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<br /> <br />r <br /> <br />'EXIIIBIT "A II <br /> <br />87- 107208 <br /> <br />LIiG'\L III:SCRlrnON <br /> <br />" tract of'laild ,c:o"",rhlnll " put of th. ;I:orlh~"st Q<nrter of the l'orthu.t Q\,nrter (l-1I'. ~I:~.) _nd."pllrt of the !\orth"n.t <br />Quarter of the :>iorthc:utQuart... (N!!'. m"d of Sedlon '-"'e)ve (12), To.".hl,p tleven (11) !'orth, Range Nine (9) "est of .the <br />Mh r. ..." Iklll County, !lcbr:i~ka, ..nd aore p:trtlc:ulnly described a. follo...~: <br /> <br />8e,llnnl,. at.. 'llOlnt .on the nor:t.!' line of .-aId Sor th...e.t Qunrter ol the "orthrost ("Ii'. .l(f.'.), .oidpoi,nt being <br />Three Ibndred Slaty (360.0) ea.t of the,north.".t cornn ol thc,Sorth...est Qullrter ol the Northc:a.t QU3rter (Nl(~ <br />Sf:'.) nnd also beinll tl,enort~ast corner ol ..,ttenbrlnk Sul>cll\'ision, Iklll County, Nebn."": then.e N 90000' 00" Ii <br />("s~._ed, beulng) alon. _nd upon the north line or ....101 Sorth."n Qunrter ol the liorthea.t \).tart.,r (l-'W'. l-l,'.), a dhtllnce <br />ol lilne,lbndredFlfty- Three and liinety~T~... llundr.d'h. (953.9~) reet to a t.....oru)' point ...hich ....., ..tah1l .hed b)' tile <br />proionaotion of a Une froa property c:ornersutablisho.l and re<:orded as belna on the ..est line t'f snld lbrth....t <br />Q<.arter of the ~orthca.t Quarter (-XI~. :';'a)'" a .ur,'ey hy E. W, "eis., d"ted 'Harch 20. 1957 and rccordc.1 In Sur,'e)'Or'. <br />.ecord &>olr., So. 3. at rnae 14i, said tOlporary point belnll the north..ut corner ofo th.North.n.t Quarter of.. the Northens,t , <br />qunrter (NI~. "~d as Ind icated on sdd E. Ii. "eis. Survey; thence contlnulllf( N 9\1 00' 00" E alongnnd upon the north <br />line of 58ld Quurter of the North.:ast Q<,arter (SE!a 1'1;'.) a distanceol Ni nety-One ..nd Nrllety-Se\'en lIut\tlredths <br />(91.9!) feet; thence S 310 39' 43" " a distance of ,..'0 lIundred Eighty-One and EI~hty-Four'lIu1\dredth. (281.84) feet to' . <br />.. point that is Shty (60.0) fe,et west of ~ae:uured pcrl'.ndlculorl,. to the west line of .ald l'OJrthca.t Quarter of the <br />!;orthea.t Quarter ("'E'a NE"') ); thence S 00 511' 4;" !! Illona a lin.. Sht). (60.0) feet ...est ofa"d puaH" ..Ith. the <br />,1\ne of said Northeast Quar~er of th.. NOrt he"~t Quarter (M!'. l-l,',). a distllnce of 1\00 lIundred Seve" Ilnd Se,'enty-Nlne <br />Ibn.h'edths (207.'8) feet; thence 5 8So 10' 23" It. distance of 1\10 lIundred Sht)"-'I\."O "nd Shteen Ihmdndth. (262.16) <br />feetA thence K 00 58',12"" a distance (If One Itllldrcd I:lghty.'-"'o and Sht)"-Sc\'en lIundredths (182.67) feet; thence <br />5 62 01' 59"" . distanc.. of One lIundred Se,'Cnty-lhrec and lhlrty-Seven lIundredth. (173.37) leet: thence 'S.1:~ 5S' 56"'" <br />a distance of One lIundred :>Inet)'-Sh and Klnety-Six Ihl~drcdth. (196.96) leet: thence S 640 20' 59" " a distance of Fh'e <br />"lIundred "I"et)'-Fhe and Sev..nteen lI..ndredth. (59S.1:') fe..t; thence S 820 17' 20" " a distllnce of One Ihmdre" Sh and <br />Sixty-Four Ihmdrcdths ~IOlJ.64) feet tei'a point on the "est line of 5:1ld North..est Ql!arter of the I'orthrast QUllrter" ' , <br />(t.W', NI:'.): tht1\ce N (II 06'.30" II alona and upon the line of .aid North"est quITter ol the Northeast Q.",rter (l-'l('a <br />ti,,',),. dlsunc:e of 11\ree '''mdred lilnety-~e...n and S..venty-FI ve llundrodths (3?7. 7S) feet to the southwest corner of <br />said ,"",uc:nbrlnlr. Subdh'ision; thence N 90 00' OO"E along and upon the south line of ."id .1ettenbl'lnk Subdl\'lslon. a <br />, dlatance of Three I..,ndred Sixty (3f10.0) fc:ct to the 50uthe"5t corner of .aid Hettenbrlnlr. Sul>cllvislon; thence <br />N 01 06' 30" II "on a and upon the east line of said .'ett..nbrlnk Subdh'islon. a distance of lhrce lI,mdred and Hft)'-ho <br />I~ndredths (300~52) feet to the point of bc:alnning <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />:al:'" <br />.,;"-};,- <br />"-"._.~ <br />~l~ <br />t~ <br />I'~ <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />-.J <br /> <br /> <br />-=1- <br />