.~rhhJQ):)bYl~~~r of /he Counly Court lIon,e ifllheuuhmmu(:J_tyumhuhoohuofm_G_f_?.Q_g.m__!_~_:),_?.!!g_mhh.hhh___h
<br />
<br />in said County of.. hhmhh__hu!J~J.l. mmhuhuh__h.__hh____ um__h__hmm 00' having first given due and IegallWlice of Ihe lime and place of said .<ale
<br />.., _. Grand Island Daily Independe,nt .
<br />by PllbllcallOn once /11 each ll'f'Cklor JOllr SllcceSSIT' ,reeks /11 I/"_.h____......_._h_............______._._...._...... ..._.. a newspaper prmled and m general
<br />circulaiion in said COllnly ofmhm_h_m)I_~_JJm uuuuhuhhmuhu_hhh_mhhm_h___' sell said premises at public auction 10._m}!?!)l_~hhm.m___h
<br />
<br />_f.~Q~_;J;:g_l_h_S_gyj,._r.\g_Q__._9J1gh.J"ggJ).uhA..9_!2.Q__~.i_gJ:j,._Q}J____for the sum of-hThi~_t_~_~n_h.rrh.Q_JJ_e_9.ml___9_n9_.h_______oo
<br />00/100 ($13,000.00) . Jan 1st .
<br />_mhoo_mm_m____________m_m_mhuuhmmu____m._h___mhhm_m.___._u_h___hm_dollars, whIch sale was aflenrord at the_mmmmm!.._..mh_._._Term of saId courl,
<br />
<br />A. D., 19JJ1, examined and confirmed and the said.___hu_h__h_h__~mm_~_t_:LuCuLuA~ng.t_:L_h_h.mmuhhhhhhoohas s/lch SMriff, ordered
<br />
<br />to convey the said Wemises infee simple 10 the saidooht!9.~~_u.f~<?_~:r:_~..l__h~?_y.~J:lg_:?m_?J:l9m~g_~_!!m~.s._~.?!?_~?_i:_~~_!!..uum
<br />
<br />~otu -aI:berdore, I, /he said m.h_m__mh__mhhhhJ;:_~_~_!:_t_m~__!hu~:r:!!_~:t:.i=_hmmhmmhhuhhh__, Sheriff oj Ihe County of
<br />
<br />____mh_umhB_?_:),_!.._m_huh___m_mm__oomas aforesaid, in consideralion of the premise.. and by virlue of the powers resled in me by law and Ihe
<br />
<br />decree of said eourl, do hereby Gi..., Grant and Convey 10 tM said__h_______!!?!)l~__hE.'_~~~_~_~_!__._~_~_y.~~9.h?____?_I1.~_J-!.?_~_!:1.hmmmm.
<br />
<br />.A.~__$.QQ.i_a.:.t.ig!!__gJ.h_G_f_9._D"g_hJ..$.J_?!!g__,__i.t_~__m$._\!Q.Q~~_!?_Q1i&s and assigns. /he premises so as aforesaid sold, to wit:
<br />
<br />._.__~~_!:ooJ?_i._~____t~_Looi._~hh!?_~_?_~l<__h~_~~_...~~~_~E_~~_.h~~~~~_!:y._:_~_~_~~u__.<._~?~_L_J_l"l.u~!_~_~_c:>~.__.~Cl_C.~_~_~(~..__._
<br />Railway Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />______n_nnnn_..__u__u.u_n__n__n_u_n___h___.n._________ on _ u. _______________nnndn____.______h__nu__nnn____u._n._un._nn__.uu_.__._.__n+.nnuu_U__n_
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />00 Uh.U.hunnn mNEBRASKA-DOCUMENTARY-' .u_u
<br />
<br />_.mm _.n_mm__mm_ST-AMP-_TAXmh_hu m._ ..uu.u_n._. _m._ ____ n _ _ . _ n _ _ .. .
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />.... ...mm~~':;=~~:m ....;~~~~~~~~:~~<~
<br />
<br />..,...._.m..n..nhn._mn_._m._.... .n.._m.._nnn._. ...._. ..__._n_nnn..___h......n......___..n.m___ n__nnh_.h_.h____n._nnnn_.n__..__h.___... ____nwiLh the appurlerumus.
<br />
<br />1:0 "abe anb to "olb tbe j;ame unto the said.n_._!!?r.n.~m~~r:l_~E_~_~nn~.~_y.~_l"l_'In~._m~l"lr:lh_~?_~~n.._.
<br />AS.!?QQ.i9J;j,Q.1}_mQfn.G_:r._9_D.gmJ_~J_9.X!_gn!_i-_:t:.?.___~_~_~~_:.~~i~ assigns, and w /hem and their use and behoof fo=u.
<br />In Utt~timon!, _benot. I halle, as such SMriff, herrunto sel my hand /hisn__nn__nnhmm?"I:_f:1._unhnh_h.humnmday of
<br />_....'nnn~JAD_1d9.XY.oonn_h..h.nn_h.hnm.m_A. D., 19..~_? _~-. _ . /7 <":0.-
<br />nC:T.!d-L!:-~-l:7L,l!.l.---..L:"'.-n'4/k-l..,L/l.'t.__._._.._...__
<br />
<br />Euealed and deli_ed in the presenu of
<br />
<br />Sheriff o!-.._......__..J!_~.!L__nn_n_..m._n_m_COunty' Nebraska,
<br />
<br />R . L.......W.i.l_ligffi!?n_n_mnnnm_.n_.__...___._._.mmn_n....._..._....
<br />
<br />CocWy of____...._._.._k!.9-.1,L.............._...._n___._..hn....nnnn___. On Ihish.....~n"l:.~~_n....__....._.__.day OJ.___.n-!':l:_I1_~':l:EY....__..._ _....00.__..__..
<br />
<br />f9..??-n, b€fore me, the undersljmed____......_B9_~I;L~E.___~_~h._!~AlJ~<3.~::;nhn..hoo.ooh_h_hhnm.
<br />
<br />in wulJor said county, persom.lIy appeared /he said_..____..._._hnmm._unn._hn.m.h._m_
<br />
<br />.__m_n.___._.u....__n..n_n~~~_!:!._.hs:_~____~E_~~_t::.~n..___...n_____'''_nnm _n_mmn_Sheriff fJ! said Cormq.
<br />to me personally known 10 be the identical person who signed IheJoregoiTI!J instrument as gron/ar, and
<br />he acknowledged Ihe same 10 be hi.. ""lunlary act and dud. as s/lch sMriff, Jor /he ,lSe.. and pur~CI
<br />Cherein ..Ifor/h. '
<br />
<br />.U.,.. my '""" ."'Z~7;!;@Lft,;~L_mm_m
<br />
<br />
<br />,'--'
<br />
<br />/
<br />h.
<br />