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<br />Leoal Description <br />A 'Irad 01 land comprising a pari of Ihe Norlh Half 01 Ihe Soulheasl Quarler <br />(NI/2SE1/4), of Seclion Fourleen {I 4), TowlIshlp [leven {II} Norlh, Range Ten <br />(l0) Wesl of Ihe 61h P.M., in Ihe Cily of Orand Island, Hall Counly, Nebraska, <br />more parllcularly described os follows: <br />Beginning 01 Ihe soulhwesl corner of Lol Sevenleen {I 7), Weslwood Park [lghlh <br />Subdivision, sold poinl also being On Ihe soulh line 01 sold Norlh Half of Ihe <br />Soulheasl Quarler (NI/2S[I/4); Ihence running weslerly along Ihe saulh line of <br />sold Norlh Half of Ihe Soulhoasl Quarler (NI/2SfI/4), on an Assumed Bearing of <br />N89'21'29"W, a dlslance of Seven Hundred F/fIy Six and Six Hundredlhs (756.06) <br />feel; Ihence running NOO'OO '39 "c, a dlslance of One Hundred Twenly Three and <br />Nine Hundredlhs (123.09) feel, 10 a poinl of curvalure; Ihence running <br />norlhweslerly along Ihe arC 01 a CUrve 10 Ihe lef! whose radius Is One Hundred <br />(l00.00) feel, Ihe long which bears N22'20 '08 "W, a long chord dlslance 01 Sevenly <br />Six and Four Hundredlhs (76.04) feel; Ihence running N44'40 '55 "W, a dlslaMe of <br />Twenly Four and Slxly Seven Hundredlhs (24.67) feel; Ihence running N45'19'05"E, <br />a dlslance of Sixly (60. 00) feel, 10 a poinl on a curve; Ihence running <br />soulheaslerly along Ihe arc of 0 curVe 10 Ihe lef! whose radius Is One HUlldred <br />(I 00. 00) feel, Ihe long chord 01 which bears S52'34 '39 "E, a long chord dlslance <br />01 Twenly Seven and Farly Seven Hundredlhs (27.47) feel; Ihence flInnlng <br />N26'42'/1 "E, a dlslance of One Hundred Sevenly Five and Farly Hundredlhs <br />(175.40) feel; Ihence running N44'40'55"W, a dislance of Two Hundred Th/rleen <br />and Slxly Four Hundredlhs (213.64) feel; IheMe running NOO'OO '39 "E, a dlslance <br />A C k now led gem e n.J of Six Hundred F/fIy Five and Forly One Hundredlhs (655.41} 1881, 10 Ihe soulhwesl <br />Slale 01 Nebrasko Corner 01 Lol Four (4), Weslwood Park Slxlh Subdivision; Ihence running <br />Counly 01 Hall ss ~ ~ ~""", S89'23'34"E, 0 dislance of One Hundred FIlly Five (l55.00) 1881, 10 Ihe soulheosl <br />On Ih~ day 0'- ~L____~ , 2007, before meJ:; .. . .J,.?J,-I..d~orner of Lol Four (4), Weslwood Park Slxlh Subdivision; Ihence running <br />o Nolary Public wilhin for soid Counly, personolly opp red RUDOLF F. PLATE N71'50'45''E, a dislance 01 Sixly One and Thirly Nine Hundredlhs (61.39) leel, 10 <br />and JEANNICC R. PLATE, husband and wife, and TIM C. PLATE, a single person, 10 Ihe soulhwesl corner of LalOne (I), Weslwood Park Sixlh Subdivision; Ihence <br />me personally kllown 10 be Ihe idenlical persons whose slgnalures are alf/xed running S89'23'34"E, a dislonce of One Hundred Farly Seven and Ughly Five <br />herelo, and Ihal each did acknowledge Ihe execulion Ihereof 10 be his or her Hundredlhs (14785) feel 10 Ihe soulheasl corner of Lol One (I) Weslwood Park <br />voluINnl~~/YT'Na;S'Sa~!H,"~e:Odr:' I h h I b 'b d d ff' d Slxlh SUbdiVision; Ihence' running SOO'OO'39"W, 0 dlslance 01 Fou~ Hundred Twenly <br />'-'-",~, ,.,., ,;,.,-". lave 6r6un 0 su SCrt (] my name an a JX6 my c' . T dlh (2 92') f Ih <br />official seal 01 Grand Island, Nebraska, on Ihe dale lasl above wrlllen. r our and Nmely wo Hundre s 4 4. ~ ~el, 10 e soulh.wesl co;ne; 0,; Lol <br />My commission eXpires//'l'l-~') Twenly (20), Weslwood Park Fourlh SubdivisIon; Ihence runnmg S8922 35 E, a <br />dlslonce 01 Four Hundred mly Four and Nlnely One Hundredlhs (454.91} leel, 10 <br />Ihe soulheasl corner of Lol Twenly Three (23), Weslwood Park Fourlh Subdivision; <br />Ihence running S29'45'51"W, a dislance of Two Hundred Sevenly Eighl and Ninely <br />One Hundredlhs (278.91} leel, 10 0 polnl 011 Ihe soulherly rlghl 01 way line of <br />Sandalwood Orlve; Ihence running S60'05 '38 "E, along Ihe soulherly righl of way <br />line 01 Sandalwood Drive, a dlslance 01 Thirly