<br />I
<br />
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<br />
<br />87- 107374
<br />
<br />made shall be added to the nrinciual sum O\l,ing on the abo,'e
<br />nott,~blll be xtUmI bmbY,anll sball bear imam al lhe rale
<br />set forth in the said note, until paid,
<br />
<br />", Thai <he !ot~ h~~, uansC=s and......_-...-
<br />to the Mortgagee, 10 be applied to~'ard the pa}menl of the DOle
<br />and all sums secum1 hereby in case of a default in the peDor-
<br />II1llIlce of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage 01' the
<br />said DOte, all the rmts, revenues and income to be derived from
<br />the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage in.
<br />debtedness shall remain unpaid, and tbe Mongag<< $bUt ha\"C
<br />power to appoint any agent CH' agents it may desire for lbe pur-
<br />pose of repairing said premises and of renting tbe :wne and rol-
<br />Iectin& the rmls, revClllues and income, and il may pay out of
<br />said incomes all c:xpenses of repairing said pmnises 200 ~ary
<br />commissions and expenses incurred in rm!ing and mana&ing lbe
<br />same and of coUcaing rc:ulals therefrom; the balance remairtin!,
<br />if any, to be applied toward the disocharge of said mongage
<br />indebtedness.
<br />
<br />8. TIw the Mortgagor wiIllc<<p the Unpro\'Cmmts now ex-
<br />isting CH' bezeafter eR>:;ted on the lIKNtgagled propoelty, imwed :as
<br />may be required from time to time by the M~ a,gaimt B&l>S
<br />by f"tre and other baz.mds. casualties and ron~ in mdt
<br />amounts and for such periods as may be requlred by the Moot-
<br />paee and will pay promptly. when due. any pmniums O!m web
<br />inwranoe provision fm pa)'lllmt of wbid1 has 00II boom malk
<br />IifRiobefore. AU in.WJraooe shaD be anied in ClOl!llpanies ;ap-
<br />proved by the Mongagee and the po!ioies ilIlild tmeW'.als ~f
<br />man be beld by the M~ and ba\'e anacmd tbere{o &00.$
<br />payabJe dauses in fa\w of and in fonn "looep'labae to the MOlT-
<br />tpaee. In C\'ClM of loss M~ 'IIIill live immediue DOIIioe by
<br />mail to the Mort,gqee. '111M may male proof of !loss if IlIC4 IImllk
<br />promptly by MOIt&a,gM. and eacb imurUlOe <rompany rOClDOOI11lM
<br />is badly autbooiud and directed to mne pa}mmm fOil" wdt r.oo,s
<br />direcdy 10 Ibe MOJt&agee in!llead of 10 the M~ and the
<br />Mo~ jointly, and the inmrmoe pIOCeCdi. or any pan
<br />Ih<<eof. ma)' be applied by the MOI'/p#le at its 0\l!60<Ii eiillncr uo
<br />the mfuctioo of the indror~'5 bndJy sero.red (!II' uo the
<br />rmoration or l'CpI.ir of the property dama8cd. 10 C\UIIl of
<br />foud_ of this mol1P&e or odbu Ir.amfer of tide 10 the 1illIliM-
<br />tppd pIOpcr1)' in cniDguilb_ of tbe il!lllroreaess SOOlUN
<br />hereby. a111~1. title and intcrelll of Ibe MCiIIt~ in :amf10
<br />&II)' in~uranoe paPicies; tbm in foroe shaD pa~'5 uo the ~\I' or
<br />p;mtee.
<br />
<br />9. That &Ii additionllud roIWu&l ~ for the parDfltlllll
<br />of the DOle cIeliai'bcd. and aI! WIllS to booome doe lmdCI' this
<br />mOltpte, the Mott&qor becdJ)> aI.~ uo the M~ aD
<br />prorll$. R'\'CIlUCS. fO)~~Iiel;. rjpls :ami bad"1l$ ao.:ruiDa 10 tbe
<br />Modp,lOr ~ &1\)' lftd aU oil :aDd pi: aw.es _ said IWcmil.es,.
<br />".ith tbc ripl 10 reoci''C ;md rcocipI foc !be _ aDd ~ Ibma
<br />to $lid iDIIcblcdDm a:, \lid! before as :aha- default ill the comli.
<br />liom of this ~e, and the MOItr;qee mll)' ckmmd. we for
<br />and CClOO\'CI' llII)' such 1Pll)'lDmls ".bm due aod p:l)'.aI!ae. bmr. :iJInU
<br />DOl be required so 10 do. Thi5 a~ is to Inmimle aI!ld
<br />become null and \'Did upoo release of this ~.
