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<br /> <br />Itnotu au _en bp 1Ebese ~tesents, Thai,fV='In!~?n9J~~utrictCourtOJ/he <br /> <br />E 1 ~~~~.~nmnmu.J udicial Du/rict oJ /he Slak oJ Ndmuka, within and Jor /he County oJ.u...u_muun..n~~.~.L._.____.._.m...m.m, whenin <br />__...~~.~1.~.~:f.....~.~n..~.a}}u._.I._.._~_~_!?!iT.u. and <br />Third Cause of Action~ Virginia Mae {vessels and . Wessels <br /> <br /> <br />al/he..._~~~.~~EX...~_~.~.U.h...umTerm. A. D. 19..n~_7 oJ /faid court....._~.~~.n...~:f...._~_f_m.~.~.~.~m..l.~~.eE~_~.~.~...m_...m'.mh'UU", <br />" . . Virginia Mae Wessels and Wessels <br />did ~m 0 d_findmg Ihal/here u <br />1o___~.~~!2.~y.....?_~....J:I.~.~.~.! the /fum <br />Ten Thousand Five Hundred Ninety and 56/100 ($10,590.56) <br />, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.___n_U__._~__....nh__U~.~.____.n..u~__._._._____..h____...___h.n.nuu....nn..._____u.u____._~.._..___.___....__~.__.____-~n__uu.h_______.h..__.________..n~hh.__nn.~.......u.~...__..~.___~_~.. <br /> <br />--. __n..__u____.___ .___ u.u---.--..---.Uh--_U~_____..h._n_.._.~uu._._.._~h.Uh~.h__U <br /> <br />and C08U oJ 8Uit taxed at..._. mm..m_...........m....._m....h . 00_ uhuhuu..._ uunnuummu_.. _n_m...._dollar/f. and. whef'ealf. iLlDOIf /hen and there <br />further ordued in the said aclion that in deJault oJ Ihe payment of Ihe cum sofound due by Ihe .aid__~~_~~_~_~_~.~...~~_~....~~.~.~_~.~_~_ <br />a nd .._~l~_:'.:;;.~.~_~_..._..__._.. ..,___._.........hooo__,___.....thal..._._.ooo____...E~.~_~.!:._,.c;.~.._..l!'::~.~~.~_!:.___m,.._....u_........._......__.... <br />Hall <br /> <br />Sherif! oJ /faid County 01-_h <br /> <br />nunmm_...._h..hmn.m. should cause the land8 and lenelT".enilf '",reinafler de.cribed [0 be <br /> <br />adverl~ed and laid according 10 law to pay [he same. and. whereos. deJault having been made Iherein. Ihe .aid.......................h...............h............ <br />Ermnett C. Arnett <br />_nn...__hhm..__._mh. _muhm__...hm__..mhh___mh_.m 00 n__ _00 ___h__' un 00_ 00__' Sherif! oJ /faid county. under and by virtue oJ Ihe said decree and <br /> <br />the order oJ sale to him duly directed, did on /hemu 8 thhun , , , Un u..ndO"J' of.--g~.~.<:>}:)_~E...h.mm__h._....h_....A. D. 19._8..?. <br /> <br />aLlluo_..Jg~".~J::mX()t>})y /ft1ftfd60r oJ the Counly Courlllou.\C ill Ihe --m~-;\--ty-mun...h_.._4hG)::.g_D._g.._..J..~J_9..DQm...h_._m.hh.. <br /> <br />in said County o1-m Uh_h"h_mu.~<;1_~ 1 00 _ ___unu____ . havingfir.1 given due and legal rwlice oJ the time and place oJ said sale <br /> <br />by publicalion onre in each week for four suemsi,'c Itwks in IIll'u.~~-~.I.:!-~.._.~_~_~.~D.~u._I?.~.~.~.yn.,~r:,~,~~~e~:;1.~,Pet-and in general <br /> <br />circulaiion in /faid Counly o1-.huuhm__uu.u__h__hffCl_~_~__.hm__mhu____ooou__m.._.._.____., /fell said premisell at public auction to.m.S:.~_:t::X..u?.~........ <br />!:!~.<:>9....~.~Y~E._~_.,,_r'1~.~J::~_~~.~________..,.__.,.__m..m__.h.__.._.__'..__h_______,. for the /fum 01-_n!.:J:y.~....T._b.~~_~.~.n:9....~~.~_Qgl!g.Q.... <br /> <br />..J.?..?..!..!?'.Q_~"~hg_!?.J _muuu""_"_h__m_U"h'h_..ooo_.__..doUar/f, which sale was aJlerward al/he...J.gJ1.'m..l.