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<br />Loan No: 807172 <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />200700561 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />at the Note's mAturity. Tha Daad of Trust Alsa will Sf'Gurf' pAyrnant of thasa Amounts. The ri!lhts provided for in this paragraph shall be in <br />addition to Any othar ri(Jhts or nny rfHnadias to whiGh Landm rnAY hn antitlerl on aGGount af any defnult.. Any SUGh flGtian by Lender sll[111 <br />not be construed as curing the defflult so flS to bar Lendf'r frellTl any rr"'ITlf'dy tllflt it otherwise would hflve hfld. <br /> <br />WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The fallawing flr0visions rolflting ta oWlmrshifl of the Proflerty are a part af this Dned of Trust: <br /> <br />Title. Trustor wflrmnts thflt: (a) Trustor holds good and rnilrketnhle title of record to the Property in fea simflle, free and clA(lr of fill <br />linns nnd enGUmhmnGAS atlmr limn tllOsO sot forth in the Reill Proflerty description or in the Exisling Indebtedness section below or in <br />any title insurance flolicy, title report, or finnl titl" opini,.)[, issu"d in ffl\lor of, nnd AGGaflted by, Lender in c(HH1fwtion with this Deed of <br />Trust, and (b) Trustor has thA full riqht, power. find nUlhority ta exeGute And daliver this Deed of Trust to Lendor. <br /> <br />Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in tllf' IH'r"qrnph nbovp., Trustar WArrAnts and will forevAr defend the title to the Property <br />agilinst the lawful clilims of fill pArsons. In IhA Avent nny nGtian ar pnJGeedin(J is comrnenced that quostions Trustor's title or thA <br />interest ofl nmlAA or lendp.r under this Deed of Trust, Trustor shAll defend the nction m Trustar's eXflense. Trustor mfly bp. tlw <br />nominal pnrty in such proco!)fling, hut Lender shilll be entitled to flarticipate in the proceeding and to be represented in the flraGoedin(J <br />hy cOIHlsel of Lender's awn GhaiGo, and Trustar will deliver, or cause to be delivemd, ta Lender such instruments as LAIlClor may <br />roqUASt fram time to time ta flermit such participnlian. <br /> <br />Compliance With Laws. Trustor WArrAnts that the Praperty and Trustor's use of tho Proflerty camplies with nil existing AflflliGable <br />laws, ordinnnces, find mgulations of gavernmental authorities. <br /> <br />Survival of Promises. All prornisAS, A(jfAmnents, ilnd stiltements Trustor hfls rTlnde in this Deed of Trust shall survivo thA nxeGution <br />nnd delivery of this Deed of Trust, shllll bn continuing in nature and shall rAmnin in full forGe and effect until such timo as Borrower's <br />IndebtednAss is flllid in full. <br /> <br />EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The fallowing flravisions concerning Fxisting IndebtAdnnss are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> <br />Existing Lien. The liAn of this Doed of Trust securinq the Ind"htedness ITlny bA snr:onrJary and inferior to nn Axisting lien. Trustar <br />expressly covennnts nnd Agrees to flllY, or see to the [.lfIyrnent of, the Fxistinq Inrlebtedness and to prevAnt Any defilult on such <br />indAbtwlnoss, Any defAulT under the instruments evidencing sueh indAbterlness, or any default under any seGurity dacuments for such <br />indehtedness. <br /> <br />No ModificMion. Truslor shilll not enter into any ntJrP."m"nt with th<1 holder af IIny mortqaqe, deed of trust, or other security <br />il(JIeement which hilS priority over this l)oAd of Trust by whiGll thllt aweement is Illodified. nmended, extended, or renewed without <br />the flrior written conspnt of I "nder. Trllslor