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<br />.' <br /> <br />TRUST DEED <br /> <br />87-, 107114 <br /> <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered inlo Ihis <br /> <br />11th <br /> <br />day of Decpmbpr <br /> <br />.1982.- <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />by and between Gene R. Conley and Marla J. Conley, Truslor, and First American Title Insurance <br />Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants Company <br /> <br />. Truslee, <br /> <br />and ~"l""rit-y Pa~ifil" Fin'1ncia1 5eruices <br /> <br />, Beneficiary: <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That the Truslor does by these presenls granl. bargain and sell, convey and confinn wilh Power of Sale unto Ihe <br />Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvemenls. and fixtures of every kind now or hereafter erected or <br />placed on the real estate, situated in Hall County. in Ihe State of Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot 13 in Block 5 in Boggs and Hill's Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />and possession of said premises is now delivered unto said Trustee: <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe same. wilh all righlS. privileges, and appurlenances therelo belonging unlo Ihe Trustee. his execulors, <br />adminislralors. heirs, and assigns forever. And Ihe Truslor hereby expressly waives. releases. and relinquishes unlo the Truslee all right. <br />title. claim. interest. benefil, and eslale whalever. in and 10 Ihe above-described premises and each and every parL thereof. which is given <br />by or results from all laws of Ihe Slale of Nebraska perlaining 10 Ihe exemplion of homeslead. And Ihe Truslor covenants with the Truslee <br />that he will forever warranl and defend the tille 10 Ihe same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> <br />IN TRUST HOWEVER. for the following described purposes: To secure full and prompl performance of all the lerms and condi- <br />lions of thaI <br />o Revolving Loan Agreemenl of even dale herewilh (including particularly. bul not exclusively. prompt payment of all sums <br />which are or may become payable from lime to lime thereunder) and any eXlensions. renewals. modificalions or refinancings Ihereof, <br />which Revolving Loan Agreement obligales Beneficiary. subjecl 10 Ihe condilions sluted Iherein. 10 udvance 10 Trustor up to <br />$ , plus finance and olher charges, (or) <br />[] Nole of even dale herewilh. in Ihe principal sum of U.S. S 19.970.11 payable in monlhly inslallmenls of principal <br />and inleresl, wilh the balance of the indebledness. if not sooner paid. due and payable on 12/16/94 . 19_. <br /> <br />It is agreed by and between parties herelO Ihat until filing of NOlice of Defaull. Ihe Truslor shall: ( I ) p"y all presenl and fulure <br />taxes and assessments. general and special. against said property before Ihe same becomes delinquent or aClionable; (2) keep all improve- <br />ments erecled on Ihe land insured as may be required from lime 10 lime by beneficiary againsl loss by fire and other hazards. casualties <br />and contingencies, in such amounts and for such periods as are reasonable and may be required by beneficiary. and to keep all policies <br />of such insurance in force or elTecl upon Ihe properly herein described constantly assigned and delivered to beneficiary: (3) pay and <br />comply wilh all Ihe lerms and conditions of any lien. claim or indebledness Ihal may be senior 10 or lake precedence over Ihis Trust <br />Deed as soon as any such payment on or of such lien. claim or indebledness shall become due: and upon failure of Truslor 10 keep <br />any said agreements. beneficiary may pay such tax, pay for such insur.ll1ce or pay olT sach liens or claims or indebtedness as the case <br />may be. and Ihe money so expended. wilh inleresl al 9% per annum, shall be secured by Ihis Trust Deed. and Ihe Truslor agrees 10 repay <br />the same upon demand. and upon failure 10 do so the balance of the attached nole shall become immedialely due and payable al Ihe <br />oplion of Ihe beneficiary: (4) specifically confer upon Ihe Truslee Ihe power of sale as provided in Nebraska law: t5) retain possession <br />of the premises and collecl Ihe renlS and revenues Iherefrom. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Upon payment of all Ihe sums secured by this Trusl Deed. Ihe Beneficiary shall requesl Ihe Truslee 10 reconvey Ihe properly and <br />shall surrender this TruSl Deed and all noles evidencing indebledness secured by this Trusl Deed 10 Ihe Truslor. Truslee shall reconvey <br />the properly wilhoul warranty to Ihe person or persons legally entilled Iherelo: but if default be made in Ihe paymenl of said nole or <br />any parI thereof or any of Ihe inlerest Ihereon when due or in Ihe failhful performance of any or eilher of said agreements as aforesaid. <br />then the whole of said nole shall become due and be paid as hereinafter provided, and Ihis deed shall remain in force: Ihe Trustee or <br />his attorney may proceed to sell Ihe property in ils enlirely or in parcels al the oplion of Ihe Truslee hereinbefore described al public <br />auclion. 10 the highesl bidder, for cash. However, the power of sale herein conferred upon the Truslee shall nol be exercised unlil ( I ) <br />Ihe Trustee shall firsl file for record. in Ihe office of Ihe regisler of deeds of each Ctlunt) whe!1:in the trust pr.'pen) or some part or <br />parcel thereof is situaled. a notice of default. identifying the Trustee by stating Ihe names of the Trustor and names therein and giving <br />, the book and page where Ihe same is recorded, a descriplion of Ihe lrusl property. and containing a slatemenllhal a breach of an obligation <br />for which the lrusl property was conveyed as securilY has occurred, and setting forlh the nalure of such breach and of his election 10 <br />sell or cause 10 be sold such property 10 salisfy the obligation; and (2) after the lapse of nOl less than one month, Ihe TrUSlee shall give <br />nolke of sale as provided by Nebraska law. After nOlice of default and lapse of not less Ihan one monlh. the Truslee shall give written <br />notice of Ihe lime and place of sale parlicularly describing Ihe property 10 be sold by publicalion of such nOliee. al least five limes, <br />once a week for five consecutive weeks. the last publication 10 be at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior to the "lie. in 50l11e <br />newspaper having a general circulation in each counly in which Ihe property 10 be sold, or some part Ihereof. is silllaled. Upon such <br />sale, 'lhc Trustee, shall exeCUle and deliver a deed of conveyance of the property sold to the purchaser or pun:hasers Iherellf and any <br />slatement or recital of fact in such deed in relalion to the exercise of the power of sale and sale of the property descrihed Ihercin, IIlcluding <br />recitals concerning allY mailing, personal delivery ami publication of the notice of denllllt. any mailing amI lite publication and posling <br />of nolice of sale. and Ihc eonducl of sale; and such rcetlal shall eonslilule prima facie evidence of such c\llllpliann' :It,d conrlusi\'e evidence <br />thereof in famr of bona tide purchasers and elll'tllllbranccrs for value and wllhout nOllce, The Trustel' \ dl'l'd shall opl'rale to C()l1\'I'~ <br /> <br />?(.j t 10-0'281 Nf. <br /> <br />ORIGINAL <br /> <br />'" <br />-~~- <br /> <br />" <br />r <br /> <br /> <br />r--- <br /> <br />. <br />Ii <br />~ <br />"'" <br />$ <br /> <br />( <br />