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<br />I' <br /> <br /> <br />R.....REC(]OOEO DISTANCE AHC.'OR ANGLE ON <br />PLAT OF PATRICK SUBDMSK>>I <br />A.-ACTlML IlI9TIINCE ANIlIOIl ANGLE <br /> <br />.. INDICATES lJ:l" IRON P1PE fOOND {UNlESS <br />ooreo OTHERWlSE) <br />o .1ND(C'ATU 1t2~ IRON P1PE 'MTH PtASTiIC CAP <br /> <br />DEDICATION <br /> <br />Janet d:='~::'~~ ~a:~:~~:.'~t~h:: :ATRtCIC ,R:~~f:d.~L~~It~ L~~1.~~~:~ e:mp'::lic~.r~lc~~ o;Un~M~J~! <br /> <br />In tn. City .01 Or<lnd r-s.tQlld. NtbrG:lka, QlI shown- ~ rH~y1ng plat lihtrea r. and cia htttby ",,.greal. U'e IGs.mll'ff" 1f <br />Qn.,.~ for file !-O>CQU-on, il:ons-fruClUo-n and r'n.aJ,nffl'l4na.f of pIJ.b4lo s.......rc:. ulllltru fOl"1Vt1rj 1(I.gilber Yrlfh- tlto right of In'Q.THl and <br /> <br />~~r:~d'~~~.'h~n~u~~;:::' o~~":~~~:n~.a~.::.~ I~ 1r::'1;::~~3 ~~~"= : ~:~ng ~~~~i~~~;~ f~oth. ~~l*f~: <br />h.r6CIB al 'I:JSIP*Jrs .o.n Ibl, plat. r" made ...1Ii'! fh. rr... ccn:H1lt Qn~ t., Ge..::C1fd.altc. wlfh. ~ dul'r," of th. l.lndeufg"" ownlrl <br /><<Ule!: pl09rr..torl. <br />IN WlTNiESS WHERtOr. I h"ave oUl:xtd my ,tgnaIY", htnta at Cral'Ld tslartdi, r.I,b,.C1,ko. lhl~ of ft'" LJ I"'JI1 b-<e. r . <br />2006. <br /> <br /> <br />",on,~~k!0.F <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br /> <br />f514C't- <br />I b\..O\~ ADO. <br /> <br />Stat. 01 Ne-brosk-tJ <br /> <br />County 01 Haft <br />On jhO~d.' .1~of€p?be1" , 2006, ..,.... mo. Hard"", A ,tboshon . <br />G NoPal')' Public wll:t1lrt orHI lor :!laid CQunty, p.ertcH'l:<l~ -appl.C1r1d PQirlala A. J(lhnso.n. P;J'fd,nJ .of PAlmcK RENTALS. LL-C., ct <br />Umlt..d Ua b~lty Comp<u1)'lo to mt puaonClfl)p ~no...n to "' the pruld'tnt 0' :s-ald Umne4 Uab~l" CClh1pan'l. and 1tI. 14tntrcol <br />, W'~ou :lIlgnalure !. aUb:1td :hu..-lo. -and thot :lb. dId 04k"OWIed~. Ih, t'xlKl,l'l1o", Ihertof 10 be h... y.glunta:.ry Clot CI no dlofd <br />:~o:~:.:::=::, ,~ ~~d ~kJ::::f, -a:: ::I~ t~: US:1Jl~:~fl~~~ lNy Comprmy, and ih-Gt ~h. W"J~ .m~.......~ 10 m~. tn, <br /> <br />JM WlTNE::SS wtIUtOF. I ho...... h.rwnto ,ublorlbotd my l'KIm. and ofUnd m:f of1k1lo1 s~ at C~nd- ~! Iarld. Nltlrolka. on <br />fh. cIole kist crbon wrHt4n. <br /> <br />Uy .Ion "pi,.. /i') '" <( ~ .:2.. '" (') R' <br /> <br />~~1'J tI. ~ <br /> <br /> <br />APPROVALS <br /> <br />SubmHttd to and C1p rond by tn. R'1IIMOI Plannrn'Ll C-ommrnl.o" of Helll Counf)i, (J'r-a nd I,land .and WooG RIvtr-. oIJl1d lh. <br />VlH'a'5lu -0-1 AIda. CQlro (I C-onlphon. NtMa:dco. <br /> <br /> <br />q -I z.. --ore <br />001. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />A ttdGt 0' land com'P1'rsIn'll (Ill of tota T'WO {2} and Th.... (3). P'oh1ak :SubdMslon r" Ihe CIIy Qf Grand l:tj(lnd~ Hlbr(lsko and <br />CCl-",fQftrl~ 1.112 ilJO"':I, mo,", or In:l. <br /> <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br /> <br />l h.reby c.rllf)I Ihoj on .:JPo~PI" Ie . 2006. t completed an aca'Lf((la :lUNay (meld. ...ndtl' my supervl:llo-n) <br />of IOPATRlCl< :SECOND SU9DI'VI'S[()N" ln 1tI. City et' Gr-aoo larond. Nebr-a--!ko+ a, :IIhown on lh. -aa:.aomPdR)'rnf: pfQt !:he'H'= fl'101J' Ih. <br /> <br />~~:~~~:'~~g~r;r::'in~:~~.~'rlt-a-~~~. Q~~r~~c::lJ"?~o~:o:;dd :/r~Jr:,u:::t~~:II'h~~n~~:.~~rlc::~ w~~:d~~':~ :: ~nO:a~n:~1 f~: <br />sh:o-wn 0-". th. plQ-I= thaf tacl<! f-ot bllar:l If, own niLlm-b..,; an d lhat sc:lfd- su 'f'V~ 'NO' mad. wlih ",f.,,"c. 10- krwwn a-rtd rlcordld <br />mOrlUmlltn-t:!l. <br /> <br /> <br /> ;g P} <br /> )" ~ ~!f <br />~r ~ <br />,., l. <br />o _ ~~ <br /> ..... H <br /> r w ~'j <br /> '" <br />a '" <br /> "" <br /> '" <br /> "" ~ =~ <br /> <br />111111111111 "II <br /> <br />PATRICK SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS - GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />SHEET I OF I <br /> <br />200608180 <br />