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<br />200700559 <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />the Westerly <br />Subdivision, <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />Ten (10) Feet of Lot <br />in the City of Grand <br /> <br />Ten (10), Buenavista <br />Island, Hall County, <br /> <br />IJ.fY1 <br /> <br />day of Tarwtl1liO <br /> <br />200t. <br /> <br />DATED this <br /> <br />~a &w/' <br /> <br />Steffi A. Swanson, Trustee <br />FOR THE FIRM <br />Steffi A. Swanson, P.C., L.L.O. <br />1902 Harlan Drive, Suite A <br />Bellevue, Nebraska 68005 <br />Tel. (402) 292.-7700 <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> <br />ss <br /> <br />COUNTY OF SARPY <br /> <br />The forego' <br />I).. day of ~ <br /> <br /> <br />ins)rument w.~. acknowle,dged before <br />, "" , 2..00''''1' Y Steffl. A. Swanson, <br />,/ <br />,.,' ,:,/',.............. ,.--.... .,,<""/ \ <br />,..<::::"....-" . / /..-" / / .W..... \ <br />"";.;/(/ '/. <br />'" ' <br />" <br /> <br />me this <br />Trustee. <br /> <br />GENERA\. NOTflRY . $tate of Nebraska <br />STACEY l.. HORTON <br />My COI1Im. Exp. Feb. 27, 2010 <br /> <br /> <br />Privacv I'oticv Notice <br /> <br />Attorneys, like Olher professionals who advise on personal fioaocial malters, are now requir~d hy a n~w fed~ral law to inform their clients 01' their policies <br />regarding privacy of client information. Attorneys have heen and continue to he hound hy professional standards of confidentiality that are even more stringent <br />than those rcquired by this new law. Therefore, we have always protected your right III privacy. <br /> <br />In the course of providing our clients with income tax, estate tax, and gift tax advice, we receive significaot personal financial information from our cliems. <br />P'" ~,n,: ;~!""t. .,~ ~:,Eer~' uf .s':~~ffi A. S\V~!I~:,~";n_ PC. 1...1..0.. you should know ~hl-Jl' LI.lI informatifp that we receive from you is held in confidenc.e, and is nOl released <br />to p~ople outside the firm, ~xc~pt itS agreed to hy you, or as required under al1 appli~ahi~ law. <br /> <br />We retain records rclating to professional services that we provide so that we are hcttcr ahle to assisl you with your professional needs and in, some cases, to <br />comply with professional guidelines. In order to guard your nonpuhlic personal information. we maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that <br />comply with our professional standards. <br /> <br />Collection Notk., <br /> <br />We are required hy federal statute to advise you thal we are a debt colleelOr and we arc attempting to collect a debt. Any information ohtained will he used <br />for that purpose, <br /> <br />-2- <br />