shnll noillH'r rnqunst nar ACGept illlY future advanGAS under any such security apreArnAnt <br />without thA prior writl"en cansent of Lender. <br /> <br />CONDEMNATION. The followinq provisions 'Alnling to GonrJnll1nAtian rraGeedings are a pMt of this DAArl af Trust: <br /> <br />Proceedings. If ilny flrOGeeding in r:fmd<1lnrwtion is filed, Tnlstor shall flromfltly notify Lenrler in writing, and Trustor shnll pramfltly <br />tllke SUGh stPfls ilS l'lilY he n"c"ssilry to dnfond 1Ilf) IlGtion nnd abtllin the award. Trustar mny be the nornill1l1 pFlfty in SUGh <br />proceAdinq, but l.ender shnll hA AntitlorJ ta flilrticipilte ill the proceedinq <1IHI to bp. rApresentecJ in the proceeding hy caunsel af its own <br />choice, and Trustor will dolivor or GIIUSO ta be delivered to Lender such iOSl.rlHT1Ants IInd documentation ns mAY hA mquested by <br />Lenrlor from time ta time ta flerrnit such fHlrticipntion. <br /> <br />Aflplication of Net Proceeds. If nil or nny flArt af tho Property is condelTHled by erninAnt rlamllin flroceedings or by nny flrOGof)c1ing or <br />purdlnsA in liALI af Gondmnnlltion, Lender rnay at its Alecl.inn require I.hnt nil or Any flortion of the net procP.P.rls af the aWArd be apfllied <br />to thA IndehtAdnAss ar thA roflllir or restoration of the Property. 'The not rroGAocls af the award shallrnenn II1A AWllrd alter pilyrnent of <br />all reasonable casts, expenses, nnd at.lornAYS' feos inGurred by Trustee or Lender in connection with the condemnation. <br /> <br />IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provisions rAlnting ta governmental <br />taxes, fees and Gharges are a flart of this Deed of Trust: <br /> <br />Current Taxes, Fees ilnd Chllrges. Uflon roquost by Lendor, Trustor shall executo slwh daGuments in addilion to this Deed af Trust <br />and tilke whfllever othp.r aGlian is requested by 1.,,,rH.IAr 1.0 porfeet nnd Gontinue Lender's lien on the Reill Property. Trustor shall <br />reimburse Lender for nil tnxAs, liS doscribed below, togAtber witb all AxpAnsos innlrred in recording, flArfeGting ar continuing this DAArJ <br />of Trust, inGluding without limitation all taxAS, fAos, rJoGumontllry stamps, ilnd other chnr!JAs for recordinq or reqistering this Deed of <br />Trust. <br /> <br />Taxes. The follawing shall corlstitute \.nxp.s to whiGh this sectian ilPplies: (1) a spp.cifiG tllX upon this type of Do()d of Trust or upon <br />all ar any flart of the Indebt.Adnoss sAGured by this Deed of Trust; (2) n Sflp.cifiG tax on Borrower whiGh Barrower is authori7ed or <br />required ta ded"';t fr(.lITl pflymonts an the Indebtedn"ss secured hy \.his typo of Deed of Trust; (3) II tAX on this type of Deed of Trust <br />chnrgenble AgAinst thA Lnnder or the holder of t.hp. Noto; And (4) a specific tax on nil ar any flartion of the IndAhtwlness or on <br />pflyrTlents of prinGiflAI And interest made by BorrowAr. <br /> <br />Subsequent Taxes. If nny tflX to which this section npplip.s is AnAGted suhsp.quent to nlA datA af this Deed of Trust, this event shall <br />hilve th" Silmp. AHAct ns nn Event of Default, and LAndAr rTlny AXNciSA Any ar all of its nvni1nblA rmnedies for an Event af Default as <br />flrovidp.d 1lP.low unl()ss Trustor either (1) PIlYs The tAX h()foro it hOGornes delinquon\., or (2) contests the lAX AS flrovicJed above in tllA <br />Tnxes nnd Liens sOGtian ilnd deposits with LAnder GlIsh or il suffiGi()nt Gorp(HfIle surety hand or other security sntisfAGtory to Lender. <br /> <br />SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. Tho followin!) provisians relatin!) to t.his Deed of Trust ns n SA()lJrity agreement me n <br />part