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<br />If Lender required morrgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security In-
<br />strument, Borrower shall pa)' the premiums required [U maintain the insurance in effeer until such time as a requirement for
<br />the insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's wriuen agreement or applicable law.
<br />8. Inspection. Lender or its ,lgent ma)' make reasonable emries upon and inspeerions of the Properry. Lender shall
<br />give Borrower nut ice at the time of or prior [0 an inspeerion specifying reasonable cause for the inspection,
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of an)' award or claim for damages, direer or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or uther taking of any parr of the Properr)',or for convepnce in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and
<br />shall be paid [0 Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Properry, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Senlrity
<br />Instrumem, whether or nut then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Propert)',unless
<br />Borrower and Lender utherwise agree in ,,'tiling, the sums secured b)' this Security Instrument shail be reduced b}' the amount
<br />of the proceeds muhiplied by the following fraction: (a) the [Otal amount of the sums secured immediately before taking,
<br />divided b}' (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned b)' Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender [0 Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within ,'>0 days after the date the nmice is given,
<br />Lender is authorized to coliect and appl)' the proceeds..1l its option. either to restora!ion or repair of the Property or to the
<br />sums secured by this Securit)' Instrument. whether or not then due,
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise .lgree in writing, any .lpplication of proceeds to principal shall nm extend or
<br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in p.lr.lgraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender NOt a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br />modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by l.ender to .lny successor in interest of
<br />Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower ur Borrower's successors in imerest.l.ender shall
<br />nm be required to commence proceedings .lgainst any successer in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise
<br />modify amortization of the sums secured b)' this Security Instrument by re.lson of any demand made by the original Borrower
<br />or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbear,Hlll' by Lend('r in exercislllg any right or remedy shall not be a w.liver of or
<br />preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />II. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers. The w\"enants and .lgreemems of this
<br />Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the suc<'essors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subjeer [0 the pmvisions of
<br />paragraph 17, Borrower's covenants and agreemellls shall be joint ,lIld several. Any Bormwer who co-signs this Security
<br />Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Se<'urit), Instrument onl)' to mortgage, gram and t'llOvey th,!!
<br />Borrower's interest in the Property under the tc'rms of this Security Instrument; (bl is nm personally oblig'Hed to p.IY the
<br />sums secured by this Security Instrument; and I. C I agrlX'S dut l.ender and any other Bornm er may ,Igree to extend. modify.
<br />forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of Ihis Secunty Instrumem or the Note without that
<br />Borrower's consent.
<br />12. Loan Charges, If the loan secured by tillS Senlrity Inslrument is subject to .1 law which sets maximum 10,111
<br />charges, and that law is finally illlerpreted so that the illlerest or other IO.ln charges coll(,cted ur to be cullected in cunneniun
<br />with the luan excel.d the ('ermilled Iimus, then: (.1) .lny such loan durge slull be reJuced by rill' allluulll necessary to reduce
<br />the charge tu the permit led hnm. and \ b I any sums already cullened from Borrower which eX('el-JeJ permitte..llimits will be
<br />refunded to Burrower. I.('nder Illa)' cho<lse to make this refund by reJucing the principal UWl-J under the Nme or by making a
<br />direct pa)'melll to Borruwl'r If a rdund rl-duces principal. the rc-ductiun will be tre.lted as a partial prepayment without any
<br />prepapnent chargc' under Ihe Note.
<br />U. Legislation Affecting Lender's Rights. If enanment or ('xpiration of applicable laws h.ls the effen of r('ndering
<br />an)' pru\"ision of lhe NUll' ut Ihis Security Instrumelll unenforceable accorJmg to its terms,l.ender, at i,s uptiun,may require
<br />immediate paymelll in full of all sums secured by rhis Se<'urity Instrument and may invoke .lny remedies pt'rmilled by
<br />paragraph I') If Lender <'xeh:ises this opliun, Lender shall take Ihe steps speofil-d in the seHlOd paragraph of p.lragraph 17,
<br />14. Notices. An}' nutice to Burrower prm'lded fur in lhis Sel.l.lrity Inslrulllelll slull Ix. given by delin.ring it or by
<br />mailing it by firsl class mad unless applicable law requlfes useof another methud, The nUl Ill' sh,llI be directed to the ProperlY
<br />Address or any other address Burrower designates b)' notice to Lender. Any noti('e to Lender shall Ix. given by first class mail
<br />to Lender's .lddress stated herein or an)' other address Lender designates by notlll' to Burrower. Any nUllce pro\'ided for in
<br />this Sl'Curity InslrUment shall be deemc-d to have been gi\'en to Burrower or Lender wlll'n gin'n as providc-d in this p.u.lgr.lph.
