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<br />87- 10'7370
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<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds 01 any award or claim lor damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking 01 the Property. or part thereol, or lor conveyance In lieu 01 condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender,
<br />In the event 01 a tota,l taking ollhe Property. the proceeds shall be applied to Ihe sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust, w:ith
<br />the excess, il any. paid 10 Borrower. In Ihe event 01 a partial laking 01 the Property. unless Borrower and Lender otherwIse
<br />agree in writing.lhere shall be applied to Ihe sums secured by this Deed oITruslsuch proportion 01 the proceeds as IS equal 10
<br />Ihal proportion which the amount 01 the sums securP.d by this Deed 01 Trust immediately prior to the date 01 taking bears to the
<br />lair markel value 01 the property immediately prior 10 the dale 01 laking. with the balance 01 the proceeds paid 10 Borrower.
<br />IIlhe Property is abandoned by Borrower. or il. alter notice by Lender 10 B/}rrower Ihat the condemnor oilers 10 make an
<br />award or settle a claim lor damages. Borrower lails to respond to Lender within 30 days alter Ihe date such notice IS mailed,
<br />Lender is aulhorized to collecl and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either 10 resloralion or repair 01 the Property or to
<br />Ihe sums secured by Ihis Deed 01 Trusl .
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower olherwise agree in writing. any such applicalion 01 proceeds to principal shall nol exlend or
<br />postpone Ihe due date ollhe monthly installments relerred to 'll paragraphs 1 and 2 hereol or change the amount 01 such
<br />Installments,
<br />10. Bonower Not Released. Extension olthe tIme lor payment or mo(hhcation 01 amortIzation 01 the sums secured by this
<br />Deed 01 Trust granted by Lender to any successor In mterest 01 Borrower shall not operate 10 release. in any manner, the
<br />liability 01 the onginal Borrower and Borrower's successors Interesl Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings
<br />against such successor or reluse to extend lime lor payment or otherwise modity amortization 01 the sums secured by this
<br />Deed 01 Trust by r<>ason 01 any dem"nd made by the ,,:og,na! &>'T{)wer <lr>!! BoPoWeT'S successors in interest
<br />11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any lorbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law. shall not be a waiver 01 or preclude the exercise 01 any such right or remedy. The
<br />procurement 01 insurance olthe payment 01 taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver 01 Lender's right to
<br />accelerate Ihe maturity 01 the indebtedness secured by thIS Deed 01 Trusl
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative All remedies prOVided 10 this Deed 01 Trust are distinct and cumutative to any other nght or
<br />remedy under this Deed 01 Trust or allorded by law or eqUIty. and may be exerCIsed concurrently. independently or
<br />successi~'ely.
<br />13. Suc:c:essors and Assigns Bound: Joint and ~Nal Liability: Capl:ions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall bind. and the rights hereunder shall inure to. the respecfu.-e successors and assigns 01 Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the prov.sions 01 paragraph 17 hereol Ail covenants and agreements 01 Borrower shaH be joint and several. The
<br />caplions and headings 01 the paragraphs 01 thIs Deed 0' Trust are lor conven'ooce only and are not 10 be used 10 interpret or
<br />define the provisions hereof.
