<br />Legal Description
<br />
<br />A lrocl af land camprlslng a pari of lhe Narlhwosl Quarler (IIWI/4) of Secli"" Twenty Thr6B (23), Tawnship ao..n
<br />(N)Narlh,RangoTBff 'ft{))'W..laNhe <6th, P;AI., In Ihoelly 'cfGramJ-lsland, Hall County, Nobroska, more pariioulorty
<br />describod as follows:
<br />80ginning 01 Ihe norlheasl comor al said Narlhwosl Ouarl" (NW1/4); Ihonce ronnlng woslerly along lhe narlh line of
<br />,aid Norlhwesl Ouarler (NWI / 4), on an Assumed aoorlng of 1189' 42 '01 "W, a dislanco of Thidy five (35.00) foel. 10 Ihe
<br />ACTUAl polnf of beginning; lhenco continuing N8fN2'(JI"W, along Iho narlh line af said lIodhwosl Ouarl" (NWIj4), a
<br />dislance of Two 'Hundred 'Ninety Threo and Farly "/Ime Bandredlh. {293.-49j-feet.-ih.ncorurmingS(}(J'17'U'W, a dlslance
<br />of T"" Hundred T...nty (220.(J0) f.ol; lhence running S89'42'46"E. a dislanco 0/ Fit/oen and Tw.nty Nme Handredlhs
<br />(lS.29) feol; lhence running S21'38'24"[. a dislanco of Ninety S...n and Two Hundredlhs (97.02) feol; Ihene. running
<br />SOO'37'21"1t; a dislaneo of S...n Hondrod Slxl.en and So..nty Fi.. Hundredlhs (715.75) f..l; lhence running
<br />" 1189' 42'42"1t; a dislance 01 Two Hundred Farly (UO.M) f..l; ihenco running 1/00'37'21"[. a dlslance 0/ Three Hundred
<br />'SeVtMty Fivs {375.M)-/ftf; '1henco running "N89'4;<45"W, a dlslance of One Hundred Fifly (l5IJ.00) foe/,. lhenco ronnlng
<br />SM'37'21"w, 0 distance of fifleon (l5.oo) foel; lhenco ronnmg N89'42'46"W, a dlslonco 01 On. Hundrod Eighty (180.00)
<br />IH/,' Ih.nce ronning 500'37'21"W. 0 dlslonco of Threo Hundrod Thirty fivo (335.00) feol; Ihonce running S89'42'46"[. a
<br />dislanco of Nlnely (90.00) f..I,' lhenco runnln9 Soo'37'21"W, a dislonce 01 Nl'nely lIine and Soy.nly Eight Hundredlhs
<br />(99.78) foel, la 0 painl on 0 calVo; Ihence ronnlng norlh.slorly along Ihe arc of 0 curve 10 Ihe right whase rodlus is
<br />Two Hundrod Farty (140.00) fe.l, Ihe long chard af omlch 'bear '1fTl"01'16"w, 0 lang chord dislonce of Twenty Threo
<br />and S...n Hundredlhs (23JJl) foe/; Ihonce ronning 1171'29'41"W, 0 dlslance af Ono Hundred Thirty Four and forty Six
<br />Hundrodths (I 34,46) feo/, la apalnl of curvalure; ihonce 1unning nadhw..lerly. a""ng lhe arc of 0 curve 10 lhe loti
<br />whoso radius Is Threo Hundred (300.00) fool, 1M long chord af which bears N80' 36' W"W, a long chord dislanco of
<br />lIinoty four and Eighty Nino Hundredlhs (94.89) loel; Ihence running 1/89'42'40"w, a dislanco af Threo Hundrod Nineieen
<br />and Thirty Nine Hundredlhs (319.39) f.ol; Ihonee running NO/J'll'21 "r, 0 dislonco 01 One Thousand Thirty Nln. and Filly
<br />Six Hundred/hs (l039.56) (oel, 10 0 palnl an iho norlh line o( sold Norlhwasl Quorl" (IIW1/4); Ihence running
<br />1189'42'01"W, olang Ihenorlh tiM of said NorIhwas/Quar/., {WI/4}, adislanco af-Six .Hundred Se.enly Seren and Six
<br />Hundredlhs (577. (5) f.ol; Ihenco running S(}(J' 12'09"[. a disionce of Four Hundred fiily (450.00) /../,' thenco running
<br />S89'42'01"[. 0 dis/ance of Ninoly (M,M) fool; Ihenco runntng SOO'12'09"[. a dlslance 01 TWD Hundred Farly (140,00)
<br />1..1; thone. ronnlng S89'42'0("[. 0 dislanco of fiffy Sovon and Thirloen Hundredlhs (57./3) le.l; Ihonco ronnlng