~.tuTerm oJ said court. <br /> <br />A. D., 19_?.!.. examined arul confirmed and the said.._mhJ;;!I:1ffl~.1:-..t_h'~".nuhl:"_!l~t.t_ such Sherif!. ordere.d <br />. ... . City of Wood River, Nebraska <br />to convey the /faid prem'U/f mJee /funple to a", saidn__hm_h.h_m_.____.._.__ooou_..._.m__m____u..nhu_u_..mmnm___.._h........hhUU...h......mm_......ooo_m.m.......u.. <br />.nOW ~brrrfort. I, the said ____..__m_.... Ermnet t c~.._~l:" m__"'hu'_"h"n' Sheriff oJ the County of <br /> <br /><;1.~_~___.....u..unoooooo_.....h.....mas aJore/faid. in consideration oJ the prem~c/f and by virtue oJ Ihe power/f l>esu,d in me by law and the <br />. . . City of Wood River, Nebraska. a <br />decree oJ /fald court. do hereby GIve. Grant and Convey to /he / <br /> <br />.--m!JX)..iQj.J;?gX...~_Q.:r.P.QXg.t.iQ_n..n...m.umm_.._u.....huum .___m'''h~and auigm. the premueIl /fO ClIf aJoresaid rold, to wit: <br /> <br />- -.'. - -. "_~n__ __"~~"_'__'" uu_nuU____....n_.._ _~..u ___0___.. ._h._._nu~hn.u..__n....h__ <br /> <br />.J=.~!:.~_h_:r".~_"'_~m_n(~).....~!2_?..u~~~_u ~.~}"m.~.~.c:>~_Jc.._.:~!l.____(}_g}_! n__?E_i._~_~!l_~~..h'I'().~m.c:> f Ho ad <br />...!-3.~.y..~E./hmf.I~_~.L_<::~_~~.t.y.l.f\1E:!br a s~_Cl u.nmu__ ._...mum_u ., um...._ <br />- NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />... mh - <br /> <br />._~m~ij:~~U~~_~_h--h- <br /> <br />uUh mm.. .uooom-"-oooDEG--l-Oooo1981-- <br />u:...:_...: ~.n~-~:t'!z;7-- ....._ <br /> <br />. -+-- 'h~__ ..... '_~'__"""n."""'''_'_'''h_ _._ _~.. on _n__~.nUh _.......Un__n..h. _._.. h_h_ _._._n........h _.u~._ <br /> <br />_..._.._.._.__.._....._.__Uhh_ ._..n.. - U. - _...00....._...... _. ............. _ _"h _ _.. U_"m m._. ..00.00_. _ nnh _.with the appurlenatll:e$. <br /> <br />~O Jlabt anb to "olb tbe as.ame unto /he $aid__ ..<;-~:t:Xu~_~_h{.J.~<:>.~__u.~~_Y..~E.!..~_~.!?! <br /> <br />--.-.-...m.unis;;ipal___s;;Q.rPQra.t.iQnm_m_____..__mm_______m_..~nd auigm. and to them and /heir uu and behooJ Jorever. <br />In ~elnimon!, lBbrrtof. I have. ClIf such Sherif!. luoreurUo ...t my hand th....m_h_mnh_.h..._~.tD____n.h nu.u___muday of <br />December 87 --- <br />_'__"'h'_'h_m'h"_ 00 ...u..uuu.....un. .num._uA. D., lL"h -(;;./7.r.k,~l:ldLU....__c:~_h_.r;;;!.k~.,.L"?Z._..........._. <br /> <br />E%<<uled and delivered in /he preunu oJ <br /> <br />Sluorif! oJ.....-uu_._m__~~}}_n..._mm.._.....CaWlty. NeblYUka. <br /> <br />R.L. vlil1 iams <br /> <br />~.___.._....uu....._~O........_....nu__hn~...__.._. .._ _. nh_~.n"_'''n_...u....__ <br /> <br />CauAIy oJ.~~~~~._~;a~~~R~.~~~.t_.m.._...__ _.. }.., On oJ.__.P'g~.e.mpgL.. m __..00........ <br /> <br />19-..?2.. beJore me, /he underlfig1le(L..~_<?9.9.~_r.....~...n~~:!:1JtCl_~~u.._......_......... <br /> <br />in and Jor said county, per80nally appeatYd /he said____.._ <br /> <br />m.....n u.u_...........E..~.~.!:_!:h..~.~..._~~~_<<=.~.!:..._........_...h_... .........Sherif! Q/ su,-Ii Coani)'. <br />La me persol1011y known to be the identirol perlan who 8igned the Joregoing inslrument fU {lMntor. and <br />he ackrww/edf1td the same to be h.... rolun/ary act and deed, a8 surh sherif!, Jor the 'ifft llnd pur~ <br />I/wnin ItLforth. <br /> <br />UMl =.r*.... · my hanJ~x;t~;;._._ __........_.__._ <br />If c-. -. ... 13, ,. <br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />..J <br />, <br />r <br />loo. <br />