<br />;CdC ~,1J;"
<br />
<br />I~"~; r. ;' ,.-,:
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<br />
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<br />
<br />DEBT'on \VAnRANT:3/d\.![J COVEI"Jt...~.J-1S_ 1_1! Thill '.:~:l'.r:':;pt for !tIe s(:(.ll~;tl Hderl'~;\ l~raf1kn fl(>reby Debt<?( is or, to the u;z-.tnnt th;-~t n.,;s
<br />agr08ntOnt statHs that thoCo!lntera' is to bfi aCfluliTd aHer the date hereof 'Nill he-the Oil/nor r,-' the Collate:ralfree from any ndvGrse Iif:,n,
<br />.'38Curity interest or fJPClIfYlbranee: and HUlt Debtor 'Nill dO!tHl,j thp Collilid a! ,jqaln~i all ClijUfl':i and demands of all persons ai any time
<br />claiming the same I.)r any mtefost therein. (2) That no flnanc;fi9 stiltemCi\t COV.,~r lng the Collator-al Of any~rocl}ed~J t~.e:.e<?Us on f}l.e ipa~y
<br />public office and thnt.' at 1118 rcquHst of Si?cufed Pa~_ty; OGbtor will e>::r:cute ont: or more 1inanGing stat~m!3nts purstJa~tto the_Unif_O,rm
<br />CommercialCode in form satisfaclory to Secured Party and will pay the cosl olliltng ,such finencing stalement, this securitYllgreernent and
<br />any 'cin1~~t~;1~t t_i!min~1ti(jn statement. in altpubhc offices v.herC'/cr film\) ;$ {1eemed by Secured, Pa:ty to-be ~_eces~sarYO('deSi~abl.e:
<br />and if the Collateral is attac118d to real estate p"'r to Hl(- perh.,c;ion 01 tho ;;r'curiiy inwrest grantodhereli)'-Q,f-if-the Gollato'ralbu:.luOOG cr6pe:
<br />or oil, gas or minorals to be e.>:.tracted or timber to IY' cut. O~~htf)( wll!, Oft dcrnwl(j uf Secured Party. furnish SeciH~ed P-arty\vith a'discJalo19r
<br />ur df5Cla!mets or 3uDorainntion .JnrOf:'!nent signed by all pOr'snns having a:j .n!erest In Ihe real estate,:dlgelaiMiQ~ (A-sUbordlnaHng'nny
<br />i_oterest in t.rlH Collateral ,",'hich \s prior 10 the interest of St.:cu~i.;d Party, (3.1 Not to se!l,lransfer or dispose of the Cotlaterai. nor take the
<br />sarne or nttempt tr, taKe the S{lme frorn :he counly \\.r!t?If: k8pl CJ::'. at:lOVE: stau(j. '1-1JUlout the ~rio.r Wri(ten~c.lJnSCn1 of_~~~-~~ured~3rty, (4) To
<br />pay all taxes and assessments ~-;f 'G1i,:r:y nature 'o'ihjc!: may be lff\-;ed cr assuss,~d Cl.neiflst t.tie GoHah:~(fl {5f NoHo pEdmltdr allow any advo:'sc
<br />lien. securit~ interestnrencumbranc<, wl'ats08ver upon Ihu CO:'ateral, andnot to permit the samo to be attachfl<ior replevined, (6) That the
<br />q~!.late:al is'}n.~O~d_ ~_o~ditinri:af\9- th-3!' Debtor w-iP ~'i' ~1,s/h2r cwn ('_>:fle',se, k.eep the same. in good cond"ition and from limp. to tir:-w,
<br />forth\oJitfl,:repl.aCea'hd rep:air'ali such piirts of the Co!laloH:!! <is may hf:~ brQk~n. \"lorn out Of damaged wtthout allowing any lien to becrentnd
<br />upon the Colt~ter-al on accou~~!t"of such (ep':1Cf;men~:lf r~~p~;rs and "hat the SC'curr~d. Party may examine and inspecl the Colla.toralat Any
<br />time, wherevor locate1j f7) That Debtonvill-At his/her O'Nfl ~xpe"s(~ kt~{-'r ~h!: Colioteral insured in l1 company satisfactorj to Secureo p;:trty
<br />against loss. as appropfia!e_ t)y t.heft, c:olllStOf~. fire [lce l-::;-(t...rcj~:d " 'Y/E.'rfll]e. with lOSS payable to Secured Parlt-as as interest may appear.
