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<br />GENE E. GILBERT AND ELIZABETH L. GILBERT, husband and wife, ~ran~ors, in
<br />consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, qU1tcl~lm and
<br />convey to FRANCES BALLOU, Grantee, the following described real estate (as defined m Neb.
<br />Rev. Stat. ~76-201) in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />A tract of land comprising all of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEl/4SE1/4) and a part ofthe West Halfofthe Southeast Quarter (Wl/~SEI/4), all
<br />being in Section Thirty-five (35), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nme (9) West
<br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />
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<br />
<br />Beginning at the southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of said Section
<br />Thirty-five (35); thence S89026'52"W, along and upon the south line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), a distance of One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirteen and
<br />Sixty Four Hundredths (1,713.64) feet to the southeast corner of proposed Gilbert
<br />Acres Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska; thence NOl 022'46"W, along and upon an
<br />east line of said proposed Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of One Thousand
<br />Sixty Nine and Eighty Nine Hundredths (1,069.89) feet to a corner of said proposed
<br />Gilbert Acres Subdivision; thence N87045'01 "E, along and upon a south line of said
<br />proposed Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred Thirty Three and
<br />Thirty Eight Hundredths (133.38) feet to a corner of said proposed Gilbert Acres
<br />Subdivision; thence NOo040'45"W, along and upon an east line of said proposed
<br />Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Nine and Sixty One
<br />Hundredths (299.61) feet to the northeast corner of said proposed Gilbert Acres
<br />Subdivision; thence S89006'48"W, along and upon the north line of said proposed
<br />Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Four and Fifty Two
<br />Hundredths (294.52) feet to a northwest comer of said proposed Gilbert Acres
<br />Subdivision; thence S53053'49"W, along and upon the northwest line of said
<br />proposed Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of Thirty Five and Twenty Three
<br />Hundredths (35.23) feet to a northwest comer of said proposed Gilbert Acres
<br />Subdivision; thence SOloI0'29"E, along and upon a west line of said proposed
<br />Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of Thirty Seven and Eighty Six Hundredths
<br />(37.86) feet to a point on the north line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (SW1/4SE1/4) of said Section Thirty-five (35); thence S89007'24"W, along
<br />and upon the north line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SW1/4SE1/4), a distance of Forty Two and Twenty Three Hundredths (42.23) feet;
<br />thence NOl 042'51 "W, parallel with the east line of said West Half ofthe Southeast
<br />Quarter (Wl/2SE1/4), a distance of Seven Hundred Thirty Eight and Twenty One
<br />Hundredths (738.21) feet; thence N88038'36"E, a distance of Six Hundred Eighteen
<br />and Ninety Eight Hundredths (618.98) feet to a point on the east line of said West
<br />Half of the Southeast Quarter (Wl/2SEl/4), said point being Five Hundred Seventy
<br />Three and Five Tenths (573.50) feet south of northeast corner of said West Half of
<br />the Southeast Quarter (W1/2SE1/4); thence SOl 042'51 "E, along and upon the east
<br />line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (Wl/2SEl/4), a distance of Seven
<br />Hundred Forty Three and Forty Nine Hundredths (743.49) feet to the northwest
<br />corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4SEl/4); thence
<br />N89007'24"E, along and upon the north line of said Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Southeast Quarter (SE1/4SEl/4), a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred
<br />Eighteen and Twenty One Hundredths (1,318.21) feet to the northeast corner of said
<br />Southeast Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter (SE l/4SE 1/4); thence SO 1 03 5'00"E, along
<br />and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />