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<br />107348
<br />.ltnolU ~U '-tn Ill' t!tfJt~t tlrt'tnt~, Thai, Whu<<u. In an adion in 1M Dwid Court of 1M
<br />F: 1 ev~~1::!::..__..Judicial Dutrid of 1M Stak oj Ne.rq,Ma. wUhin andJor the County of.m___._~~.~.!:.___.______.. tMoein
<br />City ~L.~~~:m<!...l..~l~_~~, Nebra~ka ,~__r-1l!!l..!~~pal Corporation ---J>lainliJ!- and
<br />First Cause of Action;Donald R. Waterman, Katherine R. Waterman, ~1 -,C:--~s'
<br />-.:--___..__________________________._____._____ -.-.---~__~JmU(Uu....:::'-
<br />attheJanuary 1st Term. A. D.I9-]'70Jsaid~_ty'_Q.f Grand Island,Nebraska
<br />did obtain a tlunejinding ihal /hue u dueJronL'?.9E.~}~~-"-_~~a t~.~.~_._and Ka ther :!-ne .~~_!!~~~~~~
<br />10 Ci~~_ of G.~~E.~_~~.!-.~~d ,N.~brasJ:~_____.___.~-. ._.m_ thenun
<br />oj One Tho~~Q. NiI}~_.R!!!!Q.!:~LEighty _Seye!l_and .2.~LIQQ....L$..l, 987. 96J____._.dolhU...
<br />
<br />and emU oJ..uit tar~d oL...______._._._.._._._._. . ._._________--<lol1ar.r. and. ~ it uw Ihm and /hue
<br />Jurlhe ortInd in thuaid adion ihal in <kJoulL oj t~ paymml oj the..run ~fOll1ld due by the said....!?9na1d R. Waterm.~~.___
<br />and Kathe:r-ine R. ~vaterman thn1 EnInett C'm Arnett ._.___________
<br />
<br />Shoiff oj said County 01_______ Ha 1 ~_._._________. s1-.ould cause the lands and lenemmJs 1-,oyu.oJlcr dncriW 10 be
<br />
<br />adurli.rtd and $Old a.crording to law to pay the rome. and. "krro.r. tUfaull hm-ing beuJ made tlunin. t~ roUL.____._.__._._.u_.u
<br />
<br />.___._______m_.__.~_e_t.!:_~~_.~J1e!:!:u__.u___._________. S!.aiff of said roun1y. undu and by rirlue of lhe roid dnne and
<br />
<br />1M ordoof sale to him dnly dim;fM. did on the.__._._~~t:.-h__u___nm_._._ __.~. of_.9~.!:()_~.~r_.___....A. D. 19!}_?'
<br />
<br />at the_!.9"'~:r._.J_Ql?J:?y _jffiY>L'4i&r of the Cr>unly Cr>urllfow.c in t}"'.___~j.J;y___-of_~r and Island
<br />
<br />in wid Cr>unlyof.__.__l!a IJ,_.__._______.._. __...__.. J.=ingjjnl girvld=and liogal ndiDe oflk time and p/a<<of mid rok
<br />G- d Isla d D'l Independent
<br />by pul1iroJion on<< in ro<:h UOffk for JOl/r $lu<<".i,1{' mvh in Ihr n___~.~_. n a 1. y . a llett:i'papi'I' p"inttd ond in gmnul
<br />t:ireulalion in eaid Cr>unty of___._.____!I,<2.!l~_ . un. ____ ._. u1l mid pnmisn at publi<: audiDn to The ______
<br />B..?nk ___2f...QQ!!!p_ha!1..I.pQ!lj.phan ,Nebraska__Iortknm..:!. Fifty Thousand and 00LI00
<br />
<br />($ 5 <2.t..Q.Q.Q..!.Q.iQl__n_..__._._._____. d~r$, uhich sale rro.r aI/nvord at ~~.LTmn of mid rourl.
<br />
<br />A. D.. 1987 amnintd and ronfirmtd and the.ra~ E!mlet~_Arn~:t.t_._n_n___._'cch ShtrifJ. ~
<br />
<br />to ronrey the.raid prll'mim inJu ..imple to the eaid.~~nk _Q! Donipha!!,_Doniphan L!.~lg:_<!.~.k~_____._
<br />
<br />j}obJ Wbrrdort, J. the .raid _____ _______~lI!'!~.tt_~L.t\_!'!Let L___._________.m_' Shaiff of the County of
<br />
<br />Ha 11_._______._____.<U oI~.!;Oid. in rorui<Woiion ../ t.~ pnmiet:.. QI',d liy ri.~ of the ptJUli'n.w.d in me by "- and lk
<br />decree of.!;Oid rourl, do herOOy Give, Gn:ml and CJo.n.rey to the .!;O"'--'l'!ieh.!!~nk EL!?oniphan, Don!E!!.~.!.l._Lh_._._
<br />
<br />....B..~br a~.i!.__.._______._....___.______.~ __......kir.. and a.ui;Ju.IM~.. so as aI_...id mid. to ",it:
<br />Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter(NE~SE~) of
<br />_____.___________________~_4__.._________~________~__~___~__.___ _____________~____._____.__
<br />Se~!=.i<>.!l___.!~ LTmmshiPH}}nl'Q!'t!!.r_1tan~...!Q Ne.~LQ.~._!.I!.~_~.!:I!._~_'~"lH' Ha!.L.