<br />and will p'f~ dqm.i!,0.d d~~jv~€r ~a!d ftoJh~!~~,_ofJflsufi!Ilce or fvrn!~.llJ)fGQi oi,~U~~l !n~U{pt1Ge.to 97C:!JJ~9Pa~tY..(~}_.~.t!ts.-J)'p~l9r~-~ec.u~p"~ Party
<br />may proc~~e .s,ut;h if'~lJl~f!~~< djst;t~Wg~; ta~:.~5t IIQP? u~: ,~(:(~V!:-ft"l j(jter~5ts aroth~r .en9"UfI..l.brrln~.es _at <;\nh.tif11.e, l~Vh:d-,_g~ ~.i~e_ed.~on thi:
<br />Coll::lteral an\! ~\1aypfW lor _thq r.epili' ,)f any ,jarn.<lge or I OF"}' ,to or fpr ltl'!f!!',';erHt,oon andmaH1tellanc~,oI'\i)eGqlll,teral.Deplor agree~ to
<br />r(:lrnbllrsc SeG'-,re~j p.1r~/ on j(~rnaJ ,(i h~ .. . f>'i'{"' ';'. 1"< I~ ,_~,tl 's;' , -.J ; c.,.,. c.,' r.uf:~1.ii:lnt to t)1e f.o~t!gqing-"u.th_o(i.?:q~~9p. Until
<br />
<br />SUCh retmbUrSE-'-;18": ~h(' ;:r";Ji..lnt of ani SUf,:~-' ;':'(l/P.,'-'-;. ".;~t~.
<br />
<br />'i"'~'':,' 'IS it'. ,'..j.',' '~,,::,, ,.cte fL.:.HH'Jate Dr payment until reimbursement.
<br />
<br />Sf1ali /)8 ad(jlJd 10 :~le ;[l(}ubted:;(~ss- Uw"~~1 C;i Ct~D!C~ a.nd .;,;c;i!! 2p..'
<br />
<br />-: ,-!gr t:omeqL (9) Tr:at Debtor wHI not use the Collateral in
<br />
<br />'1iolat:on of :~ni appiicat)~e statute, re_gujat~G'-' ,-.;~ ':-,I.j.J1.-:lnci:- ~.. ,
<br />
<br />", _~Il 'i',. ,:l-{"lte-r<:ll is motor ,-,(-'hides the sa r.-l 2 will not be rented. used in
<br />
<br />rental service nor i~! ani spc--ed or cndtH3f'Cf: con!€,s-' :):;t-,ur '.'.'1;: ~- :l'r St"'r:vred Party any an{j a!l costs and expenses incurred in
<br />recovering possession of n-,,::; Collateral and . n-cu rr e.'] In (~'-:" 'i '-:,!J :r;;:-', ~.;(';'-.\J--,ty ~\Uf'l~ernent; and thE- same shall be securpd by thiS security
<br />agreement
<br />
<br />UNTIL DEFAULT Debtor m;ty have possessfon r"of the C~)lltl19"8: Af'rj U5~!t in Ftny l::lwful mariner not inconsisfentwith this agreement and
<br />:-,ot inconSIstent wjt.n,~ny PO.licy.Qf !n3U~ance thert?on Bnc~ ...:p~)I-' ,jetau!l Sf:ui,ea Party ~ha!J ha\"e !i,?~ immedIate right to the POSg~ss,on of
<br />the Collateral.
