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<br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />N t-"", (II <br />S ..::....-:::::a 0 (J) <br /> c=:> 0 ::J <br />S " 0-, 0 -4 <br />0) ,.....)\., cn c }J>. N [ <br />S ~ ~, Z --i <br />ex> FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT .~-' r.-, -t rn <br />.j:::o. P'l '- -0 -< C) <br />N INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY <;"), t.- C:~ <br />CJ'J N 0 ..." Cl ~ <br />S o '~.. <br /> 1E & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] ~ t-A ." ...... <br /> ~K KASTNER 800-648-8026 EXT. 8087 tL -,.:, ~ cr:J <br /> t") {"\ ."'J"': n"l :i' <br /> ID ACKNO~g (Name and Address) 1"'11 r -0 :t>- Vt) c::l g <br /> 1'1'1 3 " :;:0 <br /> I G::l r J> CO <br /> ~VER IFIED FIN NCIAL SERVICES, LLC (Q) ~ (f) <br /> N ;:>;: ......c 3 <br /> 14010 FIRST NATIONAL BANK PKWY STE 205 >- i\ <br /> OMAHA NE 68154 f--' -- U'1 <br /> CJ1 IN c:> <br /> (;) ~ <br /> L -.J <br /> <br />THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY <br /> <br />1'1 b, This FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT i. <br />II{I to be flied [for rocord] (at recorded) in tho <br />II" I REAL ESTATE RECORDS <br /> <br />2, III TERMINATION: Effoctivene.. of the Financing Statement idenlified .bovo i. torminated with respect to security intere.tis) of the Secured Party aut,'I\p'rizing this Termination <br /> Statement, <br /> <br />3, D CONTINUATION: Effectivono.s of tho Financing Slatement identified above with respocl to security Interest(s) of the Secured Parly authoriling ;~;~'Conllnuation Slatement is <br />continued tor the additional p@rlod providEI'd by applicable law. <br /> <br />1a, INITIAL FINANCiNG STATEMENT FILE # <br />200104885 HALL COUNTY NE FILED 5/24/01 <br /> <br />'2- <br />~., <br /> <br />4. ASSIGNMENT (full or partial): Give name of assignee in item 7a or 7b and address of assignee in item ?c: and also give name of assignor in item 9. <br /> <br />5, AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): This Amendment affacls <br /> <br /> <br />DELETE name: Give record nama <br />to be dele tad in item 6a or 6b. <br /> <br />ADD name: Complete Item 7a or 7b, and also <br />Item ?c; also corn Jete Items 7d.? if a licaole. <br /> <br />6, CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: <br />6a, ORGANIZA nON'S NAME <br /> <br />OR 6b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME <br /> <br />FIRST NAME <br /> <br />MIDDLE NAME <br /> <br />SUFFIX <br /> <br />7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED iNFORMATION: <br /> <br /> 7.. ORGANIZATiON'S NAME <br />OR 7b, iNDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX <br />7c. MAILING ADDRESS CllY STATE IPOSTAL CODE COUNTRY <br />7d, TAX iD #: SSNOR EIN I:DD'L INFO RE 17e, TYPEOFORGANiZATION 7f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 7g, ORGANIZATIONAL 10 #, if any <br /> ORGANIZATION n NONE <br /> DEBTOR 1 <br /> <br />8, AMENDMENT (COLLATERAL CHANGE): check only <lOll box, <br />Describe collateral 0 deleted or D added, or give en.tireDrestated collateral description, or describe collateral o assigned. <br /> <br />g, NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (name 01 assignor, if this IS an Assignment), If this is an Amendment authori~ad by. Debtor Which <br />adds collateral or adds the authorizing Debtor! or if thiS is a Termination authorized by a Debtor, check here and enter name of DEBTOR aulhorll.Jng this Amendment. <br />9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAM~ <br /> <br />DIVERSIFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC <br />OR 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME . <br /> <br />FIRST NAME <br /> <br />MIDDLE NAME <br /> <br />SUFFIX <br /> <br />10, OPTIONAL FiLER REFERENCE DATA <br />STANGE, DONALD #109.78525.001 <br /> <br />FILING OFFICE COPY - NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 07/29/98) <br />