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<br />I <br /> <br />.', <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />87~107195 <br /> <br />.;,:>, ,. ;Y t} ;;.:. ADDITIONAL TERMS " '" <br /> <br />PREPA YME:"IT AND ACCRUAL OFTHE FINANCE CHARGE: hen though I do not have 10 pay Illore lhim the regularsl'heduled Illonthly paymen~. I have tlte right <br />10 r.repay the whole amount owing 10 you in full lit any lime or in pan from time 10 time. If the lending institullon 01 bank lhllt buys illY l'ontral't compules the finance charge <br />dally. I know my finance chllrge will be less if I make an early payment. ami il willbe higher if I pay late; 11Ibo 'ecognile thllt any ne,'essary lIdjustment to my tOlal finance <br />charge will be reflected in my final bill; I also know thaI the amounts shown onlhe reverse side for the Finance Charge. Total of Pay men IS. and Ihe Total SlIle Price lIree&1i- <br />mates based on the assumption tliat you will receive each of the payments exactly on its due date; and I know thaI there will be no refund if I prepay because there is nothing <br />to refund if I am charged on a dail\' basis.. If the lending instilution or bank does not compute the finance charge daily. and if I prepay the whol.e amount.:Y!Juwill refund <br />to me the unearned ponion of the finance charge (interest) by the accounting proredure known as the aCluarial method; and the amount of my rebate will be Iigured bnthe <br />sdleduled dates and amounts of my monthly payment and not on the actual dales and amounts of the prepayments that I pa)'to )'ou.1 know that a refund of less than $1.00 <br />\~ill not be made. <br /> <br />IMPORTANT. NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br /> <br />'(8) \'Ie as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NI$HESBUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANT.V OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY,SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). . <br /> <br />. ' (bl I have read. in detail.the ser.arate" I~. YEAR LIMITED \V ARRANTY" which: if made. accompanies this co'!tmct. It explai~s thecondi!iolls.and circumstan~es <br />m wh,chthe manufactured p,odUCIS Will be repaIred or replaced, I take nollce of the hnlltlltlons on the warranty. and I partlcula,ly recogmze that any unpiled warranty WhIch <br />ap!,lies 10 the gOOlls lasts only as long as the warranty or service contract. . <br />(c) I have read, in detail. ihe separate "LIMITED INST ALLA TIQ:-l \V ARRA:-lTY" which. if made. accompanies this contract. It explains the conilhions and cir- <br />cumstances in which the installation ofrhe siding will be redone. I take nolice of the limitations on the warranty. and I panicula,l)' recognize that any implied warranty wlHch <br />applies 10 l~e installation la~ts only as long as the warranty or se1'\'lce contract. <br />SPF.CIAI.~ORDF.R GOODS: I know that you have measured my hou,e and it"'pening' so'thal ~ou <,an make the prodUCISIO IiI my 'panicular house. I take notice thatlhe <br />goods that are manufaclured for my specific house probably will not iiI any other h(luses. allll unde, su<,h l'onditions. I know that I <,annot cancel this contract at any time <br />afterlhe period of time given to me. by law. in which tocanl'e!. Aflerlhatlegal period of lime . I know Ihatl haw the ,'bligationto pay you in full the amount owed. <br /> <br />OBUGA TlONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSl,RANCE AND MY REAL ESTATE: I. I promise 10 keep my house in good repair and to keep i.1 insllred for <br />at Ie.." 80Ck of its replacement value by buying a lire and exlended coverage in,urance policy, The insuralk:el'omp,my must be afPruved ,by y~u. and Ihe pol!9' mllst h'ave <br />a be!1eficiarydau,e 'vhich say's thaI you are 10 be paid if there is! loss, The insuranl'e company mu,l agre,.thatl~ will nol ,'anl'e mypohcy wuhout first lelh~g you. I au- <br />thonle the insurance companv to pay you dIrectly for any loss. , ou can choose to use thIS msuran,'e payment 10 euher repay any amounts I owe you or to repaIr my house. <br />I have lhe oplion of providing propenyinsurance through an existing policy or through a polil'Y independently' oblained and paid for by me. 2. I also promise that Iwill not <br />allow anyone else to place any liens on my real estale wilhoul yourwrillen pennission, ), I pmmise t" pay allta\Cs. a"essmel1lS and other charges ~n my real estate when <br />du~. 