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<br />.. <br /> <br />200701431 <br /> <br />/ <br />// <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 'IN <br /> <br />Part fir the West Half of the Northwest Quarter CWl/2 NWl/4) of Section Eight (8), in Township Nine <br />(9) North, :Range Nine (9) West of the Sbdb (6th) P.M., more particularly described as .follows: <br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter 0Nl/2 NWl/4) of <br />Section Eight (8), Township Nine (9) Range Nine (9); thence running Southerly along and upon the <br />Easterly line of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter 0Nl/2 NW1J4) a distance of Three Hundred <br />and Sh: Feet (3D6')i thence ruuning Westerly parallel to and Three Hundred ano Six Feet (306') <br />Southerl:v frnm the Northerly line of the West Ralf of the Nortbwest Quarter 0Nl/2 NWl/4) a distance <br />of Onelinndred Eighty Five (185') feeti thence running Northerly parallel to and One Hundred Eighty <br />FivJ: l.IIoot (185') Westerly from the Easterly line of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter 0Nl/2 <br />.NWlj"l):atlistance of Three Hundred Six Feet (306') to the Northerly line of the West Half of the <br />:~orthw~~fQnarter (W1/2 NW1j4)i thEncenmning Easterly along and npon the Northerly line of the <br />. ,,'iS~iil~1'Jit'oJlli1I"15f.;the'NorlhWest..Qnarter (Wl/2 NWlJ4) a distan~e of One Hundren Eighty Five (185') <br />,... .."feet:i~:j]}i:,;pliintmT'ilieffintiilJ,g,:~~ptmJ:'e~ordedinWarran1:y Deed r~corded in Book 77, at Page 35&, <br />\h1'W.arran1.Y :D~ed 'xecorded:lll:Book:E:i, .:afJla.:ge .:231 ,and Deed .ofRelingmshment recorded in Book 140, <br />;3f'P3ge3D!t.,inman(County~ 'Nebraska. <br /> <br />.,...<::..::",...,':,:.': <br />~:;,::/:",.::;.:;::::,:.'.:':'.,,:,;.;.L',: . <br /> <br /> <br />:.::;:~?: :..".', '~. ., '" <br /> <br />,. , ',.;,~"~,-.~".,, ,..': <br /> <br />":Ji;:>';;:I~:\L\,,\':,':::i:;\ ,'.;",:' <br />':;;:':-',::.\,':'.;,,;:'.. :,,/,;:.:,;..,..., <br /> <br />.!to::..O'..::.": <br />