<br />
<br />DEBTOR SHALL BE IN DEFf,UL T under t!l,sagreemer~t upor't P:<; happ.;n:ng lJi any 01 tne fOllo\lnng e''!ents or condItions (1) default
<br />. in Jhe r?aYlTle~t, of p,lirformanc.eot any ob!t9at,on,co;/enant or .llabllLty .conta'ned of,mlfme<1lo.herein Of,jn any,..oIe.eVldlll\C!f)9 1I1~:"afTle;
<br />{2} any warranty, representatiol1 or statement made or ttJ/n,sr-ied tc r:3ecu;t:'f_1 Part,:, by' or on behalf of Debtor proves to have been false ill
<br />any material respect when made or furnlst1ed: (3) any event 'l/t~:C~.; 'ssuits in the ac.c.G!er:Clti5>~~ Q~.!hf{ rpCJ~fi\Y~9f ~n~ t~1;de~.h~dri.f:}~ 0t Debtor
<br />to others under any indenture_ agreement or undertak':,] i j; '..':,:; :h0f!_ ,jamage. ties1ruGtion sale or encumbrance to or of any uf tile
<br />Collateral, or tho making of any levy, serzure or at:CH.:hrnent tht~ft..~~j! fir ~il('"'-eon. is) death. dissolution, termination of cXi?te-nce, Insolvency.
<br />busjnr'~s failure. appointrnent Of a reCeiy'.:;r of a-IY part of the IYOpeny '::-Jf ass!gnment for the benefit of creditors by, or thecomlllenCfHHPnt
<br />of any proceeding under any ban~rlJptcy or 1fJ5olvE;r,CY I.:-UI$ by or agamst Debtor or any gl1arantc-r or surety for Oobtor.
<br />
<br />UPON SUCH DEFAULT and at any t!me therea1ter. or d it deems itself Insecure, Securcij Party may declare all ObligatIOns SlH.:ured
<br />, t\.~er~b~, Immediately due and payable an(j sl'ail have the remud,es 01 a ',ecured party un(ier the Unilorm Commercial CorJe Sccllrp<j P','Hty
<br />'~ may reqUIre Debtorto assemble H1eCollateral anddchver<lnnake illl'lallable to Secured Party at a place to hedeslgnat(,d by S~cu"'d Party
<br />, f.-:-;hiCh is reasonably convenient ~o both parties Unless the Gollat~ral is perishable or threatens to decline speedily in val\Jf~ IS u' a type
<br />S; customarily sold on a recognized market. Secured Party will give Debtor rOAsonable notice of the time and place of any public :ji:lln thHrecrf
<br />, ,_ o.r of the I,ime aller which any private sale or any other ",tended d"p,)",'Oil tl1e'601 is to be made The requiremenls of rea50n"ble n, otic!?
<br />\~ ~ shall be met if sue:"l notice is mailed, postag-e prepaid. to the nddre~.s ,)1 Debtor shown at the beginrnng of tfHS agreement at lenst ten days
<br />,~ ~l before the lime of the sate or disposition, -
<br />-~ '"
<br />: , "' No 'Naiver by Secured Party oj any rjefault shall operato as <I 'Nill,,!.'r ..:;1 an,' other di?fault or of the same default on a future occasion The
<br />~ --.J) taking of this security agreement ~hall not waive or ;mf}air ony other securi~y said S?cured Party may have or hereafter acquire for tht:>
<br />~. 'f -~, payment or the Sbov,e indebtedness, nor shall the tak,ng ot 'HlY5,'UCh ildditlonal security waive or impair this security agreement: but said
<br />\" Secured Party may resort to any security it may have in tho order It may deem proper, and notwithstanding any collateral security, Secured
<br />, ~ Party shall retain its rights of setoff against Debtor ,
<br />
<br />~ \\." All rights of Secured Party hereunder shall inure to the beneht of its successors and assigns: and all promises and duties of Debtor shall
<br />r ~in? h,iS heirs. executors or administrators or his or its successors or asslgns_ If therE] be more than one Debtor. their lia~ilitles hereunder
<br />shall be joint and several. 00
<br />
<br />, ......
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