Five (35.oo) leel, 10 Ihe norlhwesl <br />corner of Lol One (I), Weslwood Park Ughlh Subdivision; Ihence running <br />S29'4I'38"W, a dislance alOne Hundred rilly Two alld Ninely Five Hundredlhs <br />(l52.95) feel, 10 Ihe soulhwesl comer of LalOne (I), Weslwood Park [lghlh <br />Subdivision; Ihence runnillg S60'I5 '00 "E, a dislance of One Hundred Sevenly Four <br />and Sevenly Ughl Hundredlhs (l74.78) feel, 10 a polnl on Ihe easlerly rl9hl of way <br />line of Fleelwood Road; Ihence running N29'56'50"E, along Ihe easlerly righl 01 <br />way line of Fleelwood Road, a dlslance 01 Thlrly Seven and [;ghly Two Hundredlhs <br />(37.82) f88I, 10 Ihe soulhwesl corner of Lol Twenly (20), Weslwood Park Eighlh <br />Subdivision; IheMe rUllning S60'13'46"E, a dlslance of One Hundred Sevenly Three <br />and Nlnely Six Hundredlhs {I 73. 96) leel, 10 Ihe soulheasl comer of Lol Twenly <br />(20), Weslwood Park Eighlh Subdivision; Ihence running S29'45'09"W, a dislance of <br />Two Hundred Ninefy Four and Ninely Hundredlhs (294.90) leel, 10 Ihe polnl 01 <br />beginning and conlalning 16.822 acres more or less. <br /> <br />200701:!OI <br /> <br />De.J!IcJLtLQJL <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Ihal, RUDOLF F. PLA TE and JCANNICC R. <br />PLATC, husband and wife, and TIM C. PLATC, 0 single person, being Ihe owners of <br />Ihe lalld described hereoll, have caused same 10 be surveyed, subdivided, plalled <br />and deslgnaled as WESTWOOD PARK TENTH SUBDIVISION', In Ihe Clly of Grand <br />Island, Nebraska, as shown on Ihe accompanying pial Ihereof, and do hereby <br />dedicale Ihe slreels as shown Ihereon 10 Ihe public for Iheir use forever, and Ihe <br />eosemenls os shown Ihereon lor Ihe localion, cons/rucllon and malnlenance of <br />public service ulilllies forever, lagelher wilh Ihe righl 01 ingress and egress Iherelo, <br />and hereby prahiblllng Ihe planling of lrees, bushes and shrubs, or placing olher <br />obslrucl/ons upon, over, along or undemealh Ihe surface 01 such easemenls; and <br />Ihal Ihe foregoing subdivision as mare parlicularly described in Ihe descripl/on <br />hereon os appears an Ihls pial is made wilh Ihe lree cansenl and in accordance <br />wilh Ihe desires 01 Ihe undersigned owners and proprlelars. <br />IN WITNES~!f~C:[oF, ~e tf'...e,. ~~:; our slgnalures herelo 01 Grand Island, <br />Nebrasko, Ihi friay 0 , 2007. <br /> <br /> <br />~~~ r::J~-- n -€-<v~.....t....-,afg~ <br />IlUfit'r.~ ----;teannlce R. Plale <br /> <br />~~. <br /> <br /> <br />Surveyor's Certificate <br />- I hereby cerllfy Ihol on Jonuory"J;-7007, I compleled an accurale survey of <br />'WESTWOOD PARK TENTH SUBDIVISION', in Ihe Cily of Orand Island, Nebraska, as <br />shown on Ihe accompanying pial Ihereaf; Ihal Ihe lois, blocks, slreels, avenues. <br />al/eys, parks, commons and olher grounds as cOlllained In said subdivision as <br />shown on Ihe accompanying pial Ihereof are well and accuralely slaked off and <br />marked; Ihal Iron markers were placed 01 all 101 corners; Ihal Ihe dimensions of <br />each 101 are as shawn 011 Ihe pial; Ihal each 101 bears ils awn number; and Ihal <br />sold survey was made wilh reference 10 known and recorded mOllumellls. <br /> <br /> <br />g--n~ ~ <br />Sarrelllrel, Reg, a~ Surveyor No. 578 <br /> <br />tJppr 0 yal_~ <br />Submllled 10 and approved by Ihe Regional Planning Commission 01 Hall Coullly, <br />Grand ISlan~~::-and ~he. VII!ages of Aida, COiro and Doniphan, Nebraska, <br /> <br />:a---::~"'-- _~/c;?L- <br />airman ~e <br /> <br />Ap1!J~ved and accepled by Ihe Clly of Grand Island, Nebraska, Ihis..J3t' of <br />_8&li.l<!.L'I--_' 2007. <br /> <br />L'l~'L7I"--..Ir~ <br />f Mayor <br /> <br />.'1CJ 9.g~~-4., <br />._.b(cl Clly er <br /> <br />{Seal} <br /> <br /> <br />TWOOD PARK TENTH SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />ROCKWCLl ANO ASSOC. I I C <br /> <br />ENCINEERING ~ SURYEYING <br /> <br />SM.I No. 2 Of 2 <br /> <br />GRANO ISlAND, NE8RASKA <br />