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<br />insurance premIUms. ground rents, and all oilIer charges whatsoeve' levied upon or assessed, placed or made agalflst tile Trust
<br />Property, Trustor further agrees. upon written request by Beneficiary, to promptly deliver to BenefiCiary all receipts for the payment of
<br />such charges, Trustor likewise agrees to pay all taxes, assessments and other charges levied upon or assessed. placed or made
<br />against, or measured by, this Deed of Trust or the recordation hereol,
<br />5, Application of Payments, All payments received by Beneficiary as to any debt, liability or obligation owed to Beneficiary by Trustor
<br />may be applied by Beneficiary to the payment of the Indebtedness or to any such other debt. liabtlity or obligation. in any order or
<br />manner of application which Beneficiary. in its absolute discretion, deems appropriate, Unless otherwise elected by Beneficiary. any
<br />such payment shall be deemed applied first to the payment of any debt. liability or obligation other than the Note,
<br />6, Charges; Uens. Trustor will keep the Trust Property free from all liens and encumbrances which in any way may. in the judgment of
<br />Beneficiary, have priority over. or impair the security of. this Deed of Trust but Trustor need not discharge any such lien so fang as
<br />Trustor shall agree, in writing, to pay the obligation secured by such lien in a manner acceptable to Beneficiary and shall in good faith
<br />contest such lien by appropriate fegal proceedings effective to prevent the enforcement of the lien and the loss of any interest in or
<br />part of the Trust Property,
<br />7, Hazard fns.Jrance. Trustor shall keep the buildings and other improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Trust Property
<br />insured by insurance carriers satisfactory to Beneficiary against loss by fire, hazards included in the term "extended coverage" and
<br />such other hazards, casualties and contingencies as may be required by Beneficiary, in such amounts and for such periods as may be
<br />required by Beneficiary, The policy of insurance shall be in form acceptable to Beneficiary, provide that the same may not be
<br />cancelled or modified without fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Beneficiary, and shall have loss payable provisions in favor of and
<br />in form acceptable to Beneficiary, All premiums on msurance policies shall be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 4 hereof
<br />or, if not paid in such manner, by Trustor makmg payment at least fifteen (15) days prior to the due date. directly to the insurance
<br />carrier Beneficiary shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof and Trustor shall promptly furnish to Beneficiary all
<br />renewal notices and all paid premium receipts received by It In no event shall Beneficiary or Trustee be held responsible for failure to
<br />pay insurance premiums or for any loss or damage ansing out of a defect m any policy or ansmg out of any failure of any insurance
<br />company to pay for any loss or damage msured agamst or for failure by Trustor to effect the msurance required hereunder, In the event
<br />of loss, Trustor shall give prompt notice by mall to the insurance carrier and BenefiCIary, BenefiCiary may make proof of loss if not
<br />made promplly or in proper form by Trustor. All policies of insurance and any and all refunds of unearned premiums are hereby
<br />assigned to Beneficiary as additional SecUfity for the payment of the Indebtedness, In the event of Beneficiary's exercise of the pOlVer
<br />of sale contained herein, or in the event of foreclosure. all right. title and interest 01 Trustor m and to any insurance policy then in force
<br />shall pass to the purchaser at the trustee's sale or foreclosure sale, In case of any loss. the insurance proceeds may. at the option of
<br />Beneficiary, be applied by Beneficiary upon the Indebtedness. or any part thereof, and m such order and amount as Beneficiary may
<br />determine; or said insurance proceeds. at the option of BenefiCiary. may either be used m replacing or restoring the Trust Property
