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<br />.11 .. ; t <br /> <br />200700124 <br /> <br />26. SUCCESSOR. TRUSTEE. BCIlCficiary, at Bcmeflc1aty'1l option, may from tiD;lo to time teD;lOYe TruS\:CC and appoint a <br />sucecsBOt truatec by an iDltrum.lm.t <recorded. in the county in which this D*of '1'ru4t. ia The IUCCOIllor tnJIte~, <br />witb.o'Llt coPveyances of _ Property, ahalllluccoed to aU tbc title, power and. d.u.ties conferred upon the Truat",e by tllia <br />De04 of'l'rgat and applicable law. <br />27. NOTICE. UlJl,e88 otherwise required by law, lII!Y notice shall be give.u. by <lelivl'ring it or by mailing, it by. ~t c1as~ mail <br />to the appJ"Qprlatcl palty'lil1clrels'on page 1 Qf tb.tsDeoclof1'rlJ8t, or to IUlY other addrCIIs designated. m wntiDg. NotlcC to <br />one trulltor wUl bo ~ to beDDtU:e to all truiltors. <br />28. U.C.C. P.R.OVlSJONS. If cb.ecke4, the foUowiD&!lW app1icllble to, but ao not limlt, tbis Dee€i of Truat: <br />o CODItructlon Lop. Thii Deed. of Trust.lieCU1'C8 an obligation incumd for the construction of an improvement on <br />the Property. <br />o Jhture 11Un1. Trustor srants to Bcneflciary a security interest in all goo~ that Trustor oWDS'now or in the future <br />and that are or will become 1'1JtuIei rQlatedto tho Property. <br />D erop8; Ti.D1ber; ~sJs;llent.,, iUld.Ptoftta. Trustor grants to BeIJ.cficilU')' a security interest in all <br />crop" timber, and. aUnetals loc.tea On the Prop~ll$. weU as all tents, ~s,and proflts of them hu;lu~, ~ut <br />not limited to, aU Co~l'1'Vllt1onR.,servc:l Progt~ (CliP) and Paym=t m KiIld. (PIK) payQ10Dtl and similar <br />govcmmcntal progrlDll'(all,ofwh1cb.&h$ll'also beinclUl1ea ill the term "Property"), , <br />o POl"IOIUIl Property. Trustor grants to Be;o.e:Qciary a lileQUrity interest in aJl personal property located on or <br />connected with the Prppetty. T.bis lilecur\tyintel.'est iuo1Utlcll all farm proauctll, !.nventofY, oqllipment, aQCounts, <br />documcmtl,~I, chatWlpapor, ~~l:q;_iblcs,ancl aJl'otl1cri1~()fpersooalpropetty TruIltor owns <br />now or in the llDd tl1at are llsedor Ull,fQ1 in the constJUction,, Qwnersbip, operaticm, D1lIJ:1llgement, or <br />P1alntl!man~ of the Property, The term ~porsonal property~ llPccifl.caUyexo1.udes that property clescribed, as <br />"household goo4li' lIocured. ill. COJUl.OQt1Qa witb. a.. "QQMumcr" loan as thole temII are defined. in applicable federal <br />regulations govcrnlns unfatr ID4clQQeplivecreclitp1'llQticcs. <br />o FWna .u ~. Statemeat. Ttustor qrees llDd. acknowledges that this Deed of TruIIt alIo suffices as a <br />t'inmcing statement and. III 1\1Qb, l:llllY be filed. ofrecor4 as a fiuancinJ~tateQ:1ent of pulpOICII of Article 9 of the <br />Uniform comrtlc:ltOial Code. Aoarbou;pbotosrapbiO, image or otberrepro<luction of thi. Deed of Trust ia <br />IUffid.eDt as a ft"''QcitJj$tatement. <br />~,. OTBEB. TDMS, If checkecl, the foUowiug are appijcable tothill Deed of Trust: <br />o Lm. o~ Q:edit, 'I'hc; Secu.rcdl>obtWC!u4esar4JVolviu& line of cn:dit proviaiol).. Although the Secured. Debt InaY <br />bcreducCd to a zeroballllJCO, tl1lI n~of' willreDJain in effeCt until released. <br />D Aarlcu1toral Property. Trus. '. torcov~.'. anclwmaDt$tlIat the Property will be used prlncipally for agrlcwtural <br />or farming PUIpOICII lU1d that Trustor is an indivi<lual or entity own agrtculturallllDd as Ipecificd by <br />law. <br /> <br />o AddlUonal Terms. ______.._____________.__ ..._+._______________ __ _ ______ ___ _ _ _ _ __.._ _ __ _________.