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<br />Survey-or's Certificate
<br />I h9reby cerl/fy Ihal on Oclob9r 28, 2005, I compleled On accurale survey
<br />of 'OALE ROUSH THIRD SUBDIVISION', In Ihe Cily of Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />shown on the accompanying pial Ihersof; Ihal Ihe lois, blocks, slrgels,
<br />avenues, alleys, parks, commonS and olher grounds as conlained In said
<br />subdivision os shown on Ihe accompanying pial Ihereal ar8 wel/ and
<br />accuralely slaked off and marked; Ihal Iron markers were placed 01 all 101
<br />corners; Ihol Ihe dimensions of each 101 ar8 as shown on Ihe pial; Ihal 80ch
<br />101 bears ils own number; and Ihal said survey was made wilh referonce 10
<br />known a d recorded monumenls.
<br />"IIRA!...
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<br />Submllled 10 and approved by Ihe Regional Planning Commission of Hal/
<br />Counly, Grand Island, Wood River and Ihe Villages of Aida, Coiro and
<br />Donlphon, Nebraska.
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<br />A Iracl of land comprising a pari of Lol Twenly Thr09 (23) and all of Lol
<br />Twenly Four (24), Block One (I), Oale Roush Second Subdivision in Ihe Clly
<br />of Grand Island, Hal/ County, N.braska, mare particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning al Iho soulhwesl corner of said Lol Twenly Four (24); thence
<br />running norlher/y along /he wesl line of sold La/ Twenly Four (24), on on
<br />Assumed Bearing of NOO'03'/8"W, a dls/once of Two Hundred E1ghl and Farly
<br />Eighl Hundredlhs (208.48) feel, 10 Ihe norlhwesl corner of said La/ Twenly
<br />Four (24); Ihonce running S89'37'58"[, a dls/ance of On9 Hundred Sevenly
<br />and Sevenly Nine Hundredlhs (170.79) feel, 10 Ihe nOrlhwesl comer of said
<br />Lol TWenly Three (23); Ihonce running S25'53'36"W, along fhe woslerly lino of
<br />said Lol Twenly Three (23), a dlslance of Nlnely Three and F OUrleen
<br />Hundredlhs (93./4) f88l, 10 Ihe Inlers8cl/on of Ihe wes/8rly line of said Lol
<br />TW9nly Threo (23) and Ihe easlerly righl of way line of Cherokee AV9nue, If
<br />eJ/lended; Ihence running SOO.OO '00 "E, along Ihe eJ/lension of /he ea.lor/y
<br />rlghl of way line of Cherokee Avenue, a dls/ance of One Hundred TW6llly
<br />Three and Slx/y One Hundredlhs (123.61) /eel; Ihence running N89'59'44"W, a
<br />dlslance of One Hundred Twenly Nine and Ninely One Hundredlhs (/29.91)
<br />feel, la/he poinl of beginning and conlalnlng 0.660 acres more or le.s.
<br />
<br />D 6 d I c a l.J..Q.R
<br />
<br />NEBRASKA, a Municipal Corporallon, being Ihe owner of /he land described
<br />hereon, has caused same 10 be surveyed, subdivided, pia lied and deslgnaled
<br />as 'DALE ROUSH THIRD SUBDIViSION' In /he Clly of Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />shown on Ihe accompanying pial Ihoreof, and do hereby dedlcole /he slreols
<br />as shown Ihereon 10 Ihe public for Ihelr use forever, and Ihe ea.emenls oS
<br />shown Iheroon for Ihe location, conslrucllon and mainlenance of public
<br />service ul/lil/es, /ogolher wllh Ihe right of Ingr9$$ and egress thereto, and
<br />hereby prohlblllng /he plan ling of Irees, bushes and shrubs, or placing olher
<br />obs/rucl/ons upon, over, along or undernealh Ihe surface of such easemen/s;
<br />and Ihal Ihe /oregolng subdivision as more parl/cularly descr/bod in Ihe
<br />descr/pllon hereon as appears on Ihls pial Is made wllh the free consenl and
<br />in accordanco wilh Ihe desires of Ihe undersigned owner and proprlolor.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, w~ have afflx{f our slgnalures herelo, 01 Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, IhiL-lc::.-day of rA-nw ,2006.
<br />
<br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, 0 Municipal Corpora lion
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<br />A cknoJL.lHgem6n t
<br />Slale Of Nebraska ss
<br />County Of HIJ'I At. ';)
<br />On Ihe_fE'.~day 0[(Jr.)/) '.Ji/ , 2006, before me,.5.b::c.c.,/_JLJ~__
<br />a No/ary Public wllhln and for sold Counly, personally appeared JA Y VA VR!CEK
<br />and RA NAE EDWARDS, Mayor and Clly Clerk of Ihe CITY OF GRAND ISLAND,
<br />NEBRASKA, 0 Municipal Corporation, and 10 me personally known 10 be Ihe
<br />Idenl/col persons whose slgnalures are affixed herelo, and /hal each did
<br />ocknowledg9 Ihe execul/on Ihereof 10 be his or her volun/ory acl and deed
<br />and Ihe volunlary acl and deed of said Corporal/on, and /hol Ihey were
<br />empoworod 10 make Ihe above dedication for and In behalf of said
<br />Corporal/on. '
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunlo subscribed my name and afflJ/ed my
<br />official seal 01 Grand Islans!, Ne,!o/:aska, on Ihe dale lasl above wrll/en.
<br />My commission eJ/p/resfJ)MiL:J~--._.
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