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<br />...". <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />200607361 <br /> <br />, F,XHJRlT "A" <br /> <br />PARCEL 1: Lot One (1), Wedgewood Subdivision, CiC1 of Grand Island, Ball County, NebNska. <br /> <br />, . <br />PARCEL 2: A bet of land c"lmpri.!iing a :part of Lot .1, ,Golden Age Second Subdl'fisiOJl. and a J>>8rt of ' <br />. vacated Carey ",venue lying West of ad, ac1Jaccpt to said Lot 1, all in the City of Gt-and Island, Hall <br />. Coaty, Neln'aska and Dlore particularly described as follows: ~Ing at a point 011 the West Une of <br />said I,.ot 1; said point: beJng 141.64 feet NOl'th of ~e Sollthwest COl'llet' of said Lot 1; thence Westerly <br />perpendicular to the West line of said Lot 1 a distance of 81.2 feet to 'a :point 011 the West line of 'facated <br />Carey A~mue; thence Noriherly a10Dg the West line of ,vacated Carey Avenue a, cUstanee -of 292.03 feet; <br />thence deflectinl right 90'00' and running Eatiterly a ctistance of 81.2 feet to a :pomt on the West ljpe of <br />said LOt 1, said poiDt being at the point of ,Intersection of the prolOngatiOD of, the Southwesterly line of <br />Stoepr Drive with the West line of smd Lot 1; thence Soatheaste:rIy alOb& saJd prolonpUOIl a dlstaDce <br />of 213.0 feet; th~ running Southwesterly, parallel to the l'rolongatiOJi of the NorthwesterlY Uneor <br />BamnaDD Drive, a cUstance of 200.15 teet to the point of begiDIIIDg. <br /> <br />, <br />