___________________________________________________ <br /> <br />~......... .......~-- ---- -- --- -- --- -.."'.. -.. ..-.. -..-.... .-. ..-..........~.. ........ ,!,," .-.-.. ----- -...- ......-.. ........ .... .. ....... .. . -...-- .... .. __.. <br /> i""_"" ___ _;- ________ ___ ___ ___..__.. __ __.. _... ___.. .. ........_...._....... ~....... ~........~....._..__ <br /> <br />.....,..-...-----------...............------.....----..--....--..-..-..............~.....I"""..,-~-_._--------..--....--..-.-----~----~-...----..--_________.._________..____.._~---:...._I"-.......... <br />....................._.......__ <br /> <br />DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD <br /> <br />~. to~FQl'm Homestead ProteCtion AQt,~i$l1iUQnof homcstea4C] is ~ to this Deed of Trullt and made a <br />puUweofLxJhas bcendiacl,aJmct1j thcdiic1~ iuttached to this .Docd of Trult and made a part hereof. <br /> <br />L . <br /> <br />SIGNA-TUllES: By aipiug below, Trustoraar~ to thctern31 _ cov~.CO~ in tbjs Doc:d of That 8I1d. in any <br />r:JtI'O'1ef1t8. 'frijator $0 acknow1qCIIJ:!'Ce1ji)tofa cOpY!)f this Deed of Tru_toll the 4at~ stated above on Page 1. <br />. Acwalauthorlty was lJtllDtca to the Putiessl&ni1llbelow by resolution sipl'l1 and. d.ated _______..9J..I_Q~l~.QQ_?._______ . <br />~IlJIA COJit1lO.aA'1'XON' . <br />~JlDtil1. . .' NIUIlO: _. ___~_ '. _". _._.._...... ...-..... _00___00.._.._____..-.... . Bu. .~.'...'. ..... '-. ..-.--. "_. _,-. _.-.-....-00----.-.... ..n._____.~--.--n.n--__" '_._,_'._n"n_n__ <br /> <br />. _ _n__n__________--- . ~ <br /> <br />. , <br />__'n . - ~ J~~~'.' ...'.--_..00---- ---'-.' . . -, ._=4.___ ___ _ _ . _;nn____n____nn <br />(S1&MIur . .... ... .., , '. t. (Sl !1lnl) waSIlI. J N{~CK, '1'r....ur.r <br /> <br />................ .......----------.. --..-..+ ......- -.._......... -- -- -- --- .. - ..''1'..... ___________..._......... ........ .......... ....._ <br /> <br />...-........~...-..--~.."f""""""_... ...~......__.._____.........I"'......__..__.._..........._________ _..___..__+_____ <br />~), (Si~),' <br />LJ Rete: -ton' tbir-A!idenduIii' wbich is a~ aD.d.'incorporllt~herein - for-'iddffionaf'TMtorl, lignatures and. <br />ackDowJcdpents. <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT: <br /> <br />STATE OF mmn..____n____n'_...______n_____'____.__...._____ , COUN1Y OF _____m...... } as. <br />(lDjlIvlUl) This inltru!:Dcnt waa ~wl~ed. before me thill da of - -------------------......-,-----------------..- <br />by . _n_n________..... y -_.__........_n_nn__n_____.__...._..n________n_______.___ <br /> <br />My commission OXp1rel: <br /> <br />(ScI1) , <br /> <br />-------.. n ''''''00_' n__ n__._. .h"'n_ -(N"otliiY -Pii&Uer_nnn---- n. .....__.. n_n__ _:. <br /> <br />~~::~~~~:~~~~~;~i;d~;&;tc;-;;"~-4- ,COUNTY:~?.,+.t--------.-mi)"7....------.--.-m...--------} ~s. <br />byM>>tQl'. JNilUIQt i'J:..:I,~~1;, . ~t1S.SJllr. "T~..icK ~..:=~-.~..Qm---------m-----m...n---------.. <br />(halllH. of JWPfP. OOUQM'I:rQW,'~ ~~:~.,:rQ)f <br />....lllIIIQI <br />Al:llIID~ a.-co----~-~_;~i-Q~----...-.--------+-.--.-m.--------..--..------------.....-.-------~---'_.--~..~."m...~c.m... ......~. <br />MY~;j..siOnOiPi!ei-:---...--m---.-----..m.------n--.h-----"--~/..un (1). ~~~titY. <br />. (SQal) ,.:~ . 2t.t?t..'~h _ _ __. ...n____ ____~- <br />GENERAL NOTARY .' . . CNottlty PQbUc) <br />WIL.L.IAM L." StaMte OIN. sbraska C-07-01-000080 <br />~". ?~~ <br />, . rr2. 2008 <br /> <br /> <br />_/10'/1 <br /> <br />..~ . ....... . '..<1). 1..11i;t """"",'~.ln,.. <br />....;Q114(NEI.1OI071 <br />