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<br />87- <br /> <br />107294 <br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />If Lender required mOrlgage insurance as a condirion of making rhe loan securw by rhis Securiry In- <br />srrumem. Borrower shall pay rhe premiums required 10 maimain rhe insurance in effecr umil such rime as a requiremem for <br />rhe insurance rerminares in accordance wirh Borrower's and Lemkr's wrinen agreemem or applicablt. law, <br />8. Inspection, lender or irs agem may makt' re3$onable elllries upon and inspenions of rhe ProperlY, Lender shall <br />gi\'e: Borrower norice ar rhe rime of or prior 10 an ins(X"Crion specifying reasonable cause for rhe inspecrion, <br />9. Condemnation, The proceeds of .IIlY award or claim for d.llnages. direcr or consequemial. in connenion wirh an}' <br />condemnation or mher raking of any parr of rhe Properry.or for conveyance in lieu of nllldemnarion, ,\Ie hereby assigned and <br />shall be paid 10 lender. <br />In rhe e\'em of a IOtalraking of rhe Properly, rhe procec.Js shall be applied ro the SUIllS securc.J by rhis Sl:t.'lllit}, <br />Insrrumem. wherheror nlllrhen due. wirh an)' <:XCl:SS pa"j to Borrower. In rheevem of a parlialraking of rh<: Properry. unless <br />Borrower and Lender orherwise agree in Wilting. the sums SI-cUR.J by this St.'curiry hlsrrumelll slulloc' R.JUCC.J b}'rhe amoum <br />of rhe proceeds multiplied b}' the followlIlg ir.Krion: (a I rhe uHal amoum of thc' SUIllS scrurc-d immeJiarely before wking. <br />Ji\.ided by (bl the fair marke, \'alue of rile" Properry immc...liately before the taking, Any b.llance slull be paid ro Borrower. <br />,If rhe Properr)' is abandoned by' Borrow<:r, or if. after notice by lender (() Borrower thar the nmdemnor offers tu make' <br />an award or seltle a claim for damages,lIorrowc'r fails (() respond to Lender wirllin:;lI days .Ifter the rile nlllice is given. <br />Lender is authorized tu collen and appl}' thc' pn><:ec'ds,,1t its option. eirher hi restor,ltion or repair of the ProperlY or wrhe <br />sums serured by this Security' Inslrllmelll. Whl'lhl'f or not then due, <br />Unless Lender and Borrower othl'rwls<: agrc't.. in writing. any application oi pron,.eJs 10 principal ~I~all not extend or <br />posrpone the due date of the momhly paymellls referred tu in paragraphs I an<12 or c1unge the amount"f sllch po1pn<!nts, <br />10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance Br Lender Not a \'\;'aiver. Extension oi the lime ::"ir payment Ill' <br />modification of amorlization of the sums sc't.'llfe.1 by this St.-curity Instrumem gr.Imc...1 by l.ender tu an}' sll~(essor in !nteres! "f <br />Borrower shall not operate tu release the liability of t he original Borrower or Borrower's sun:essllrs in imerest. !.enJc'r sh.llI <br />not be required tucommence pnKeedings againsl .lIly successor in imerc'st or refuse toc'xtend time ior poipnem or otherwise <br />modify amortization of the sums securc.J b}'lhis S,-curity Instrunwm b}' reason of any demand made b}'lheoriginal Bmf<lwer <br />or Borrower's successors in imeresl, Any foroc'..r allle by Lender in exercising any right or renwJy shall not be' a \"..i\'er of or <br />preclude the exercise oi an}' right or remedy, <br />I L Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Se\'eral