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<br />200607924
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<br />Notice is hereby given that a Foreclosure Petition has been filed in the District Court of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, as Case No. CI06-914 where Situs, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, is Plaintiff
<br />("PlaintW") and Jeremy S. Gillam and Jack L. Gillam, as tenants in common; U.S. Bank National
<br />Association; The Yancey Condominium Association Inc.; and John Doe and Mary Doe, and all other
<br />persons/entities unknown having or claiming any right, title or interest in Condominium Unit No.1 003, The
<br />Yancey, A Condominium in accordance with the Declaration recorded on October 17, 1984, under Document
<br />No. 84-005507 of the Count of Hall, State of Nebraska, are Defendants (collectively "Defendants"), the
<br />object and request of which is to obtain a court order entitling Plaintiff to foreclose County Tax Certificate
<br />No. 20030327 issued by the Hall County Treasurer on March 7,2003, (the "Tax Certificate "), all as more
<br />particularly described in said Foreclosure Petition. Per said Tax Certificate the following described real
<br />estate is encumbered in favor of Plaintiff:
<br />
<br />Condominium Unit No. 1003, The Yancey, A Condominium in accordance with the
<br />Declaration recorded on October 17, 1984, under Document No. 84-005507 of the Count
<br />of Hall, State of Nebraska, (the "Real Estate").
<br />
<br />In said Foreclosure Petition, Plaintiff seeks to obtain foreclosure of Plaintiffs interest, and to have
<br />the same declared a first lien upon the interests of Defendants in the Real Estate; to have the Real Estate sold
<br />to satisfy the amounts so found due, together with the reasonable costs incurred by PlaintifI in abstracting
<br />and obtaining other title information regarding the Real Estate, the costs for filing this Notice of Lis Pendens,
<br />the filing fee for the Foreclosure Petition, service costs of serving the Foreclosure Petition on the Defendants,
<br />and attorney's fees in an amount equal to 10% of all amounts due for taxes, special assessments, interest and
<br />costs; and to foreclose Defendants of all right, title, interest, lien, claim, demand, and equity ofredemption
<br />whatcver in and to the Rcal Estate, together with such other and further relief as the court may deemjust and
<br />equitable.
<br />
<br />DATED:~L 2006.
<br />
<br />SITUS, LLC, Plaintiff
<br />
<br />1201 Lincoln Mall, Ste. 102
<br />Lincoln, NE 68508
<br />(402~ 100)
<br />
<br />By:
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<br />o Public" -
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<br />Please retum aftcr recording to:
<br />Britt J. Ehlers
<br />Rembolt Ludtke LLP
<br />1201 Lincoln Mall, Ste. 102
<br />Lincoln, NE 68508
<br />
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