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<br />
<br />" 2./-WARRANTY DEED
<br />
<br />Felton &- Wolf Company, Lincoln, Neb,.
<br />
<br />
<br />87-107233
<br />
<br />Frances A. Hitchler, Widow
<br />
<br />, herein callcd the grantor whether one or more,
<br />
<br />in consideration of Forty Five Thousand & No/lOa - - - - - - - -(45,OOO.Bgllars
<br />
<br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />Elmer ~. Rauert and Son (A partnership)
<br />
<br />herein called the grantec whcther one or morc, the following described real property in
<br />
<br />................................I;J.{!.l.l............................. County, Nebraska: A part of the South Half of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (S~NEt) of Section Thirty-One (31), Township Twelve
<br />(12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on
<br />the East line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S~NEt), said
<br />point also being on the North State Highway right of way line and being
<br />Ten (10.0) Feet North of the Southeast corner of said South Half of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (S~NE~); thence running Northerly along the East line
<br />of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S~NE~) a distance of One
<br />Thousand Two Hundred Ninety One and Seven Tenths (1,291. 7) Feet to a
<br />point that is Fifteen (15.0) Feet South of the Northeast corner of said
<br />South One Half of the Northeast Quarter (S~NE~); thence deflecting left
<br />90025'20" and running Westerly a distance of Three Hundred Eighteen &
<br />Fifteen Hundredths (318.15) Feet; thence deflecting left 28029' and run-
<br />ning Southwesterly a distance of Six Hundred Seventy Eight and Twenty Five
<br />Hundredths (678.25) Feet; thence deflecting right 28049' and running
<br />
<br />To havc and to hold thc above dcscribed premises together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br />and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantce and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantcc and with grantce '9 heirs and assigns
<br />that grantor is lawfully seised of said prcmises; that the.)' are irce from encumbrance
<br />
<br />no exceptions
<br />
<br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />
<br />Dated December 30,
<br />
<br />19 68.
<br />
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<br />:SIAlf:Me.iII1: A1i[....CliED
<br />................"........ ..............UEC..l.8..1981...........
<br />
<br />
<br />........................... .$...7..~...BV.....
<br />
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of .......Hh11........................................:
<br />
<br />Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personall~' came
<br />Frances A. Hitchler, Widow,
<br />
<br />, k.n,(rwnto me to be the identical perllon M-J"C!'ltOns who signcd thc foregoing instrument and acknowledged
<br />'. tM.~I~l!tjon thereof to he ltill, her ~.. ~H- voluntar.)' act und dced.
<br />
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