<br />1... Notice. Ex'ceptlor any nOllce reqUired under applIcable law 10 be given 10 another manner. (a) any notice to Borrower
<br />prOVIded lor in this Deed 01 Trust snail be gIVen by maIling such nollceby cerblied mad addressed to Borrower at the Property
<br />Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and (b) any noli<:e to
<br />lender shall be gillen by certlhed mall. return recEIpt reQuesled,to LendEf"saddress stated herein or to such oJhef' address as
<br />Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as prOVIded herein, Any noliceprovided lor in this Deed ofTrusl shall be deemed
<br />to have been gIVen to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designaled herein,
<br />15. Uniform Deed 01 Trust: Governing Law; Severability. The lorm of deed of trust combines uniform covenants lor
<br />nallonal use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by lunsdiction to conslilule a uniform security IOstrumenl
<br />covenng real property. ThIS Deed "I Trust shall be governed by the taw 01 the jurisdiction in which the Property is Ioca,\e(j, In
<br />the evenl that any prOVISIon or clause 01 thiS Deed 01 Trust or the trote conflicts with applIcable law. such conflicl shall not
<br />alleclother provislonsol th.s Deed 01 Trust or the Nl)te which can be given effect wd:hout the conflIcting prO\'isions.. and to thIS
<br />end the proVlSmns ollhe Deed of Trust and the NO'le are dectared to be severable,
<br />1&. Borrowfl's Copy. Bl)rrower shall be lurnlshed a conlormed copy 01 the Note and oIth.s Deed 01 Trust at the bme 01
<br />execullon or alter recordation hereol
<br />17. T ranster 01 the Property: Alf.amption. 1\ all or any part of tile property or an mtefest !herem IS so3d or transferred by
<br />Borrower WIthout !Lender's poor wntten consent. exch>>dlng (a) thec~~.P.l a lien Ol,encumbrance subordlOale to thIS Deed
<br />01 Trust. (bl the creatIOn 01 a purchase money secunly IOteres1fori1ll)u~ appbances. lcl a transfer by deYi.<;edescent or by
<br />operaf.r..n of !3voJ !!I~o-" the~e=~ ~~? ~nt ~~a'l":'~'" ~1j}thQ S!2~! ~~ a~}"~E"3~?'!d ~!ef~t~tN"ee~arsCf' &.?S~ o~~ta~~"
<br />opllon 10 purchase. Lender may, at Lender"s option. dec1areallthe sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust to be immedialely due
<br />and payable, Lender shall have waIved such option to accelerate if. poor 10 the sale or "ansler. Lender and the petSOO \;)
<br />whom tile Proper1!y IS to be sold or translerred reach agreement 10 wnbng that the cred.t ot such person is satisfactory to
<br />Lender and that the mterest payable on the sums secured bythlS Deed 01 Trust shall beat such rate as Lender shall.equeslll
<br />Lender has waIved the ophon 10 accelerate prOVIDed I!\ thIS paragraph 17. and if Borro...."el.s Successol' in mlerest has
<br />executed a wnlten assumpt.on agreement accepted m ""rol,ng by Lende<. Lender shall release Borro...."elfrom all obIigalJons
<br />"nder thiS Deed 01 T ..ust and the NOle
<br />" Lender exer,c.ses such option 10 accelerate, Lender shall mall Borrower nobee 01 acc~erabOn an accordance WIth
<br />paragraph 14 hereof Such notIce shall provOtie a penodol not less than 30days from the date the notiCe IS mailed wrthm which
<br />Borrower may pay the sums declared due, II Borrower falls to pay such sums prIOr to the e1piralion 01 such period. Lender
<br />may. Without furth-e< notICe Of demand on Borro..'er. mvo"e any remed.es perl1llllted by paragraph 18 hefeof
<br />
<br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orroWN and lender Iurther covenanl and agqe as JoIows:
<br />
<br />18. Ac:celef'ation: Remedies. hcept as proVIded an paragraph 17 hereof. upon BorrO"'1!f's breach 01 any covenant or
<br />agreement 01 Boll ower an thiS Deed 01 T rusllOcI:JdlOg ttoe covenal1l'lS to pay when due any sums secured bythts Deed 01 Trust
<br />Lender prIor to acceleration stlall mall notIce to Borrower as pfO.'l{\et! on paragraph '4 hereof specllylng C 1 ) the breach 12) the
<br />actIon requned to cure suCh breach, (3) a date. not less than 30 days trom the date the nohce.s mailed to Borrower. by which
<br />such breach must be CUled, and C4)that tallure 10 curesuCll breach on or before the date specd'ed an the notice mat resulllO
<br />accelera\lon 01 the sums secured by th,s Deed 01 T rustand sale 01 the Property, The noltce shatllurther ,nlorm Borrowef otthe
<br />light to rem state alter acceleratIon and the light to bnng a court aebon to assert the non.ex.stence 01 a default or any other
<br />delense 01 Borrower to acceleraloon and sale lithe breach.s not cured on Of belore the date spec.hed an the nollce.lender at
<br />Lender's oplion may declare all 01 the sums secured by 1l11S Deed 01 TrllStto be nnme(hately due and payable WIthout further
<br />demand and may IOvoke the power 01 sale and any oltler remed.es perm.tted by applicable law Lender shall be ent,tled to
<br />collect all reasonable costs and expenses Incurred in pursumg the remed.es proVIded 10 thepalagraph 18. IOcludlOg. but nol
<br />hmlted to. reasonable anomey's lees
<br />" the power 01 sale IS lOvoked, T ruslee shall record a nO'l,ce 01 delaull In each county lO whIch the Ploperty or some part
<br />thereol.s located and shall mall cOples 01 such notice 10 the manner prescnbed by applicable law 10 Borrower and to the olher
<br />persons prescllboei! by applicable law Alter the lapse 01 such t,me as may be requlled by applicable la.... Truslee shall g.ve
<br />puuill. nOllce 01 sait: 10 tne persOl... ana 10 tf\e manner prescnl>t:d b~ aPl>"cat>;e law, irustee. "".mout den\3no on Borrow",.
