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<br />200608364 <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising the Hesterly Thirty-Three (33.0) <br />Feet of Lot six (6), Dlock Four (~), Meves First Addition, <br />together with that portion of the vacated alley lying <br />Southerly from and adjacent theretOl and a part of Dlock <br />Three (3), Koehler Subdivision, all in the city of Grand <br />Island, lIall County, Nebraska, and more partlcularly described <br />as follows: <br /> <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Dlock Thi:ee (3), <br />Koehler Subdivlsion, thence Westerly along the South line of <br />said Block Three (J), 11 diotance of One lIundred Twenty-One <br />and '1"'10 Tenths (121,2) Feetl thence Nor.therly parallel to <br />the West line of said Dlock Three (3), a distance of One <br />Hundred Sixteen (116.0) Feet, to the Southwest corner of <br />said Lot Six (6), Dlocl< Four (~), Meves Flrst 1\ddltion/ <br />thence Northwesterly along the Westerly line of said Lot six <br />(6), a (lisl;ilnce of Forty-Two and Three Tenths (~2. 3) Feet, <br />to the Northwest corner of said Lot six (6)/ thence North- <br />easterly along the Northerly of sald Lot Six (G), a <br />distance of Thlrt:y-Tht"ee (33.0) Feet; the....ce Southeasterly <br />pat"allel to said WeRterly line of Lot Six (6), a dlstance of <br />Sixty-Nlne and F'iftY-FIve lIundredths (69.55) Feet, to a <br />lJoint on the Southerly of said vacated alley, thence <br />Easterly along said Southerly line of the vacated alley, a <br />distance of J':lghty-One and Twenty-Eight Hundredths (01.20) <br />Feet, to a point on the East llne of said Dlock Three (3), <br />Koehler SubdIvision, sald. point also being the Northwest <br />corner of Spelts~Schultz 1\ddltlonl thence Southerly along <br />said East llne of IHock Three (3), 11 distance of One Ilundred <br />One and Nine Tenths (101.9) Feet to the place of beginnlng. <br /> <br />1\ tract of lillld cOll1prlsing all of Lot S~ven (7), Illock Four <br />(~), Maves First AddJtion, together with that porUon of the <br />vacated alley lying Southerly from and adjacent thereto/ and <br />a part of Dlock Three (3), Koehler Subdivision, all in the <br />City of Grand 1s1<lnd, lIall Cottnty, Nebraskn, and more <br />particularly descrIbed as follows: <br /> <br />Deginning at a point on the South 11ne of said Block Three <br />(3), [{oehler Subdlvlslon, saId point being One lIundred <br />.'fwenty-One and Two Tenths (121.2) Feet West of the Southeast <br />corner of said Block 'l'lu:ee (3) I thence Westerly along the <br />South Ilne of said Block Three (3), a dlstance of One <br />Hundred Eighteen and Twenty-FIve Hundredths (110.25) Feet; <br />thence Northerly parallel to the West line of said Block <br />Three (3), a dlstance of Ninety-Nine and Flfty-Flve Hund- <br />redths (99.55) Feet, to a point on the Southed,y line of <br />sald vacated alley; thence Westerly along said SOI1I:herly <br />line of the vaca\:ed all,~y, a dIstance of 'l'wenty-Two and One <br />Tenth (22.1) Fee~, to a point on the Southerly rigllt-of-way <br />line of Memor.lal Drivel thence Northeastet"ly along said <br />Southerly right-of~wuy lIne, a cHstance of Eighteen and six <br />Tenths (lO.G) Feet, to the Southwest corner of said Lot <br />Seven (7), Block Four (~), Heves First 1\ddltiorl/ thence <br />Northeasterly along the Northerly Ilne of said Lol:: Seven <br /> <br />(7), a distance of One Hundred Twenty-Three and Five 'Tenths <br />(123',5) "Feet, to the Northeast corner of said Lot Seven (7); <br />thence "outhea~terly along the Easterly line of said I,ot <br />Seven (7), a dl..'Hance of Forty-'l'wo <lnd Three Tenths (42.3) <br />Feet, to the SoutheAst corner of s<lid I.o\: Seven (7). thf'nce <br />Southerly parall~l to the East Ilne of fJa.l.d Dlock 'fl~ree' (])', <br />Koehler Sulxll.vislon, a disl,:ance of' OnP. II llIH1!:erl filxl.;('{"!1I <br />(111;,0) Feet, to l:h", pll1ce of begJnnlnq. <br /> <br />503-505-507-509 EAST MEMORIAL DR., GRAND ISLAND, NE <br />