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<br />. -r <br />;..-' <br /> <br />200606995 <br /> <br />Exhibit A <br /> <br />Legal Description: Horizon West Subdjvision "L6~ <br />) , <br /> <br />A tract orland comprising a piUt oflhc Southeast Qualter ( 581/4) ofSect;on Six (6), Township Twelve <br />(12) North, Range (11) West of the 6th P_M_. Hall Count)', Nebraska. and more particularly desl;ribed as <br />tallows: <br /> <br />Beginning at the nonheast corner of! So~~hl!as1. Quarter (SEl/4); thence sOlJtherly, along and upon <br />the east Ilne of said Southeast Quan-or (5E1I4), l di!ltance nf'fwenty (20.0) teet; thence denectins right <br />90050'04" and runnlng westerlYI para.llel with and Twenty (20.0) fc:ct soulh of (measured PQrpendiculllI <br />to) the north line mSllid Southeast Quarter (S'E1I4 a distance ofTwo Thou!i.~nd Si~y Eight and Fifty . <br />Five Hundredfhs (2,068.55) feet; thence detlecting left 45036'2111 and running southwesterly, a distahce <br />of Eight Hundred Eleven and Seventy three Hondredths (811.7.1) feet to a poim 011 the west line ot'said <br />Saulhoast Quaner (SEl/4)i thenoe deflecting right 134"39'08" and running nonherly, a.long and OpOI\ <br />the west line of said Southeast Quanet (SEIJ4), a dlsta.nce of Six Hundred and One Tcnth(600.1 O) fCIM: <br />10 the nllnhwe.,t comer ohaid Southeast Quaner (SR 114): thence deflecting right 90957'13" and running <br />easterly I\Iong and upon the nonh line of said Southellst Quarter (SE1/4), a. distanoe of Two 1'houslmd <br />Six HlJlldrod Fonh Six and Twelve Hundroot'hs (2,646.11) feet to the po;nL of beginning and containing <br />:\,060 acres, mOre or less. <br />