<br />partially or totally destroyed to a condition satisfactory to BenefiCIa'}'; or said msurance proceeds. or any portion thereof, may be
<br />released to Trustor, Unless Beneficiary and Trustor other\\'lse agree m I'mtmg, any such app/tcatlon of insurance proceeds shall not
<br />extend or postpone the due date of the Note. or any mstallmenls called for there'!!. or change the amount of such mstallments, If the
<br />Trust Property is acquired by Beneficiary pursuant to the exercise of tIle power of sale or other foreclosure. all nght. title and interest of
<br />Trustor in dnd to any msurance proceeds payable as a result of damage to the Trust Property pnor to the sale or acqUisition shall pass
<br />to Beneficiary and shall be appfied first to the costs and expenses, mcludmg a;torney fees, mcurred in collecting such proceeds. then
<br />in the manner and m the order prOVided herem
<br />
<br />8, Preservation and Mamtenance of Trust Property. T IUstor w,lI keep the bwfdings and other Improvements now or hereafter erected on
<br />the Trust Property m good repal( and condition and \\'111 not commit or permit waste, will not alter the des'gn or structural character
<br />constitutmg any bUlldmg now or hereafter erected on and constituting the Trust Property WIthout the prior written consent of
<br />Beneficiary, WIll not do any act or thmg whIch woutd unduly Impal( Of depreCIate the vatue of the Trust Property and Ivill not abandon
<br />the Trust Property, Trustor IV,'I not remove any fIxtures constituting the Trust Proper/}' unless the same are Immediatety replaced with
<br />like property subject to the /ten and secunty Interest of thIS Deed of Trust aod of at least equalvafue and utility, Trustor will comply with
<br />all present and futu'e ordmances. regulations and reqUirements of any gOl'emmental body which are applicable to the Trust Property
<br />and to the occupancy and use thereof If thIS Deed of Trust IS on a umt m a condomm:um 01 a planned umt del'elopment. Trustor shall
<br />perform all of Trustor's obligatIons unde' the declaratIOns Of covenants Clealmg or governmg the condominIUm or the planned umt
<br />development. the bylaws and regulatIons of the condommlum Of planned umt de\'elopment. and the constituent documents,
<br />
<br />9, Inspection. BenefiCIary or Its agents may, at all reasonable times, enter upon the Trust P'opert)' for the purpose of /flspec/lon,
<br />BenefiCiary shall have no duty to make such mspectlon and shall no! be Ilab!e to Trustor or to any person m possession If It makes aT
<br />fails to make any such inspection,
<br />
<br />10, Protection of Security. If Trustor falls 10 perform any of the covenants and agreements con tamed m thIS Deed of Trust. or /f any acbon
<br />or proceeding IS commenced which does or may adversely affect the Trust Property or the Imerest of Trustor or Beneficiary therein or
<br />the title of Trustor thereto. then BenefiCiary. at ItS optIon, may perform such convenants and ag,eements, make such appearances.
<br />defend agamst and investigate such action Of prrxeedmg and take such other action as BenefiCiary deems necessary 10 protect ItS
<br />interest includmg, but not flmlted to. disbursement of ,easonable attorney fees and entry upon the Trust Property to make repal(s, Any
<br />amounts disbursed by BenefiCIary pursuant to thIS paragraph 10, With mlerest thereon, shall constllute Indebtedness of Trustor
<br />secured by thIS Deed of Trust. Unless Trustor and BenefiCIary agree to other terms of payment. such amoums shall be payable upon
<br />nottce from Beneficiary to Trustor requestmg payment thereof, and shall bear Interest from the date of dIsbursement at the default rate.
<br />,f any. set forth m the Note. or othervllse at the highest rate permitted b)' law Nothmg contamed in thIS paragraph shall reqUire
<br />Benefic,ary to mcur any expense or take any aCllon hereunder TrustOf Irrevocabfy authonzes and empowers BenefiCiary to enter upon
<br />the Trust Property as Trustors agent and, m TrustOf's name or othem"lse to oerlorm any and all co\'enants and agreements to be
<br />perlolmed by Trustor as herem proVided Beneflclar)' shall. at ItS option, be subrogated to an}' encumbrance, /ten. claIm or demand
