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<br />. $ <br />I <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />,/ <br /> <br />200700013 <br /> <br />FILE: 04-4020 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "An <br /> <br />200407302 <br /> <br />A trad or land comprising a part or the Southeut Quarter of the Northeast Qual.'ta' (SEl/4NE1/4) and <br />a part of the North Ralf of the Southeast Quarter (Nl/2SE1/4), all in Seaion Thirty 'I1vo (32), 'l'0WIl9bip <br />Eieven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., ih HaD County, Nebraska, mote pBrdeqlarly <br />de$c'l.'ibed as rollomt: <br /> <br />BegInning at the northeast comer of said Southeast Quarter of tbe Northeast Quarter (SEl/4N1l:1/4); <br />-"'"lJiIentennnlng tnudlerly 810" the eMt line of said Soatheut Qurter of die Nor1he8st quarter <br />(SEl/4NE1/4), on an &sumcd Bearing of S 4)2" 17' 50" E, a distanee of'lWo Hundred (200.00) ft,et, to <br />the ACl"UAL put of beglDDIbg; thence continuing S 1)2' 17' 50" E alODg the IlISt 4escribed coone, a <br />distance of Three Uundftd Eighty Nine aDd Seventy Two Hnndredths (389.72) feet; thence rtmniag S <br />89' 18' 39" W, a distance of Fol't3' (40.00) feet; thebce running S 1~ 46' 40" W, a dlstabce ~t Ten and Sixty <br />Senm Hundn:dths (10.67) t.t; tbeJlft J.'Unmng S en' 17' SO" ~ a distaDt:l! of'l'hree Hundred TwlmtyFlve <br />and Thirteen Bundl;'Cdths (325.13). ~t; thebte nmDing S 02' 27' 37N W, a distance of Sm:nt;y Three and <br />Forty Six Hundft4tbs (13M) feet; thence J.'1IDDtDg S 89' 15' 31 tl W, a distance of 'lbne HUDdred NIn~ <br />Foul' :and Twenty Seven Hundredths (394.27) feet; thebfe nundn8 S 62D 04' 32" W, a distaDte ot Eipt <br />Hundred rorty Three aDd Eleml Hundredths (843.11) feet; thmce J:'UDDIng N 8,. 51' 36" W, a dislan(e <br />or ODe Thou!land Four BUDdred FIfl7 and TbiI.'UeD H~II..lredfhs (1450.13) reet, to a I'oint on 'the ea.qterly <br />right or way Un. or the Saint Joe Brancb or the Unton Pacific RaUroad; thence rubning N 01' 00' 32" W, <br />afOUl the easterly right of way .line or fhll! Saint .Joe Branch of the Union PaelDt Railroad, a dista.ce or <br />Eight )four and 'ort)' Ooe Hundredths (84.41) feet, to the southmst corner of Meadowlark Estates <br />SuhdlvisJoa; thence romdDg N 89' 16' 49" E, alollg the 1tontlaerty line or Meadowlark Estates SubdMsioD, <br />a distance of One 'lbouftnd Three Bonelred Thirty 'our and. Seven Hundredths (1334JY1) feet, to the <br />southeu& coner of Meadowlark Estates Subdl9l'-0D Abd to the sontlrtRst comer of lurid Sontheast <br />Quarter or the Northeast Quarter (SEl/4NE1/4); tbebee rnmdng N O,ZD 19' 591' W, alona the east line <br />of Mead.owIark Estates Subdtvi$lon 8IId the west liDe of latd Sontheast QDarter 0( tile Northeast Quarter <br />(S.Il:l/4NE1/4), lit distance of One 11tousand 'I'mJ Bundral Seftnty Eight and Shf:.y 'I1mee Hundredths <br />(1271.63) feet to the northmsl el)Uler of Meadowlark Esta_ Subdivision aDd tbe DOt'thwest cOl'ber or <br />said SOUtbmlSt Quarter of the Northeut Qnarter (SEl/4NEl/4); thence rubniDg N 89" 1" 02" E, along <br />the uorth Ible or said Southeast Quart~ ot the Northeast Quarter (SE1/4NEl/4), a distance of Ohe <br />Thous;md li:iptf Su aDd. SB Ilundri:dthlf (1681.06) fleE; diena rDDblng S or 17' SO. E, . dlltance of <br />Two Hundred (200.00) fed; thence tuDuibg N 89" 19' 02N E, a df$tance of 'IWo Hunmd Thirty Thnee <br />(233.00) Feet, to tbe AcruAL polbt of begbmtng <br /> <br />~,,...~ <br />
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