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<br />SHAFER COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, L.L.c. herein called the Grantors, in
<br />
<br />consideration of One dollar ($1.00) and other consideration, receipt of which is hereby
<br />
<br />acknowledged, hereby grant and convey unto the
<br />
<br />
<br />A municipal corporation in Hall County, State of Nebraska, herein called the Grantee, a
<br />permanent and perpetual easement ;md right-o{:way to construct, operate, maintain, extend, repair,
<br />replace, and remove public utilities, including' but not limited to, sanitary sewers, storm sewers,
<br />water mains, electric utility poles, overhead and underground power lines, manholes, pipelines,
<br />surface markers, and other appurtenances, upon, over, along, across, in, underneath and through
<br />a tract of land comprising a part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (El/2 SW1/4) in
<br />Section Twelve (12), 'Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />
<br />First to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter
<br />(SWl/4); thence N00"31.'35"W, along and upon the east line of said Southwest Quarter (SWl/4),
<br />,t distance of One Thousand Thirty Five and Two Hundredths (l,035.02) feet; thence
<br />N84036'12"W, a distance of One Hundred Twenty Eight and Seven Tenths (128.70) feet to a
<br />point which is, One Hundred Twenty Eight (128.0) feet west of (measured perpendicular to) the
<br />east line of said Southwest Quarter (SWl/4), said point being on the westerly line of a 48' wide
<br />Sanitary Sewer Easement, ,md also being the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence continuing
<br />
<br />- 1 -
<br />