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<br />200607582 <br />LIMITED POWER OF ATIORNEY FOR PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE <br /> <br />KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />I, _Michael J. Albers _ ("Principal") maintaining an address at _ 4509 Papillion Ct. Fredericksburg, <br />V A 22408_ do hereby make and appoint _Candace L. Albers _ ("'Agenf') maintaining an address at: <br />_4509 Papillion (..1. Fredericksburg, VA 22408_ my true and lawful attorney-in-fact for me and in my <br />name, and in my behalf with full power to: <br /> <br />Purchase and acquire on my behalf the real estate located at: _1515 Meadow Road, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska 68803 ~, and legally described as:_ Lot 5, Block 3, in Summerfield Estates Fourth Subdivision, <br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />This limited power shall include the right to complete and execute any and all documents, instruments, <br />warranties, releases, mortgages, applications or deeds necessary for such transaction, retain lawyers, <br />accountants or brokers, apply for and obtain necessary loans, arrange for investigations, searches and <br />inspections ofthe property, pay funds for such purchase and do all other things necessary and <br />appropriate to complete the transaction. <br /> <br />I hereby ratify and confirm all acts that my Agent, shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this <br />power of attorney and the rights hereby granted. <br /> <br />lIDs Limited Power of Attorney and the rights, powers, and authority of my Agent shall become <br />effective immediately upon execution of this instnunent. The rights, powers, and authority of this <br />document shall remain in full force and effect thereafter Wltil the above described real estate is <br />purchased and the transaction is completed or in the event of my death, disability or incapacity, or upon <br />my revocation of this document or September 01, 2006, whichever occurs first. As used herein, <br />"disability" or "incapacity" shall mean a lack of capacity to receive and evaluate information effectively, <br />to communicate decisions, and/or to manage my financial resources and affairs properly. <br /> <br />My Agent shall be entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable expenses incurred as a result of carrying <br />out any provision of this Power of Attorney. Agent may be required to provide an accounting of all <br />funds received and/or disbursed. <br /> <br />Ifany part of this docwnent is held to be invalid, illegal or llllenforceable under applicable law, then the <br />remainillg un.affected parts of the docwnent shall still remain in full force and effect and not be affected <br />by any partial invalidity. <br /> <br />Agent shall not be liable for losses resulting from judgment errors made in good faith. However, Agent <br />will be liable for breach of fiduciary duty, failure to act in good faith and/or willful misconduct, while <br />acting under the authority of this Power of Attorney. <br /> <br />I may revoke this Power of Attorney at any time by providing written notice to my Agent. <br /> <br /> <br />Signed on Ib /J.o.({ (,r., +- 2g)date), at 'j2 ld) j-l?e veS I- (city), (I h {{;y.,,; q (state). <br /> <br />- 1 - <br />