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<br />........ <br /> <br />." <br /> <br />.;.( <br /> <br />r <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />II ~..4 l' I v ~"",''''J , . <br /> <br />.... ~ <br /> <br />.~(t~J' .IU\I <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />.' <br />88_100070 <br /> <br />^II thnt: port: of t.ho Fonot IInJ f of t.hl! t:nllt.hennl Oll'lftl!r <br />1&'1SE'.) of Sl!ctinn Tt>n 110) .Townohip EJuvl!n (11) tlclth. nnnge <br />tlin<<! 191. West of the 6th 1'.11.. lying Solll:h of n line ell' own <br />IIInlllle1 with nnd <liston!: 400 fel!t llolltherJ)' froIR the cl!nlor <br />Hne of I:he South Ildn Trock of the Union l'ocUic Rnilroad find <br />Wenl: of fI line drown porol1el with nnd uintant 455.45 ("el: West. <br />from, the EO!!t line of said Eo!!t lIal r of the Soul:heont Qunrter <br />(E"SE") of sdd SecUon Ten (l0). nno contnining Ten (101 ncrell. <br />more or lellll, end in 11011 county, tlebrllllka, nnd <br /> <br />^ portion of nIl t:hnt parl of the East IInll of lhe Solllhf!nnt <br />OUlIrter (&.,S&..) of Sl!ction Ten (lO), in Townllhip &It>v,,n (11) <br />Ilolth. nonge lane (9). We!'!: of the 6th 1'.11.. 1)'lng SOllth of " <br />Hlle drown pllrellel with llnd 400 f....t h. 0 Soulhntly direction <br />(rom the center line of the south lIain Trock of the Union rndric <br />Roilroao nnd lying botween two p,rlllJ,,1 linen drAwn rl!npectlv~ly <br />HIO.63 fe"t nno 455.45 feet Weill: of the &ool!: Hne of lhe En"t IInl f <br />of the sOlltheast Quorter (&"5&") of Raid Section Ten (JO). and <br />pnrnlle1 with lIoid ~a"t.erly linl!. containing Five (5) ecu,,,. Ill')re <br />or 1ellll. which porUon is more particularly dl!Rcr1beel lis follow!'. <br /> <br />"''';linning nt. n roint. on thl! South 1 ille of IInid S"cl:ion T"n (l01. <br />which point of beginning ill 207.63 feet WQr,t of the SOllthr.or.t <br />corn'lr of Mid SecUon Tl!n (101, running l.\(!Ilce Nort.h pllrnllel to <br />I:he East lino of snid Sect.ion Ten (101. a distnnco of 200.0 feet: <br />turning t.hence ElI"t nnd running rarollel to thl! 51)ut.h Hnl! of :;l!ct.ion <br />')'l!n (10). for a dbtnnce of 107.0 feetl turning thcnco North on.l . <br />running pnrallel t.o the Enst Une of SQction Tl!n (101. to n rot.nt <br />on tho southerly nlght-of-wny line of t.he Vnlon racific noih-ond: <br />thence,turning Sout.hwelll:erJy 810ng and uron "ol'd night-of-way line <br />to e point 455.4.5 feet WeRt of the Ee"~ line of oRiel sl!ction T"n <br />(10). turning thencl! south running rerallel to thl! East. Unl! of ""id <br />Sl!ction Tt'n (10). to 0 roint. on ti.e South 1ille of "aid Section Ten <br />(l01: turn in", thonce East and running "long nncl upon the South line <br />of said Sect.ionTen (101. for e distnnce of 167.82 feet. to the <br />point. of beginning. in lIo1l/county. Nebusko. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />,...-- <br /> <br />L..J <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />i ,..,. <br />t. <br />