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<br /> ;iO n ~ <br /> m ~ <br /> .." <br /> c: m (I) r-.;, <br /> n :r <O;:j OUl <br /> Z <:::::> <br /> n ;l\; ~ ~ 0--1 <br /> ::c ~ 0 e_ el> <br /> rn ~ .:;0 t" ::0 2:: --1 <br /> n /T1\- :::: -1M <br />N ~ :I: ~~'- ~ -<0 <br /><Sl o .." <br />G -" -....J ""z <br />-.....J 0 r <br /><Sl rn ::r: fT1 <br />G /T1 -0 l> en <br />.f::>. 0 :3 r ;0 <br />W en 'l> <br /><.n I-'" Ul <br /> N ::><: <br /> )> <br />200700435 -C '-,- <br /> (.J"I (/') <br /> (/') <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ASSIGNEE'S AFFIDAVIT DESIGNATING MORTGAGE <br />IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (MIN) <br /> <br />The u~ders[gned, JalJine L. Ford, '{ice Presiq@.!J!Ldoes hereby Qm)Qsecmc;t $ foI!O\'llS: <br />1. That I am an authorized officer of the Assignee, Mortgage Electronic Registration <br />Systems, Inc. <br /> <br />2. That this Affidavit refers to the Assignment, dated October 27, 2004, from SunTrust <br />Mortgage, Inc., to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., (MERS), as nominee <br />for SunTrust Mortgage, Inc., it successors and assigns, in relation to the property located <br />at 306 E. 20th Street, Grand Island, NE 68801, and recorded in Hall County at the Office <br />of Records in Book N/A, Page N/A, Doc. No. 0200411700. <br /> <br />3. That the Assignee has designated a Mortgage Identification Number (MIN), which will act <br />as the permanent reference number with respect to the Assignment identified in <br />Paragraph 2. <br /> <br />4. That the Mortgage Identification Number (MIN) was either omitted or incorrect on said <br />Assignment. <br /> <br />5. That the correct MIN for the Assignment identified in Paragraph 2 is MIN <br />100010401339430767, and that the MERS telephone number to call for information when <br />using this MIN number is (888) 679-6377. <br /> <br />Legal Description: The Easterly Forty-Five (45) feet of lot eighteen (18) and the Westerly thirty- <br />five (35) feet of lot nineteen (19), in blogKtvv9 i2)J!} l:<J}iGkrehmAddition~.anadd!J:i0n to.Jh~ ,Ci!~' d <br />-- -'Gfantfrslal1d,rlaJfCOu-nfy;l\Jebraska." <br /> <br />Signed this 1~*' day of ~., 2006 <br /> <br /> <br />State of Virginia <br />City of Richmond <br /> <br />Mortgage Electronic Registration <br /> <br /> <br />SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, in and for said State and City, <br />personally appeared Janine L. Ford, Vice President and Susan King, Assistant Vice President, <br />the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, who swore and acknowledged to me that <br />they did sign said instrument and that the same is their free act and deed as said officers at said <br />corporation. <br /> <br />IN WITSESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal on the } y'U-- <br />day of cUr-bcr, 2006. <br /> <br /> <br />When recorded return to: <br />CUSTODIAN <br />Sun Trust Mortgage, Inc. <br />1001 Semmes Avenue <br />Mail Code: RVW 4303 <br />Richmond, VA 23224 <br />'RL;. E"~'. S\^~t.W t <br />f.o. 3~ :1..(,/4-'1 <br />'R,'cY\TY\Ond V 1\ 1."32.8'" 12. q r <br /> <br /> <br />OIOt 'It A_ <br />.....I~ S8J1dJc <br />~ 10 lWo~~~UJUJOo AW <br />OfIQ"d AJO~ON UJoo <br />SWlf17l/M b'ANb'l <br /> <br /> <br />og <br />Nit <br />~ar <br /> <br /> <br />U1~ <br /> <br />&:If> <br /> <br />.. <br />