of this DeAd af Trust: <br /> <br />Security Agreement. This instrument shilll constinllA A S()Gurity A(lr()()ment ta th" extOnT IIny af the Property constitutes fixtures, and <br />Lender shnll hnVA nil of thA rights of a securAd pnrly lHHlor tho Uniform Cornmercial COdA AS IIInended from time 1.0. timA. <br /> <br />SAcurity Interest. Uflan r()qu"st by I ArHIN, Trustor shilll tilke whatever a(;lion is mquost()d by Lender \.0 pmfAGt and continue LendN's <br />seGurity inwrest in the Personnl Propony. In ilddition to r"cordin!! this DHl1d af Trust in the reRI property records, Lender rnny, fll IIny <br />time ilnd without fmlllOr lIutharizatioll from Trustar, file OXO()lltod caunterparts, copiAs ar reproductions of this Doocl af Trust as a <br />financing stiltemenl. Trustar shllll r()imburse Lemler for 1111 AXflAnsos inGlmed in perfecting ar Gontinuing this security interest. Upon <br />default, Trustor shAll not remove, sever or dP.tAdl th() Personal Property frorn the Pl'Oflerty. Uflon defnult, Trustor shall assemble any <br />Personal Property not nffixod ta the Property in a 1T11l1ll1Or And ilt il place reasonnbly canVfmient to Trustor IInd Lender and mnke it <br />available to Lender within three (3) days alter mCAiflt of written demilnd frorn I.. endm to the extent permit tArl by aflfllicable law. <br /> <br />Addresses. The mililing nddrp.sses of Trustor (debtor) nnd LAnrlpr (seGurad pilrty) from whidl information canGArning the security <br />interest wanted by this Deorl of Trust may be obtninml (eAdl AS required by the Uni form Commercinl COdA) Arn as stated on the first <br />page of this Dewl of Trust. <br /> <br />FURTHER ASSURANCES: ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The fallowing provisions rAlnting to further assurnnCAS And attorney-in-fnC! are fI part of <br />this Deed of Trust: <br /> <br />Further Assurances. At any time, nnrl from time to time, upon mquest af L()nder, Trustor will make, execute and deliver, or will cnuso <br />\.0 hA mmlA, exeGuted or delivAred, ta Lender or to I.endor's dosi(Jn()e, ilnd when requosted by Lender, CAuse ta be filed, recordod, <br />r()fiIed, or rerecord""l, ns tho GilSe may be, III such timas IInd in such officps nnd fllnGes as Lender mllY doom appropriate, any Anrl All <br />such mortgnges. deeds of trust, security deeds. sOGurity ilgreements, finnnGing stlltements, contilllJlltion statements, instruments of <br />further ilssurance, CortifiClltf'S, ilnd other daGumonts ilS milY, in the SOiA oflinian of Lender, bA nOGeSsilry or desirnhln in order to <br />effectuate, comfllAto, florfect, continue, or presorve (1) Borrower's and Trustor's obligations under the Note, this Deed of Trust, nml <br />the Related DO(;lIfI1Ants, nnd (2) tllA liens nnd sOGurity interests creatAd by this Deed of Trust AS first and prior IiAns an the Propeny, <br />wheth"r nOW ownod or horeillter acquirod by Trustor. Unless hy lilw or L.endAr Agrees to the contmry in writing, Trustor <br />shall reimburso LAndor for illl costs nnd p.xflp.nses inGurred in GOnnAction with the mnttors mferred to in this flAmgraflh. <br /> <br />Attorney-in.FaGt. If Trustar fnils \.0 do nny of thn thin!Js r"ferr"d to in tho preGedinq pnrngmflh, Lender mny do so for and in thn nAme <br />of Trustor And ilt Trllstor's Axpenso. ror such PUrp"SAS, Trust"r hArnhy irreVOCAbly Aflpoints Lender AS Trustor's attorrlAyin filGt for <br />tho flurflase of mill<inq. exp.clllill!l, dolivorin(J. filintJ, meording. And dainq all other thin(Js as may hA nOGessary or dp.sirnhln, in Lender's <br />sole oflinion, to ncco,nplish t1w miltters refArrod ta in the prPGedinq pilraqrnph. <br />