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<br />200700566 <br /> <br />Agreement and acknowledged the execution thereofto be his voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed on <br />behalf of the corporation. <br /> <br />WITNESS Iny hand and notarial seal the date above written. <br /> <br />GENERAl NOTARY. Sta\I Gi__ <br />YVONNE L. WRIGHT <br />My Comm. Exp. 30.2010 <br /> <br />/ " <br />-fI'/2Z:'/Ul/ <br />""...."'. ...'.',""--' ". <br />Notary ubi' <br />( . , <br /> <br /> <br />I lc(d~ <br />, .' ..,---- <br /> <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />A Municipal Corporation <br /> <br />~~~~,,,,.::'lx <br />.C::~-~ ..:~/\,;).f,'l) .\"~',~~ <br /> <br />,...... '~>......... """"""-. .-~~" <br />1..."../ ~'T .f;':JVI ...~\))~?f]1l4~ ..... "':"?: ':it. <br />j" --)." 1<"0 . <;) , <br />"J ~' : ',to <br />v,.) .. \~. ~~',:'\I- .~ ~,:""'''-) 0 . '. ],'/ <br />\;; ..~, ,,' :_.:1" ;, <br />\\ " \!J(c. lrI l'(,1'l. i"'; <br />.:\ ,III,. t o~. 1.- <br />\" -1';)-:\ ;fJo,- f:J <br />.~,,;}~ 1\,.: 1''''r'!~iII..~",l:ItI:I' I~ <br />"t.\:,,>. I. t I..) p ,~ C \~..\ ~, - <br />. '~.1~::~:~,~',;'. .,~ ~,J,:.:: :."'~':$_' <br />"'-"-.,._:~, <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />~~,~ ~ ~ <br />Margaret' . ornady, Mayor <br /> <br />Attest: <br /> <br />QcS\nL <tOU'h~ <br />RaNae Edwards, City Clcrk <br /> <br />ST A TE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> <br />Before me, a notary public, qualified in said County personally came Margaret Hornady, Mayor of the City of <br />Grand Island. Nebraska. a municipal corporation, known to rne to be such officer and the identical person who signed the <br />foregoing Subdivision Agrcemcnt and acknowledged that the foregoing signature was her voluntary act and deed <br />pursuant to Resolution 2()()T1~__ _9___. ancl that the City's coq)orate seal was thereto affixed by proper authority, <br /> <br />W ITN ESS my h",,1 ,md 00""'''' ",' 00 qtl/U/ a/: l' / t ,2007. <br /> <br /> <br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of N3 <br />SHERRY A. P <br />M~ Comm. Exp. April 9. 200B <br /> <br /> <br />- 6 - <br />