Liability: Co-signers, The COH'nams amI agcc-emenls oi Ihis <br />St.xurity Instrumem shall bind and oc'ndit the su<<eS,,,rs an,1 assigns oi Lender .lIull\orrower. subjen w the provisions of <br />paragraph 17, Uorrower's HIH',untS .IIl.l agcc-ements shall be joim and '<'\l'fal, Any nllrr,)\\er who u"Si,>:llS this St.'nuit}, <br />Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a I "co"igning this Se..'Ullt}'lnstrument onl)' to mortgage. grant andnuwey that <br />Burrower's interest in Ihe Property under tlw lerms of this s..:curity Instrument; \bl is not personally obligatc...1 to pay tile" <br />sums secured by this St.'t.'Uril}' Instrument; and \<:1 agrees tlut Lender and any other Borrower may agrc-e III eXleml, mo<.liiy. <br />forbear or make any accommudatillns with rq~aHI "' Ihe terms of this St....'Urity Instrunll'nt or the l':ote without Ihal <br />Borrower's consent, <br />12. Loan Charges. If Ihe loan SC'OIfC-d by this SIc...'Uril)' Instrument is subic'\t hI a law which sets maximum Ill,lIl <br />charges. and Ihat law is finall}' inll'rpretc-J so that tlw intecc'st or ,uher 10,lIl durges colk-CR.Jor woc'colk,:lc...1 in UlIlnl'ltillll <br />with the luan exceed the permitted limits. thc'n: <<a, .In}' such Illan charge shalloc' rl...lllcc.J by the ,lInllunt nl'\e55ar}' III rl...llIlc' <br />the charge 10 Ihe permitted limil: and (b) ,Ill)' smlls alrl'ady Ollk.:rc.J iwm Uorrower which c'xcl't.,kJ permittC'<llimits will lx' <br />refundl.J to Borrower.l.ender may dUXlse ... nuke this n'fllnd b)' Ic.Jucing Ihe principal owc.J undc'r thc' Nluc' or by' making.1 <br />direct papnent III Borrower. If a refund rl.Juces pllncop.ll. the n-Jultion willoc' t[eatc...1 a,.1 partial prepaymc'nt wilhllur an}' <br />prepayment charge under the Note, <br />13, Legislation Affecting Lender's Rights. Ii eoanment or expiration of appliColblt'law, ha, tI\l' dfc'\l of rendc'ring <br />any pro\'ision of Ihe Notl' or this 51'(.urit)' Inslruml'nt unc'nforceable acn1nling III it, terms, h'ndc'r. at itsllplion. nuy requirl' <br />immwiate p.lyment in full llf all sums S('t.'lUI.J by' Ihis Sc-curilY Instrumem and may 1Il\'oke' any remc.Jies pelmittl...1 by <br />paragraph 1<), If h'nder exercises this ol'liun. Lender ,halluke the sleps spl-cified in the scxond paragraph oi paragraph 17, <br />H. Notices, Any no\ic(' III l\orrower pf<lvidc.J for in Ih;, Sc-curity Instrulllent shall be gi\'en b}' deli\'ering it ur by <br />mailing it by first dass mail unless applil'able law requires useof .mother method,11R' notice shall oc.Jicc'Clc.J III Ihe Prupl:r1}' <br />Address or an}' other address Borrower designates by I\luice III l.ender. An}' noti((, III Lender shall be given by first class mail <br />to Lender's address sratc-d herein or an)' other address I.ender Jl's;gnates by' noticc' to Bmfllwc'r, An)' notice pfllvidc.J (llr in <br />Ihis Securit)' Instrument shall be deemed to han: been given 10 Burrowl'r or Lender when gi\'en as pnl\'ided in Ihis paragraph, <br />15, Governing Law; Severability,. This Security Instrument shall OC. gm'erlll...1 by fl...ln al law allll the I,IW o( Ihe <br />jurisdictioo in .....hich the Properly is Illca tc-d , In theen'm Ihat .Iny pr.."",on or dau,eoi th" St...urIlY IIl'truml'nt or I hI' Norl' <br />conflicts