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<br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />200608086 <br /> <br />, O%,,~\f'l 0''( <br />6. \~ ,,0 a.~~' ~ <br />." \~ '0 QQ~\' ~ <br />.\"'" "'~. ' <br />~~\,I,l?' , <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />l'ill'l of J.ul Fineell (15), of Ihe Conllly SlIhdlvlslun (If the South Half (51/2) of the Southeast <br />Qnartcr (SEt/4) of Sedlou Sidecn (16), III Township Eleven (11) North, Runge Nine (9) West <br />of the 61h 1',1\'1., IlII1I purl of the Norlheilst Quarter (NEt/4) of the Northellst Quarter (NEl/4) <br />llf Sl'ct;lln 'I\"ellly One (zt), Inwllshlll I!:levell (II) North, U'lIIl1e Nine (9) West of the 61h I'.M" <br />lIlore llill'licuhu'ly descl'ibed liS follows, In-wil: <br />COlllllleuclng ilt II )lIliul sideell I"eet (t6') SOlltherly f"olll Ihe Soulbcuslerly cu..ner of 1.01 Two <br />(2), IIIlIek Th..ce (3), In WIehe's Addition 10 Ihe City of Grlllld Islulld, lInll County, Neh..usku <br />und .111 u line wilh Ihe Eusledy hOIlIlIlI\"y Ulle of slllll Illl, if exlelllh:II, Ihellce running SOIlIl..,...y <br />1".....Ud willi the \Vesledy line of Edlly SIn.'eI 1"",' il distullce of 132 feel 10 Ibe Northe"'y line of <br />Jllhll Sh'cd, thencc rnllllill!: ill il Weslel'ly dh-eclloll Idollg 111111 "ll1ln Ihe Nlll'lhedy nne of John <br />Streel 1"01' n dlstilllce IIf 66 feet; Ihence rnll"lng III 1\ Northerly directloll IJundlcl with the <br />Emile"'y line (If Clnrk Slreet fo" n dlstallce of 132 feel; thence rlllllllllg EiJsterly pundtcl with Ihe <br />Norther'ly line of John Sh'eel for n dlstunce of 66 feel to Ihe pluce of beglllnln/:, all In 111111 <br />COllllly, Nebrllskll <br /> <br />JL <br /> <br />Tfl)v <br /> <br />