<br />C~~.~~Y_'._~~ilJ_r.,<2.~ka L~J:~Piir~_!:.<:'tl.~~r 1 y descr ibe~__~l:>m.!~!!.()~-ls:__~()mme_n~ i 119. _n
<br />~ t___.~_.~~.!.r:'~!~.~.~.?__~.~~t . sou t}:,_o!__~he ..no!_t:!~.~~~t:5.c:>!._~~E._?~~.:l.i~. n(}~_~!1easi::..
<br />.9.ua_J;:.t.~!:..<:I!ni:Jl~._sQ.t!.t_h~<is.!:g\J__<!!:ter of said sec:~i.QI!L.tJ!~!lC;.~_~-l~~.t _f.9!:_<i. _.._
<br />d is !.:l.Ilce(}~n?~~.",~, feet,.. ~~~~_Il.9..n!_I.t_~~ce_. so~th _!~r_ _a._.9~~.~~Il.c~ _?f., }_~~ ~..~_ ._
<br />!ee.!:~.!.unn.il19.u.t:l1~!1~~ .e.~.?t_..!=?.r:..._an_~.~stance of 290. O.!~~t:.~.u_a_Jl.9. rUI1.Jl.i.!l:9:.__
<br />thence north for a distance of 150.2 feet to the place of beginning,
<br />__~_._..__ . _. _ ._.. _ ._..___.___________.___.____._n______~______.'_.___._______..n.. ____ . .. ___.____ .__
<br />~j ~~!u..t()_ one -hal f~f t!l~...~~~..Jl!}'..2.~~_<:l _ut:~ th~_~~~ t:..9~.._.s.<i_i.(]_PE~'n.~.l:>~?....._
<br />
<br />____._.___..__..._.........._m_....n....._..__.______.._.....u......_._._.u. __.._..... .. u.U'ilh the oppurlulan<<...
<br />~O Jlabe anb to Jlolb tbe &ame untothe."i<Lu'!'.t:~_~aIlJ.c.~!.__I~O'~_~1>~~~, .
<br />DOE.!ph~I1.!__.~~_l?r ask.:l...._n__m___n__._. hir.. and a.uignJ. and to ihnn and /kil' ....., and bthoof fOln'<".
<br />In ~e~timonp Wbereof, I m-. 01 tuda Slwiff. harwaio.rd "'J' hand thiL_...... 29th. .....nu_..day of
<br />__y_~~.~~.!?~.r:.nh_..m ...__...14. D..19!}7 ~7 . /'
<br />~~.3..L'::::;Cl..Fl~.'i;L..L.-..,._d,:.!-...:::'l4I.?t-..........h....h..._.
<br />
<br />EuaMtd and <kliund in the prutnce oj
<br />R. L. {'1illiams
<br />
<br />S,.....riiJ of_.__l!~luL____..___.___m. .....Counly. Nthtada.
<br />
<br />CooWy oJ.~~.~~::.....EBRA.~~~...m._n....... }"' On thu_. 29th day 01.. .P'~5;~P.1~~'!:"h
<br />f9._~7.. beJon~. the undmignm.___.q,~.cl.g_er L. \'li 11 i ams
<br />
<br />in andlor ."id counIy. pi'uonally appAUWl the .aid .. .. .'_.. .. . ...u_....
<br />
<br />,,____._n.. ..[:~~.t:..t:h.c;_..ul\r:.D~.t:.t:...u.._..____u...n... _...______..8huiff Q/ said County,
<br />10 me purolloUy klWlCn '0'" lht idmJirol ptrlOn ".00 .ig.w tk fOl'tgOing instrumenl a.f gronlor. and
<br />~ cu/uv:nl'ltdgffllh. .amt 10 be IliI rolUlI/ary 0</ and dred, a.f ..uh .huiil. Jor the IUtS and pur~u
<br />Uatrein ulft>rth. ,
<br />
<br />~~ my hand and "~f{~~?t.~ :!':~?:~?1f~~r~L............__._..,
<br />
<br />
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