<br />Deed of Trust, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing
<br />(Nebraska)
<br />
<br />200607365
<br />
<br />This Trust Deed, made this 17th day of August, 2006, between August H. Peters and Elaine A. Peters, husband and
<br />wife, whose address is 10532 W Husker Hwy, Wood River, Nebraska, 68883 Trustor, and Bruce I. Smith, Attorney at
<br />Law, whose address is P. O. Box 790, Grand Island, NE 68802, Trustee,
<br />
<br />Witnesseth: That Whereas, Trustor has executed one certain Deed of Trust Note bearing even date herewith and drawn
<br />to the order of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, hereinafter called Beneficiary, for the principal sum ofmSIX
<br />HUNDRED THOUSAND---Dollars ($600,000.00), payable in lawful money of the United States which shall be legal
<br />tender in payment of all debts and dues, public and private, at the time of payment, payable in installments, the final
<br />installment due July 15, 2026, with interest thereon from the date of disbursement as therein provided.
<br />
<br />And Whereas, Trustor is desirous of securing the prompt payment of said Deed of Trust Note and all interest and charges
<br />thereon, in whose hands soever the same may be.
<br />
<br />Now, therefore, Trustor, in consideration of the premises, and for the purpose aforesaid, hath granted, bargained, sold,
<br />and conveyed, and hereby does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, pursuant to
<br />the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act (Section 76-1001 et. seq.), all the following described real estate, premises and
<br />property, situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />
<br />The Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty seven, Township Eleven North, Range Eleven West of the Sixth Principal
<br />Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, EXCEPTING a tract of land more particularly described in Plat of Sand L
<br />Subdivision recorded as Document No. 200400536.
<br />
<br />The Northwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty-four, Township Eleven
<br />North, Range Eleven West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, privileges and appurtenances, now or hereafter located upon or
<br />belonging to or in anywise appertaining to the above described property, or any part thereof, including any right of
<br />homestead and every contingent right or estate therein.
<br />
<br />The Note secured hereby expressly provides that the holder thereof may at its option change or adjust the interest rates
<br />set forth therein.
<br />
<br />It is agreed that all irrigation pumps, motors, engines pipes, sprinklers, control panels and accessories, and all other
<br />irrigation equipment together with all water and watering rights of every kind and description, and all improvements,
<br />fixtures and appurtenances connected therewith now or hereafter placed or installed on said premises shall be
<br />construed as affixed to and a part of the real estate hereinabove described and subject to all of the provisions of this
<br />Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />The Note secured by this Deed of Trust is further secured by a Financing Statement and Security Agreement of even
<br />date herewith, covering all equipment, improvements, fixtures and appurtenances as described in said Financing
<br />Statement and Security Agreement.
<br />
<br />This instrument shall constitute a security agreement with respect to the fixtures Income and Personal Property
<br />included in the description of the Property.
<br />
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