<br />03/05/2007 MON 17:10 FAX 402 471 2530 secofstate/licensing div
<br />200701701
<br />
<br />~ 006/008
<br />
<br />ev
<br />
<br /> J..24J..,4 Department of the Treasury . Interll~1 Rf:venue Service
<br />Form 6&8 (Y)(e) Notice qf Federal Tax Lien
<br />(Rev. F"bruary 20041
<br />Area: Serial Number For Optionsl Use by Recording Otfice
<br />Lien Unit Phone: (SOO) 913~6050 346B04907
<br />As provided by section 6321, 6322, and 6323 of the Internal Revenue .... ~lJrn ~ur ~~ ~
<br />Code, we are' giving a notice that. taxes (including interest ilnd penalties)
<br />have been assessed against the foUowing-named taxPayer. We have made
<br />a demand for payment of this liability, but it remains unpaid. Therefore.
<br />thereJs a lIeriia favor of the Unw,dStates on all property and rights to,
<br />, property. belonging to this taxPayer for the amount of these taxes. and ,', S9074g875a~6 P~." 1
<br />, additional penalties. interest. and costs that may accrue. ' SM!OT ROCKY L -
<br /> .. ,FPed; ,03/0fi/20a702':24 PM
<br />Name of TaxplJyer ROCKY .L SMIDT - - ' "."
<br /> ,.. ., \/,.,\4....-. . ,.. , . " ..'. .. .,
<br />flesiden,ce 112 W 6TH. APT A ' .., ..
<br /> ..
<br /> GRAND ISlJ\ND, NE 68801-4310 ' -
<br /> '.
<br />, ,IMPOR1AMT:,RELWE IN FORMAnON: For (:1"01'1 M$I';l$$mt'olnt listed belov.:,:i: ~.I',t i~~,': . :d'l:' <, ',' ~ ' ~t\\-."' . .. -'''. '-; . ' ,
<br />,:' .~: ':. -.~}': < ~-..\' ..
<br />" unless notice,ortne lien j~ reflJed, by the date given in column/a), this. notice shall.:. .. " . ;,..,..... . -
<br />. :;1" ' , , ,- ' , . - ,.
<br />,on the day, following, su'ch date., operate a,s a certificata ofrelaa!';l'j as dcfir~di, ' " " ,. .., ,
<br />.in lAC 6325(01). " , ,
<br /> , , "
<br /> . . ,', ~.. ~ '. ' :..... . I" ~__ .. -
<br /> Tax Period Date of Lasi~a~~o.~ Un~aid 'Balance
<br />... Kmdof. Tax, Eading, Identifying 'Number Assessment ..' ~'. \; , of As.essment : '. "I.
<br /> , ie),,', .-cO
<br />'(a1," (b) (e) (d) , ,
<br />.
<br /> 1-2/3:1/1999 05/0'8./2006 06/07/2016' . . ......, " ,,51':f8 5 .,77'--
<br />,1040 .. XXX-XX-5645 ' .-
<br />:10'40 ',' '12/31/20'0'0' XXX-XX-5645 0'9/0'4/20'0'6 iO'/D4/2.9,1G ',~ ,~H,33,4. 84"
<br />J.040 J..2/3J../2O'O'1 XXX-XX-5645 1J../28/20O'5 12/28/2O'J..5 .- 1497;1.J..7
<br /> . ." ..
<br />J..040 12/31./20'02 XXX-XX-564S, 11/28/2005 12/28/2015 . '" , , 65,05.32
<br />, ,
<br />, ,
<br />, ,
<br />Place of Filing
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> Hall PQBOX l6S2 Total $ J..64005.10
<br /> Grand IsJ.,and, NE 66802-1692
<br />
<br />I..
<br />
<br />This nQtice was prepared and signed at
<br />
<br />ST PAUL, MN
<br />
<br />. on this.
<br />
<br />the
<br />
<br />21st day of February
<br />
<br />20',07
<br />
<br />Signature
<br />
<br />
<br />24-10-2337
<br />
<br />Title
<br />for MICHAEL W PONTE (308) 384-4850
<br />(NOTE: Certific,atll of officer authorized by law to taka acknowledgment is not essential to the validity of Notice of Federal T;ox IiIlI'1
<br />Rev. Rul. 71-466.1971.2 C.B. 409) Form 668(Y)(c:) (Rev. 2-2004)
<br />Pan t A Kept By Recording- Office CAT. NO 60025X
<br />
<br />" .
<br />
<br />r\.~\
<br />;~j~
<br />