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<br />,.",- <br /> <br />/~ <br /> <br />., <br />.r <br /> <br />,..."" <br /> <br />200701383 <br /> <br />2000046t3 <br /> <br />""9]- /() 9.; Y-/ <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />A trnet of lund cOlllln'lslnlJ part of Lots FIve (5) and Six (6) of Fractlonlll lJIock Seven (7) of Wlebe'll <br />Addition to the City of Grnnd Isllllld, Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly descrIbed 89 <br />fuII mvs: lIeginnlnlJ lit tile Northwcsterly corller of slIld Lot FIve (5); thcllce runnIng Northeasterly 810llg <br />the Nllrthwcstcl'ly /llle of suld Lots Five (5) IlIld Six (6), a dIstance of Seventy.'llvn nnd 1\vellty-Five <br />IIl1ndrcdthll (72.25) feet; thellce defIectlng right 118 degrees 45' 30"and runlling Soutllcrly 8 distance <br />of Sixly-Six and Seventy-Illve HUlldredths (66.75) feet; thence deflecting rIght 90 Degrees 00' und running <br />Westerly a dlstunce to One und FIve Tenths (1.5) feet; thence deflecting left 90 Degrees 00' and runnIng <br />Soulherly II distllllce of Six (6.0) feel; thence deflectillg Icn 90 Degl"l:es 00' und running Easterly n <br />distnnce of One and Five Tenths (1.5) feet; thence deflecting rIght 90 Oegrees 00' and runlllng SouUlerly <br />1\ distunce of Sixty Five and one hundredths (65,OJ) feet; Ulence deOectlng rIght 13 Degrees 32' and <br />running SouUnveslerly a dishlflee of nine und seventy Ove IlIImh'edths (9.75) feet to n point on the <br />Southwesterly line of Lot Five (5); thence I'unrling NorUlwestcrly ailing the Southwesterly Ulle of Lot FlYc <br />(5), II dlshancc of One Hundred 1\venty Seven und Ninety Five Hundredthl'l (127,95) feet to the point of <br />beg;nnlng. <br /> <br />..JL,. <br />