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<br />... <br /> <br />() <br /> <br />') <br />{ , <br />200304731 <br /> <br />* . <br />'" fi.. <br /> <br />200607068 <br /> <br />EXBIBIT-A- <br /> <br />Lot Twenty (20) and the Northwesterly Twenty (20) feet of Lot Nineteen (19), Block Three (3), Second <br />Addition to Holcomb's HIghway Homes Subdi'flslon, a subclifislon of a part of the Northeast Quarter <br />of the Northeast Quarter (NElf4 NElf4) and a part of Lot Four (4) MaInland, Sedion Twenty Eight <br />(28), TOWDShlp Eleven (11) North, Range NIne (9) West of the 6th P oM., HaD County, Nebraska; said <br />tract beIDg described as starting at a point where corners of Lots NIneteen (19) and Twenty (20) In said <br />Block and addition meet and abut on Brahma Street, thence Southeasterly along the tront lot Une of said <br />. Lot Nineteen (19) a distance of Twenty (20) feet, thence Southwesterly and parallel to the lot be between <br />said Lots NIneteen (19) and Twenty (20) to the place where said lot line IDttneds with the rear or <br />Southwesterly lot be of said Lot NIneteen (19), thence Northwesterly along said reallot Bae of said Lot <br />NIneteen (19) a distance of approDmateIJ TweDty (20) feet to the Westerly rear COl'Dfl' be~ said Lots <br />NIneteen (19) and Twaaty (20); thence Not1beasterly and along the Uue .betWeD said LotS NIneteen (19) <br />and Twenty (20) a distance 01 One HUndred FOrty and Five Tenths (140.5) feet, to the plaCe ofWnnlng. <br />