4. I pro,!,i~e 10 timely make ~II paymenls on my priorloans 'ecup.:~ bym~ real estate, I also p,onuse ,hat I will nol est~nd. renew (lrchange pnorloans wuhout your <br />wnllen pernllSSI(ln. 5, If I do notlllsure my house or lullillmy other obhgall(lnSlo my real e,tate. Ihen ~ou can do Ulo, me If you wan! (bul you do not have to). If you ~o <br />pay any of these obligations for me, 1 agree to pay YOli back on demand plus interesl at the highest law ful <'l\l1tr.l<'1 rat~ ofintere,t. Until I pay you back. !hese amounts Will <br />be added to mv debt 10 VOII which is secured,bv mv real eslale and hou", I know that It vou del'ld... h' bu,' m,uran,'e lor ml' that VOII do nol have 10 obtalll anv homeowner <br />orliability insurance, . . , .,' . <br /> <br />SAI.E OF MY HOllSE: I promise nollo sell. lease or give my house to anY(lne until 1 haw fully repaid my d...btto you, <br /> <br />DEFAULT: I wiil be in default under this contract if; <br />L I don't makeapayment when due: or <br />2. I break any promise I made to you in this contract: or <br />3. Something else hllJlPC'" which causes you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised: or <br />4, I default on any obligations for Which I am using my home as collateral: or <br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. if any. in it. <br /> <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to f"reclose the Mortgage I have given to )'OU and have my house sold to repay any amounts 1 owe you if I <br />am in default IIl!derth~ contract. Before my house is sold.. you will do everything that the law requires. If you hire an allomey to assist you to sell my house. or. to sue me. <br />or.lp ~ roh(rtg~Ts. I agree to pay you for your reasonable allomeys' fees and for other related expenses such as court costs. title searches and mane)' you expended <br />topioi:eAny ii&lse: If)'Qu are allowed tocolleet such amounts by law, <br /> <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to enforce any of the rightS under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or. v.:e can delay enfon:ing any of the rights <br />without losing them. We can also use any rights now or in the future given to us by law. . '" ~, <br /> <br />DELAYS: I kllOW that you will use your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing on my house. but I also understand that in some situations you may encounter <br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions. delays you have in obtaining materials. or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I understand that you \\ill <br />not beliable for such delays. <br /> <br />ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity. quality or perfonnance of the products. I understand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />and settled accordinll to the mediation-UJbitration program that may have developed in my communit)'. I also know that any deeision made by an UJbitrator(s) would be en. <br />tered in the court havmgjurisdiction over me and you, <br /> <br />SAI.VAGE VALUE: I know that the windows. woodwork. siding. brick and other materials Ihat have 10 be removed by you for this installation haye NO sah'age value, <br />\\!hen you remo\'e them. you can have them for whatever pUrpt"lse you want. <br />SPECIAL Sl11JATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of some of the products thaI )'ou sell. I understand that in special situations that rour Regional Office may have to review <br />and ~ this contract. I also understand that this sale occurred III my home and that you and I may not have had all the correct mfonnation important to this transaction <br />at ourfmgertips: 1 give you my consent to correct any obvious errors thaI may have occuned when the blanks in this contract were completed. <br />lNV ALlD PROVISIONS: If any provision ofthis contrac~ violates the law and is unenforceable. the rest of the contract will be valid. If any part of this contract requires <br />payment of more interest than the law pennits. then you will only have the right tocolleet from me the amount ofinterest which the law allows you to collect. <br /> <br />COMPLETENESS OFTHIS CONTRACT: This contract can only be changed if both you and I agree in writing. <br /> <br />The following notice brings to my aUention the rights that I have even when this contract is sold to a financial institution or a bank. and I should notice that the impor- <br />tance of this provision is stressed by its appearance in ten point. bold face t)'pe: 87-10 '719 5 <br /> <br />NOTICE <br /> <br /> <br />" ^l <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />, <br />r <br />h.. <br />