<br />shall sell the Property at publIC auctIOn to the hIQheSI bidder at the bme and place and under the terms dESIgnated 10 the nobce
<br />ot sale III one or more parcels and III such order as Trustee may delermone Trustee may postpone sale 01 all or any parcel 01
<br />Ihe Property by publiC announcemenl at the time and place 01 allY plevlou~y scheduled sale lender or lender's deSIgnee
<br />may purchase the Property at any sale,
<br />Upon receipt 01 payment 01 the prICe bid, Trustee shall dehver to the pUlchaser Trustee s deed conveymg'he Property sold
<br />The recllals to the T rustee's deed shall be puma tacle evidence 01 the trlllh 01 the statements made therem Trustee shall apply
<br />Ihe PfOCeedS 01 the sale In the 101l0wlllg order (allo ;lll reasonable coslS and expenses 01 the sale. mcludlng. but nol limIted to.
<br />T rustee's lees 01 not more than _ __ _ _ % 01 the gross sale pllce reasonable attorney's lees and costs 01 tllle eVidence.
<br />,bl to all sums secured by tillS Deed 01 Trust. and Ict the excess ,I any to the person or ""rsons legally entItled thereto
<br />1'. Bonower's Right 10 Reinstate. NotwIthstandIng lender s acceleratIon ot the sums secwed by tillS Deed 01 Trust.
<br />Bollower shall have the IIghl to have any proceedings begun by lender 10 entorce Ihe Deed 01 Trust dlsconllnued al any tome
<br />pllor 10 Ihe earher 10 OCcur 011') the tohh day before Ihe sale ollhe Property pursuant to the power 01 sale conlalned In the Deed
<br />01 Trust 1111 entry 01 a ludgment enlorClflg Ih.s Deed 01 Trust II (at Bollower pays lender all sums which would I:>e lhen due
<br />under thiS Deed 01 Trust, the Note and note.. secullng Fulure Advances It any Ilaa no acceleraboo OCCUled IhI RoIIOW"I
<br />cures all breaches 01 any othel covenanls or agleemenls 01 Borrower contalOt"o ", tt.,.. need 01 Trust ICI BoIIO",,,1 pays all
<br />leas.:Joable expenses '''CUlled h\ tN'del and Truslee enlorr;109tN!eoy,'nant~a"d allr....'T'.~t" "I BoIIDwel con:,I'neo 11111"..
<br />Deed 01 T'l/st .\1\(1 In en1orCll1g l enoe' Sand T ruslee S remedIes as prOVIded In paragraph 18 hele"l ,nCloO"'9 th,' nol 1101,1.'0
<br />10 leawnab!e attorneys lees and (rJl BOllowertakes such atllon as lender may leasonah'. I('Qll'Il'IO a~SIl'" III 111...' lien 01
<br />UH~ ON~ of 1 ttJ~t lend(-f '\ Intere\! in the Property and Borrow,-., 3 ol/oh9~1tof' to DaY ttH~~ 'ums ~t"\.,,'e...1 t,y tt\l~ (h',o" 0' 1 Just
<br />....h,tU (_oo"nu~ ",.."mpal'ed Upun ~lich paymenl and cure by Borrow...., _thiS Deed ot t fUS! tH\i1 H'!' 'h't'l;ttl\H'''' ...p\ \I'f'd ht,'fPh.
<br />'..i.l!llt~(h.tlfl In IU1i '~}t( to ;1'1(1 t'ft~.C' a~ 1\ 1\0 accl'l...ra'I()n had O{ Cuffed
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