<br />I S. Governing Law; Severability, This SemrHY Instrument slull Ix. gon'tIll...1 by ft-der,11 I.lw ,ll1d the law of the
<br />jurisdictiun in which the Properly is located, In lhe event thaI .lny proVISion or dausc' of lhis Securily Instruml'lllor the Nute
<br />conflicts with .lpplic.lble law, such nll1flin shall not affen olher pwnsions of lhis Seumly Instrunll'nt or the NOll' which (.1\1
<br />be gi\'en effect wilhoU[ the conflining proviSion Tll Ihis end lhe pro\'ISions of Ihis Senlrily Instrumelll and th(' NOll' ,1ft.
<br />declared to be sC\'erable.
<br />16. Borrower's COP)'. Borrower shall be gl\'en one confurmed (Upy of the' Note .lnd of rim Security Inslrulllent
<br />17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If ,tll or any parl uf the Propc'ny or ,lilY
<br />illlerest in it is sold or lransferred (or If a bendicialuHeresl III Borrower is sold or lransferred and Burrower IS nOl a n.uural
<br />person) without l.ender's prior written consell!. Lender may, .II its opliun. requlfl' Immediate payment in full 01 all sums
<br />secured b}' this Security Instrumelll, Howe\"t:r, rillS option shall nUl be exernsed by I.l'nd('r if ex('ruw IS prohlbued hy feder,tI
<br />law as of lhe date of this Security Instrument.
<br />If Lender exercises Ihis option, Lender sh,tll gl\'e Burrower nul I(e uf alcderalion. The nut ice shall pronde ,I pl'rlod 01
<br />nut less lhan ,)Oda),s from lhe date lhe nOlice is d('livered ur mailed wuhin wlllch Borrower must pay all SUllIs sl'lured by lhis
<br />SecurilY Instruml'nl. If Burrower fails to pa)' thl'se sums prior to the' eXPlr.llion of lhls perll.d. I.endn may IIwoke .IIlY
<br />remedies permitted b}' this Sc:curlly InSlrUnWll! wllhllUI fUrl her nOlic'e or d('mand on Borrower
<br />18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrow<'r mel'ls cerr,lin olllJilions, lIorrow(.( sh,tllll.l\(' the fight to IJ.I\"e
<br />enforc(~lnenr of rhi5J Sc("urity Instrulllcnr JiStlHl1lllut:d .It ,lny (ilne prior hI the e~lrll(..r of 1.1 ~ ') lLIY, Cur sw.:h udler pt'nod ,1\
<br />appli<'able law may specify illr (einSl.llemelll) heloll' s,tle 01 rill' !'ropc'rry PU"",11ll to .1Il\" p"'H'r of s.d(' ulm,lIned In tillS ~t"
<br />curity Instrument. ur Ib) l'ntry of a IUd!:I11('IlIl"IlIOlUllg tillS Sl"nlllty Ill"rullwlH Tho'l" U Illdlt II illS ,lfe (h.1t Borrower ',II
<br />pars Ll'lldl'l a II stllns w 11Ith t hen would hc' due ulldc'f t h 's Sn lItlty I nst rUIllt"1H a lld the :-.; otl" Iud no ,'" l"ln ,It II Ill." \lH' t',!, ' h
<br />(llll'S ,Ill)' default 01 .!ny otll("r con \"l'n a III , lIr .Igtt,("I1lt'l1ls, !, I p.l)" .1I1expl'nses 1I1'"IIC'd In ullllt ling tills ~,.. U( II \ ""I'Ullll''':
<br />Inc..iudin~. but nor IllHHl'd fl_, rt.'.hUll.Ible .ltltJ(ltl'~' ftT\. .llld idi (.lk(':\ \ll\-h .l\thHl .1'\ !.('Ildt:r 111.1\ rl'''\(lIl.thh lequlIl (1'.1....
<br />surt" (h,ll Ihe l.el1 of tillS Senltlt)' lr"tfUI1IC'lIf. I ('lllkl , Ilgllls ,n till' "'''I'nll .llld HlIt 11I'\t., ,..bl>).:,III"" ,,, 1'", rhl' ,u""
<br />\<.'{tJt(",J by du, S{,l\Jrlly Ithtrllltll'lH ~h.tll (fIIlIUlll(' i.lIHh.lflJ:c.:d l'plP!1 (('U"l.lIt'lllUll h\' (\'}fll'\\er 'h,.... ~t'l..llflt\ In'IIUlllClll
<br />"'hi dw ohll,l.:.HIOf}\ \l'turt"d la'f('h)' ,hJII nOf)IJII) 11IIh (11<'<<.11\( ,1\" lI(l,Hu.kr.Hltll1 h.h~ .".llrH.-.i Hll\\l'\l'l. rill... tlchr :"
<br />rt"lfhIJ((: ,h.1I1 nlJl Jl'ph 111 rht" l.l'l' of .tllt'Ic'f.III"O lIf1d<, p.ll.i~~l.lph, ! ,\.,1 j'
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