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<br />I <br /> <br />87- 107374 <br /> <br />State of Nebi'a. <br /> <br />Mortgage <br /> <br />I~c.._ <br />321-1219312-203b <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />'DII M...... made and executed this 30th day of December <br />19 87 . by and between Larry E. Hoback and Teresa D. Hoback, each in his and her Olm right, and <br />as spouse of each other, <br />of the ColIDty of Hall . and State of Ndlrasb. party of the fll$l part. hereinafter caI1ed <br />the Mon...,... and The Equitable Building and Loan Association, Grand Island, <br /> <br />. cmporatioo orpnized and aistiD& UDder the laws of the State of Nebraska <br />party of the seooad part. haaDafter WIed the Mortp&ee. <br /> <br />~ 'I1Iat the aid~. f<< and in aJmiden1ion of the WIll of Forty Four Thousand One Hundred <br />Fifteen and no/IOO -----------------------nouars ($ 44, 115.00 ). paid by the Mort- <br />...... the receipt of wIIic:b is heRby IlCtDlnrIecI&ed bas GRAted and Sold and by these pracIIIs does Grant. BarpiD. Sell. Convey <br />and CoQfirin unto the Mortpaee, its _ and ass.ips. fOfft'er. the follll'wq-desaibed mil estate, situated in the County of <br />Ha 11 . and State of Ndlras.ta. to U: <br />Part of the Soutbeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE\SE\) of Section Twenty (20), <br />Township Eleven (II) liorth, Range ~ine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as foll~s: Beginning at the Southeast corner of <br />said Section TWenty (20); thence Northerly along and upon the Hast line of said section <br />20. a distance of 628.0 Feet to the Southeast corner of Bel-Air Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island. Nebraska; thence ~esterly along and upon the South line of Bel Air <br />Addition a distance of 175.0 Feet to the actual place of beginning; thence continuing <br />Westerly along and upon the South line of said Bel Air Addition a distance of 130.0 <br />Feet; thence running Southerly and parallel to the Hast line of said Section 20, a dis- <br />tance of 63.88 Feet; thence running Easterly a distance of 630.0 Fee~ to a point 66.49 <br />feet South of the South line of said Bel Air Addition; thence running Nor~herly and <br />parallel to the East line of said Section 10. a distance of 66.49 feet to the place of <br />beginning excepting a certain tract as shovn in ~~arranty Deed recorded in Book 176, <br />Page 87. <br /> <br />of die Sinh ~ McricIiaD. .............. ill aD <br /> <br />aacs iICaIfdiDa to Oo'lanment sunq: <br /> <br />T. a..e .. T. ..... die prcmisa abcwe cIesaibed, _ida aI'Ilhe ~ lhmualo bcIaa&iq aDd iDthIdiDa .a 1IaIiq. <br />....... .... ...... rm- ad ~ BOW m bcrafter auadled to m ..... iD ~00a ..ida Slid mil alate tWo die ~kNt- <br />, ad to its SUIlI:ISIlIn ad IIIIips. fORWl'. The ~ 'Cp(~ to,. &lid CO'I'aIIIIIIItiwida. tbt ~ tbIt tbt Mort- <br />..... -1Dod riabt to .. ad CXlII1'q aid ..--.. tUl _ Ee free f.- ~ aDd .,. die Not~ 1riD 'OIRDt aDd <br />cIef..s die _.... die Infal claims of ... penGGI ~. ucI the _ Modpreoc-IIadJJ ~ .a riaks of <br />b r.~_. .... a1l1Ulita1 riPb. citber ill Ia. m ill eqaitJ. ud .. odIU CC--I""'C iI<<aats of die Mortpaor- ill ud to die ~ <br />...... ..--. Ibe iala:dioa .,.. to CllIIIftJ bc:RbF all abIoaule tide. iD fee.tiltpk. ~ aD riIIds of bomatead,. aDd other <br />...... ad iDteresIs . afClRSllill. <br />........ AIn:rI. aDd thae praeD1S &Ie aetUlecl ad deIi1aed IlpCIIl the follawiaa ~. to wia: <br />The ~ ..... to ~ Ibe ~ m order. tile ~ _ of Fort)" Four Thousand One Hundred <br />Fifteen and nollOO ----------.----------_____________DOIIUS (S 44,115.00 ). <br />wiIb iaIenst en. elate at the rate or Eleven pel' aullIIIl ( D I .0 ..) pel' IlDDWD on the <br />UIIIlUl ~ UIltiI paid.. The said priDcipaI ad iDtaest smB be ~ at the off'_ of 'The Equitable Building and <br />Loan Associati,on. <br />iD Grand I s land, Nebraska . m 11 sarh other pIaoe IS the boIckr of the lICte <br />.., daipate ill -'riIiIIa. ill mclIDlhIy "-.umen', of Four Hundred Tvent)" and 12/100 ______________________ <br />--------------_DOUarS ($420.12 ). ~ OIl the f"1l$l cia)' of January <br />19 sa . aDd OIl the flint cia)' of adllDODth thmafta' Wlli1 tbe priDripaJ and imlcrest are run, aUt. e3.cqIt that the f"maI PQmalt of <br />priDcijpal aDd iDIcrat. if DOt _ paid. shaJJ be due and payable OIl &be f"1ISt cia)' of necemoor . <br />20 17 ; aU &cICIllrdiq to the tenDS of . certain promjssocy DOle of nm dale berewilh aeaJled by the said MOItp&Ot. <br /> <br />ThIa form Is U8ed In connection with mortgIgM Insured Qndef the OM- to four.fwly ~ of the N.lioNII Housing Act wNch pco- <br />vide for periodic Mortglge InsInnce PremIum ~ta. <br />Prerious Edltlonll ~ Obsolete - HUO-ft,.. p.M EdNM) <br />~ , of 4 24 CFR 203..l7lb) <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />,,-,-_... <br /> <br />-.J <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />, <br />...' <br /> <br />~ <br />
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