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<br />~_ FlU;; 04.,5W'
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<br />2 0 0 6 0 6 96 0 EXlmn1' "A"
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<br />20:041058 '(
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<br />A tract ot land eomprislDg a );Ian of Ibe Northwest Qua~ <NW1f4) of Sed.OIl Twenty Four (24),
<br />Township :Elema (11) NOI1h, Range Eleven (11) West of. the 6th P.M., Hnn COUDlY, Nebraska and 0101'0
<br />:Pm1ltularl, dtsQ'Jbc:d IS (ollowl. legigams It the DOI1blTCI~ comer or laid NOrlbwo5t Qlllrter
<br />(NW1/4), tbcDc:e IUQQlnll easterly, along and upon the oorth JlDe of /laid 'Northwest Qaartel' (NW1f4),
<br />a distance of Four Hundred (400.0) teetl thence deIlectiD8' ri.t 890 29' JS- and mnning southerly,
<br />parallel with the Wellt llDe of said Northwest Quaner (l'I1W1/4) !I cBstance of Seven Hunclml Fort)> Seven
<br />(747.0) teet; thebee deO.edlns ript 90. 30' 25- aDd l1Jllblng, westerly, :parallel with: the north Ifbe ot said.
<br />North~t Quarter (NWl/4), a ilbtabce ot Four Huocked. (..0) teet to a point on the west line of said.
<br />Not1hwest Quarter (NWlf4); thence defled:ing right 8,. 29' 35" aoilrunriing nort;berly, along and upon
<br />lb.e west line of 9ald North""'t ,Quarter (NW1f4), a distance of Seven Huncked :Forty Seveb (747.0) teet
<br />to the point of btglnniPg AND
<br />
<br />A. tract of land cOblprlslng a part of the Northwest Q...rter .(NW1/4) aDd a ),,\..... of the S"'ufhl'fe$t
<br />Quarter (SWl/4) b\ Section 'l\fthty Four (4), TOWIl8hl>> :Eleven (11) NGrtb, Bange Eleven (11) West
<br />of tile 6th P.M., and a part of the NorthWl';St Quarter (NW1/4) of Se\,~ioD Tmmt)' F1'WJ (Z5), Townsblp
<br />Eleven (11) N011h, llabge E1evea (11) West of t.e 6t1\ P.M., all being In Hall Counly, Nebraska andlllore .
<br />partlcularl1 descdbed ai Collc)l't'$; BealDnlbg at the southwest co.-uer of the South~.t Quarter (SWlf4)
<br />ol salel Section' Twenty Four (24); tbellce l"UD.lng northerly, along and. upo.; the west line or dae
<br />Soulhwe.st Quaner (SWl/4) of said. Section Twtnt)' Fout' (24), a ili8t.ance ()f Two 'ThousaDd Six DODtlred
<br />FIfty Six IlIld Two Tenth. (265ft.20) tHt to the southwest comer of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of
<br />:llai. SectlMl Tweaty Fon (24); theoce de1Iectmg k"lght OOD Oz' to- and running DorU1el'ly, aloDg and upon
<br />the west line or the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of said Section 'I'weDty Four (~4), a distance of One
<br />TboDBand NlDe lIundtecl. 'I'hree aDa Seventy Three Hundredths (1,903.73) feet to . l'olbt wblcb is Seven
<br />HUbdfcd Forty Seven (747.0) teet $outh or the.nortbwe$t corDer of tbe Not1hM8t QQ8rter (NWl/4) or,
<br />said SectlOb Twenty Four (24); theace deOecting dglat 90. 30' 25" abd mDnlns easterly, l'araUel with the
<br />nolih liue ot the Northwest Quarter (NWlf4) o~ satd SectioD Twenty Four (24), a distance oC Four
<br />nwulrecl (400.0) teet; theaee defledJDg left 90' 30' 2!1I and mnlling aortbtJ;ly, }Jarallel with the west Ifne
<br />of the Northwest Quarter <NW1/4) of said SeelioQ Twenty Foul' (14); a distance of' Sevu HuadRd Forty
<br />SeveR (147.0) teet to a point on the north J"e of the Nortb~lt Qua~ (NWl/4),: $ald point beb'a Four
<br />HUbdred (400.0) feet east of ~e nonhm:st co'lner ot the Northwest Quarter (NWlf4) of said Section
<br />'l\'fenty Four (24); thence deDecUng right 90'" 30' 25" aad. nJlblog ea.$te"')', .long and npon the north Ifne
<br />of the Nol1liwest Quarter (NWl/4) of said Sedloa Twenty Four (24), a distance' of One Thousand Six
<br />Hundred Shtem aod. Fo'l1.1 'J.'wq RUD~cl.ths (1,616.0) feet; thence' deOecting right 890 40' 55" an'd
<br />mnlDg southerly, a distabce of One Thousand. :NIne lIuadred Seventy Five and Seven Hundredths
<br />(l,nS.01) feet; thellce deOtdlng right 89" 53' 25" ond running westerly, a distance: of One Bunilrecl.:Fitts
<br />Two and Eight Teatlls (152.80) feel; tbeRee deftectlul lef:\; 89'" 5!1' 15K aDd rubbing 501ltherly, a dlstaace
<br />of ODe 'J'bGulal..l Seven Bodred ElghteeD and Eighty Five Hundredths (1.,718.85) teet; theoce deneding
<br />right 29' 52' 20" aRIl han"". lIouthweat~ly, a dl$tance or FOQr HUbdred Twenf1 Nine and Sixty Four
<br />Hunllreddu (429.64) teet; thence deOectlng left 29D 51' 55" and ....nDlng southerly, a. dI$tance of One
<br />Thousand lli.'fe :O:undl'ed. Twtbty Nine an.d Twenty Eight Huadredths ,(1,529.28) feet; thence runllllng
<br />wetterly, aloll' and _"pan the aft! of a cune to the right whOSe radius Is 360.56 feet, a distuce ot Three
<br />ll....tkecl Twenty 'l'wo .hd. Elghl1 Fife DwdJ:ed.ths (322.&5) teet (Ioog "hord distance = 312.17' . long
<br />chord deOectlng right 11S'" 38' 43" from thll previously described course); thelllce ~ecting right 25" 38'
<br />45" from tilt chord. of the l'te'fious)y cletlcribed tut'Ve and. ruonlbg northwesterlyi a distance of EIJht)'
<br />:Fife ....a Six Tt'Dths (85.60) feet; thell-:e .....nning horthwesterly, along and upon. tbe are of a curve to the
<br />left who$e l'1Icllus is 257.73 ree', a distance ot Two Hundred. 'l\vebty Nine and Fifty Nine Hundredths
<br />'(229.59) feet (long cl10td iIlstaoce . 222.07' . lona cho....d deflecting left 25* 31' 10~ from the )Jreviol)sly
<br />dellCribed course) to a POiDt on tbe south line of t.e Southwest Quaml' (SWl/4) iJf said SecUon Twenty
<br />FOllr (24); tbence deRectiQ8 left 25" 31' 40" from the chord of the pretio.sly c1e~cri~ed cUl"fe and mnnlna
<br />westerly, along and Gpon the south line of tbe Southwest Quarter (SWlf4)of said Section 1\yenty Four
<br />(24), a distance of One Thousabcl QDe lluoelreal One and Seventeen Hundredths (1,101.11) teet to the
<br />lWint oC bealani.g :
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