with applicable law. such nlllflicr shall not Jffc-ct Hlhl'r pHl\'IS"lIl~otllll' ~1't.lIriIY Insltument or r11C' Notc' which can <br />be gin'n effc-ct wilhout the l'IlIIflicring pHlvision TH tillS en,llhl" pHwi,io"s ullhi~ St.,"rity InStrllml'nt JIl<l tllC' Notc' .Ire: <br />declared 10 OC' se\'erable, <br />16, Borrower's COP)'. BorrHWI'r shalloc' gl\l'n Hne confutllu-d lOpy ..tthl' l':oll' and ..llhis Sl-curity Instrument, <br />17. Transfer of the ProperlY or a Beneficial Interesl in Borrtl\wr. Ii all or ..ny p.m ..f rile' ProJX'r1Y or ,my <br />interest in it is sold Hr transferred (Hr il a beneficial intl'rc'~t 1Il nHrrowl'r IS 'HI,I..r Ir ansfl'rrl-d ,md Bmltlwet is nHt ,I lutur," <br />person) .....ilhout Lender's prior Writll,n consent. Lender ma}', al lIs opllun. {("llllll' imllll-diate payment in iull Hf ,Ill sums <br />serurc-d b)' this Securil)'lnstrument, HHwe\'er,lhis Hplion shall not be l"Xl'I<lSl,<1 hy' I.l'ndc'r if exerci,e IS pruhihill...1 by,11 <br />law as of Ihe date HI this Security Instrument, <br />If Lender exercises this Hption,Lender shall gin: nor rower nOllceul '\(cder ,llIon Thc' nOlil'c' sh..1l pruvi,k',1 1'(:rio,lol <br />nOlless than ,:;0 days frum the date the nOlice isddin'redor maik...1 wllhin whi(h lImHlwer must par' all sums sl'\mc...1 by Ihi~ <br />Securit), Instrumem, If norrower fails 10 pay Ihese sums prior 10 Ihe eXl'lraliun of Ihis Ix'rioJ, Ll'n,kr nul' im'okl' .m}' <br />rl'nu...lies permiltc-d by this $ccuril)' Instrument without further not in' or d,'man<1 on n..rru'H'r <br />lit Borrower"s RiKht 10 Reinstate. If Borrower meers l('rt.lln cunditluns, I\orrmn't slull ha\'(' the righl 10 h,l\'(' <br />enforcement uf this Se(:urit), Instrullll"nt c.lis((uuinuC:tl at ..lny tinll" priur to the ('.Iflier 01 t ,Il ') \bys lor sUlh luhl'f perIud .\S <br />applilable law ma)' specil}' for reinstalement) befOfl' sail' 01 the: I'rop<'II)' pili "I,U1I 10 .1Il)' powl'r ut ,..It- n>llI.lIlll,..11ll t hi, Sl" <br />('urit), In.s.nulnl'nt~ ur (b) {'nn)' of J. iudglllC:'nt l'nfun-ing this Sl....-uri.)' InSUUllll'llL Thust., "'-'HlltUIOlh .lft' tlUI BnUtl'\\Tr (.1 t <br />P,I)'S Lender all "Ims wludl then would he .tllC' lIndt'llhis 5ellllll)' InSlrllllll'1lI Jlhl thl' NutI' h,.,l n.. ,I<'<dl'ratlu.. OI.<UIII.'<1. Ill! <br />(Urt.~ ,lilY ..icralllt uf .Hl)' luher lun\"(.n;,lnt~ Of ~~rC:'l'I1\(:'n(S~ (l') p.1Y~ .lllex()(.'n"'l'~ Ith.nnl,i III t-'ntorlltlt-:. (hi~ Sl'HU ity In~tr\llnl'IH. <br />Indulj.n~. hut not lilnitnt tt.l. rt'.J,on.lblt:\fI1l"Y~' fet'~. .lIh.1 td \ (.Ikl'~ \\llh .ll (IInl .1" I xndt"1 l1uy rt...l,-\oll.lhl) n:~lll1rt. (P .1'- <br />'iotlrl' Ih.1I rhl" lien of Ihi, S('(UfUY In\IfUI1U'IU. 1.c.'lh_h:r', '-'gl\l~ In clw PtOpt'lt\ .lnd Hnn~)\\t'l ,nhll.c.llhtl\ hi Pil\" till" 'nll)\ <br />~l'nHl'J hy dll' S('c,.Uftf)' In\IIUIl)('IH ,h.llll0IUiIlU{' Uflth;l(1):.ed l!pOI\ (t'II\,r.tlt'IHl'IH h\ HUlhl\\U. d\l\ ~l'{llllf\ 111'((\lult'Tlt <br />Jfhl tin' t)hlt~JIIUll\ '('(lU('lllw(('hy ...11.l1I 1 ('I1I.tI II Inll)" etfn.H\T ;l' It fll) .I~(tk',tlhl!l iI.hi 'h,\\lllhi 111)\\l"\(.'I. rl\l.., !Icht III <br />U'lu,IJ((: ,lull nol .Ippl} II) ,hl'l.1\(: of .1(\ dt:LlI Ion oulin 1'.11,1):1.11''''' 1-\ (Ir ! <br /> <br /> <br />(, <br /> <br /> <br />/ <br />" <br /> <br />h, <br /> <br />[ <br />I <br /> <br />--3 <br />