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<br />87- 107331
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<br />MORTGAGE WAN NO. L ?4Q74
<br />
<br />KNOW AlLMb"N BY mE.SE PRESENTS: That Bruce M. Francisco, Jr, and Dorothy R. Francisco, each
<br />in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Mortgagor. whether one or more, in oonsideotion of the sum of
<br />Sixteen Thousand Nine Hundred and no/IOO ------------------------------------------OOLLARS
<br />
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mo~. upon 169 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certmcate No. L 24974 , do hereby grant, COII\'ey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foDowing
<br />desaibed real estate, situated in HaD County, Nebmb:
<br />
<br />Lot Two (2) Block Four (4), Koehler Place, an Addition to the city of Grand Island, Hall
<br />
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />(OFther with all the (enements. hereditaments and appwtenances thereunto bdoI:iging, inct.Jding atl2ched floor ooterings. aD windcw screens,
<br />window shades. blinds. storm windows. zwnings. beating, ail e<>nditioning,and plumbing and wateHquipmentand ac>oessories thereto. pumps. strnes,
<br />refri8eotOls. and other r.xtures and <quipment now or hereafter attached to or used in oonnedion with said real estate.
<br />
<br />And whereas the said mortg380r has ayecd and does hereby 3gI<< tlut the mortp:gor sJull and will pay all taxes and asstt'me11ts Ieried or
<br />auessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage :and the bond secured thereby before the same WB borome delinquent; to furrWh appnned
<br />insumK:e upon the buildings on said premiseSsitU3ted in the sumofS 16,900.00 payable to said ASSOCIATIo.'l and to detiwr (0 said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and nol to commit or permit any "'~e on or about said premises;
<br />
<br />In case of default in the perfOl1IWlce of any of the lerms and conditions of this mortgage or the hood xaued hereby. the Il1llItppe shall.
<br />on demand, be mtitled 10 immediate pouession of the mortg:tg(d premises and lhe IDOItp&Or hereby amps, tnnsfers and sets 0'" to the
<br />Il1llItppe all the rents, re\lmtJes and inoome to be demoOO from the RIO/t~ premiSles dwing such time as the lIlOI1l;ItF indebtedness shall remain
<br />unpaid; and the ~ WII hae the pmo-er 10 appoint any "ll<<It or ~ts it nuy cleme for the plIIpOSI: of repairin& said premises and m1tin&
<br />the same and coIIecling the rents, re-renues and income, and it may pay oul of said income aD expenses of repairinc said pcaniIcs and necesary
<br />c:ommissions and expenses incurred in renting md ~ the same and of coIIecling renuJs therefrom; the baIaooe ~. if any. 10 be
<br />applied toward tbe disdwge of said rnor1gafle indebledness; thelle ri8hts of lhe IDOItpgee may be exercised at any time dmiD& the e~ of mch
<br />default. irrespective of any lemporuy waM-.r of lhe same.
<br />
<br />1besc i're>lCnts, homover, are upon tbe Condition, Th.It if thc said MortgagoJ Wll ....ply sbd loan 00 01 befon: the maturity of said shun by
<br />plyment; ply monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specUJed in the Bond secured heRby as inlerest and priDcipaloosaidloan.ODOIbefon:
<br />the Twentielh day of each and ewery monlh, until said loan ;. fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments kried ~ said premises and 00 this Mcma.
<br />
<br />and the Bond xaued theleby, before delinquency; rumish appro"'" insurance upon the buildiIJp tbetwn in the rom of S 16.900.00 payaNe
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money b)' it paid for sudt taxes. assessments and insuance ~ith interest al
<br />the maximum legal rate thrroon from dale of paymenl all of which MortP8'>> bereby ~ to pay; permit 00 v:asle 011. said premilz:s; keep and comply
<br />
<br />with all the ageements:and conditions of the Bond for S 16.900.00 tbis day giwm by the said Mortgq:o< 10 said ASSOCIATION. and oomply
<br />with all the requitements of the Constilution and By-L:a...'S of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents WII become nuD and wid. otbe....... \bey
<br />shall remain in full force and may be foreclosed at the option of lhe said ASSOCIATION after failwe for three monl.ln to make any of said
<br />payments or be throe monlhs in atre:ars in making said monthly payments. or to keep and comply with the apeements and conditions of said Bood;
<br />and Mortpgor ~ 10 haw a reoei\'tl appointed fOlth...ith in such fotedosute ~ings.
<br />
<br />If there is :any ~ in o....~tship of the real estate mortgaged bettin. by sale or olbenrise. lben the entire remaining indebtednesa beteby
<br />secured shall. althe option of The Equitable BuiIdingand tom Asmciation ofGtand IWnd.Ndn:a3b.become immediately due and payable without
<br />further notice. and the amount remaining due under said bond. and any other bond for any OOditiooal zdnDoes made thcretmdcr. shall, from the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest althe Inaximum legal me, and this I1lQftpge may then be foredoted to sarmy the amount due 00 said
<br />hood,and any other bond for additional adnn<:e$.logcther with all sums plid by said The I-:quitable Building and Loan Association ofGtand Isbnd,
<br />Nebrasb fOl insurance, taxes and :assessments. and abstracting extension~. ...;th intelest tbercoo. from dale of pa)'DJenl al the maximum
<br />IepI ote.
<br />
<br />As pro\'ided in the Bond secured helcb)'. while Ihis mortpge remains in effect the mort~ may hereafter ad\uce additional sums to the
<br />llIlIkelS of said Bond. Iheir assigns 01 successolS in interest. which sums shaIJ be within lhe 1tCurily of tbis mortgage the s:unc as the funds originally
<br />secured tbereby, the 1<>lal amounl of princip3l debt 0<>110 noeed al any time the original amount of this mort&l8t.
<br />
<br />A. 0.. 19 87
<br />
<br />, Ihe undersWled.J NQ.lafY Public in and for said Counly. pel30naIIycame
<br />Bruce M, Francisco, Jr. and Dorothy R. Franc1sco, each 1n h1S
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other, who are personally known to
<br />
<br />me to be tbe i<knlical pcru," s whose name s are atlixNJ 10 the above u.strumeol as ffiOllgagOlS and they sevenl1y
<br />
<br />adtnowledflcd tbe said instrumenl 10 be the i r mlunlary .ct and deed.
<br />WlTNI'SS my hand and Noluial Seallhe dale arOle..id.
<br />
<br />My Cummmion expires / /. ,;".S'. ,r/
<br />
<br />Dated this lJ~~ day of /~ Deceirber
<br />
<br />~~l~
<br />. ruce '.;.a,' .co, . L.~ ' ~
<br />
<br />Dorothy . Francisco
<br />
<br />COUN1Y OF HALl {
<br />
<br />On Ibis
<br />
<br />23rd
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />..7a2ll1l1
<br />
<br />__ .--Itttt"....
<br />2'.:s. .., CoM. fq. IItf. 25, 1.
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />Decerrber
<br />
<br />19 87 . before me.
<br />
<br />"7
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<br />. _L' ,~.Jlrl(..Jl~~__u.____
<br />NOlary Puhlic
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