<br />and to all nghts and securities for the payment the,eof paId or discharged by Bene/tclary urrder the proVls:ons hereof and an)' such
<br />subrogation nghts shall be addItIonal and cumulative secun/)' fOI thIS Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />11, Condemnation, The proceeds of any awa,d 0' claIm for damages, d"ect or consequential, m connectIon With any condemnation or
<br />other taking of the Trust Property, or any pan the,eof, or for con"eyance If! beu of or m antlClpatlon of condemnation, are hereby
<br />assigned to and shall be paId to BenefIClaf')' Trustor WII/ Me and prosecute, m good fBlth and WIth due dlflgence. ItS claim for any such
<br />award or payment. and ,VIII cause the same to be collected and paid 10 BenefiCiary, and, should ,t fall to do so. TrustOllrrevocably
<br />authorizes and empowers BenefiCiary. m the name of Trustor or othem',se. to hie, prosecute. settle or compromise any such c/aml and
<br />to collect. receipt for and retam the proceeds, If the Trust Proper/}' /s abandoned by Trustor. or. after notice by BenefIciary to Trustor
<br />that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a claim for damages. Trustor falls to respond to BenefiCiary wilhm thIrty (30) days
<br />alter the date such notice 'S mailed, Beneflc,ary IS authcnzea to collect and appl}' (tIe p,oceeds ;n the manner IIldlcated herem, The
<br />proceeds of any award or claIm may, after deductmg all reasonable costs and expenses, mcludmg altomel' fees, which may hal'e
<br />been mcurred by BenefiCIary m the collection thereof, at the sole discretion of Beneflc/ary, be released to Trustor, applied to
<br />restoration of Trust Property. or app/ted to the payment of the Indebtedness Unless Beneflc/ary and Trustor other\\'lse agme m WfI/lng,
<br />any such application of proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date of the Note or the payment of any
<br />Iflstallments called for thereunder
<br />
<br />12 Trustor Not Released ExtenSIon of the r,me for payment or modIfication of any amort/zatlon of the Indebtedness granted by BenefICiary
<br />to any successor Ifl Interest of TrustOf shall not operate to release, Ifl any manner, the /tablllty of Trustor and Trustor s successors m
<br />.nterest, BenefIciary shall not be reqUired to commence proceedmgs agamst such successor or refuse to extend tIme for pal'ment or
<br />otherwise modIfy amOrtizatIon of the Indebtedness by reason of any demand made by TruSIor and Trustor s successors
<br />m Interest,
<br />13 Fmanelallnformatlon Upon requesl 01 Benef1C1ary, r'ustor Will prov'de to BenefiCIary, w,thlll nmety (901 days 01 the close of eacll/tscal
<br />year of Trustor, the consolidated balance sheet and statement of eammgs 01 r'uSlOr and any ana all guarantors or the Indebtedness
<br />secured hereby, If any, and WIll prOVIde and dellvel to BenefiCiary such other f",anoal mformatlOll and'" sllch mallnel as BelleflClal)'
<br />may reasonably request from Imle to time
<br />
<br />t4 Fmanclal Covenants In adcNI011 to any oCller flllanCtai cO"Imall/s 01 Truslo! mac1e ,11 a11y orhe! aqre!'ml?nt IIIst!lIl1lent or ,10clIment
<br />Trllsfor shall comply IVllll i/nc1 slla/l calise ,JII}' anc1 al/gllarantors 0' the Inde/)teej"ess secured ';erebl' te' compll' With, Of t1e III
<br />complIance With, the followmq flflanctai covenants t nus pafay'ap/l shal! not aop:, ., ':~O~'l"lnanfs an{1 r(lQU1/(l!'1lflnts .Jl(~ f)L1t SElf
<br />10lth !Jerel{! I
<br />
<br />15 Sct10duJe of I.eases ~J'lrtl!n ten r 10J da;'s atrPf C1pmiJfl!1 Trusr(y stl(lJi 'Uffll<;,!' ro HtlnefrCi,l'; d ,clo--'{)duif' \-t)f~!'I~){1 ri' (1\ 1ru~t\v :-t)rrir'C
<br />f011!) al1loasf~s of ttlf' Tn/sl Property' Of tiny porTIon tltorpo.' inclu(f/flfj,n netL" ':"-l]'-'P f"f' n,10',\ ,I "~f' "," ,!",\ '''.~\':(li;d''rSl i:t).s("l~h',"
<br />of the space ()o~c{jp!t)d f)y such tenijnt (1( :'C( Updflr till" '(-'nWI pa}'"at)f() '(l' ..t,,~.t, -;pw-'> .l'J(~ '".('~' .'hl" ,,',., ....-,." ," ,-1",~ ~(',. :;:'I(l'l.f, 1\ .t.,
<br />'O~lJ(-cr ro 5i1Lt1 fed'}e:; .1tlf] rendfl(!(";': d."" BeneflCJd'V ma,'f'd\O'1,-Jtl/y 'PQ.,I",'
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