<br />
<br />.. wilMa wlltftof the Mortgago*) h.a ve
<br />In IXesalCC of:
<br />
<br />bac_Io ~iCt
<br />
<br />10, That the Mortgagor willlc.erp the buildingx upon =id
<br />premises In good repair, and nellher commil nor permll was(e
<br />upon said land. nor suffer the said prem~ to be used for any
<br />unlawful purpose.
<br />
<br />I L That if the nremises. or any part theuof, be condemned
<br />under the po\\'CJ' of eminenl domain. or acquired for a public
<br />use. the damages awarded. the ~ for the taking of. or the
<br />oonsi4eralion for such acquisition, to the e.Ucnl of the full
<br />amounl of indebledn= upon this mortgage and the nole which it
<br />is gil-cn 10 s<<ure mnaining unpaid, ~~ hneby assigned b}' the
<br />Mongagor to the Mongagee, and sbalI be paid fonh\\ith to said
<br />Mongagee to be applied by the latter 00 account of the ne.u
<br />maluring insta1lments of sudl indcbtedMSS.
<br />
<br />12. 1'be Mortgagor funltes agrees that shou.ld this mongage
<br />;aDd lbe DOie ~ hudly 00l be eligtllte for insur.moe under
<br />the National Housing ^<i:t ..-.ithin da)'S
<br />from tbe date bettof (lIlritten statcmmt of any oWtal' of the
<br />Dqwtmmt of HoU'ling and Urb<m DeYlelopmcnt 01' authoriNd
<br />zgaul of the Seadar)i' of Homing and Urban Ooe\-elopmcnt dato:!
<br />suh!equmt to the days' time from the date
<br />of tbis ~. declining to insure said note and this 1IM}(t~.
<br />~ ~ OOIldush;.e proof of ~udJ ineligibilit)'), the l\f0l'-
<br />~ 011' IooMu of the lllClle m3.)'. 21 its optWo, lkclare all sums
<br />~ ~ ~dy due:md JIIlyabk.
<br />
<br />B. 'TIw if tbe Mot1~ f:zils 10 mde an)" J'GJments of
<br />ImlllImeJ' _beD thoe s:ame ~ ~, 011' f:zils 10 <i:oofOlIllto and
<br />IOllGIpIy .wb ;m)' of tbe oroodiuioos IN' zpttmtnlS contained in
<br />Ibis IOOIltp#. or ube Mee w.l\b(b il ~UlC$, then tlte entire prill.
<br />cipJl $WIl iUIld ;a(1(11Dtd wnm ,!WI at ~ lIe..'llIMe due and
<br />I1-llJ~. at ube d<<tiWm of tlr;t l\foctPitt; and this IOOI~ may
<br />t~ be f~ immcdi.udy' for tbe ....oole of said
<br />-t)'. munm. GllOClIlhl)' p<a)mml~. IOOlIts. grownd rents. t...us
<br />iUIld the ~ or oe'lt~ tM l&blUroD(t of litk from tlte date of
<br />tIGs ~ 10 ~ uiimtt or (~m,. $IUIcb f~ suit. :md il
<br />~ ;a!uocmrey'$ r~. :ill of .bich slWl lite iIlldudm in the
<br /><dl0Cftle of fCl<<ldloolilft; and lbe OOOGh..... cmOOdim WI this 1OOItg,3&'e
<br />:and the Iil\lJJIle -.-umllDtttb)', ,WI) iIIIl :ill rc:!Il<<t$ be go~anW.
<br />WJllIUI1IIIOd :mil :biJ~ 11>)' Gbe b.s of N'd1~ll, 1llbtte t~ same
<br />i$ mJ>lIe.
<br />
<br />Tbe ronnllllJl$ Im1Iin OOOGlu:zimtd shall bind. and the bmotfm
<br />and <ZllhUliIjlt$ sIJWII illlW'C 10. the telpcdne hrirs. UttUlon. ad.
<br />milmiiur.xocrs, ~$. and ~~ Olf the part>>cs Mnto.
<br />\~u aIrl.Cd. tln<e ~u numw sIUll ~ the plunJ, the
<br />&*r'.aI the ~. and !be we of atIJ' ~ sh:aII indude all
<br />~.
<br />
<br />The f~ otootditio.mo. :aIJ and ~, bein& pellf'Ofmed ~
<br />ronIiD& 10 tlD:U IWwal :md kpI iInpon, 11m lCOG~qan;:e sN.IJ
<br />be \'OM Uld said pnmimo Id&~ attire a]lCt\~ of tlte MOllt.
<br />~; orbtr..n.e to be md muin in fun foue and dfc.:t.
<br />
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