<br />SOO'37'21"W. 0 dislanco 01 Nin.1y (90.00) fHI; Ihence ronning 589'42'01"<, a dislanco of Two Hundred Eighty (280.00)
<br />'oo/;Iheno.ronning SOO'37'2/"w. .cdlsloncoaf Threo HundredNlneloefl and Sixty Ono Hundred Hundredlhs (3IHI)
<br />1..1; Ihence running 589'42'40"E. 0 dislance of five Hundred filly Nino and S...nly four Hundredlh, (559.14) f.ol, la a
<br />painl of cl1fl'Olure; Ihonc. running saulheaslorly clang Ihe arc of 0 calVe la Iho righl whose radius Is Twa Hundred
<br />Forty (240.00) 1.." tho iong chord of which bears S80']6'10"E. 0 long chard dlslonc. al S.renly Fiv. and Ninely Elghl
<br />Handr.dlbs (75.98) foel; Ih.neo running S71 '29'4 I "[. 0 dlslonco of On. Hundred Thlrly Four and Farly Six Hundredlhs
<br />(i 34.46) f../, la.o palnl .af cofflJlure;lh.nce running soulheaslerly along the arc of 0 CUIV, la lhe l.tI whose radius is
<br />Throe Hundred (300.00) foel, Ihe long chard of which /Mars S80'36'10"[, 0 long cholli dlslonco of S..only Five and
<br />Ninoly Eighl Hundredlhs (75.98) I.el; Ihenco running 589'42'40"[. 0 dislance al Elghly lIino and Twenty Five Hundredlhs
<br />(89.25) I.el; Ihonco running SO(J'37'2J"W, c dislanco of Nlnely (9(J.OO) fool; ihence ronning S89'42'40'E. a dislance af
<br />Fivs Hundred Ninely Six and So.onty Six Hundredlhs (596.75) feol; Ihonce runnln9 NOO'37'23"E, c dislanco of Ono
<br />Thousand 1wa Hundred -fi(1y five and ForlyOno Hundredlhs (1255,41) foet"" Iho.4CTlJAl polnla/beglnning and
<br />conloining 25. 993 ocros more or loss,
<br />
<br />Surveyor'S Cerl ifiea Ie
<br />I heroby cerilfy Ihal on 'January 10, 2006, I compleled on accurolo survey of 'COPPER CREEK ESTATES SUBOIYISION: in
<br />lhe Clly of Grand Island, Nebraska, os shown on Ihe accampanpng pial Ih.reof; Ihal Iho lals, blacks, slreels, ovonuas,
<br />'ol/oys, parks, 'commonsondoth.r 9roands 'osoonlolned In 'said subdMsian cs shawn on th. accampanylng pial ihoreof
<br />oro well and accurolely slokod alf ond marked; lhal iron morKors were placed 01 011 ial comors; Ihol lhe dimensions of
<br />each 101 aro as sho Wn on Ih. pial; Ihol .ach 101 boors lis 0 wn nambor; and Ihal said saIV. y was made wilh roforonco
<br />la kno wn and recorded monumenls,
<br />
<br />
<br />cp.., O\J _ ~_. A .
<br />u.F)'TO:"SO~
<br />
<br />COPPER
<br />
<br />2006067711
<br />
<br />Dedication
<br />
<br />KNOW All I./EN Br THESE PRESENTS, Ihal COPPER CREEK ESTAlES, U. c., 0 Nobrasko limilod licbllity Company, boing
<br />Ih. .o"noraf -Ih. .Iand doscfibed horeon. has caused somo la bo surv.yrd, subdivided, plalled and dosignoled as
<br />'cOPPER CREEK ESTATES SUBOiVISIOII' in Ihe City of Grand Island. lI.blosko, os shown on Iho accompanying pial Ihoreof,
<br />and do horeby dedleole Iho sfroels as shown Ihereon la ihe publTc fer Ihore use lor.." cnd Ih. easlJlllonls os shawn
<br />Ihereon for Iho localion, conslrucl/on and main/Monc. 01 public sorvico alilj/los, logelh" wilh Ihe ri9hl af in9'OSS and
<br />egr.ss Ihorela. ond horeby prohlbii/ng lho planling of Ir.... bushas and shrohs. ar placing olher cbslruci/ons apon, 0"1;
<br />along ar undomealh Ih. surfaco of such easemenis; and lhal Ihe foregoing suM'lsion os maro porlleuloriy describ.d in
<br />Ih. descriplion h.roon os appoors on Ihls pial is mode wllh lhe lreo consenl and in accordance "ilh Iho dasiros of Iho
<br />undersigned oWn.r and proprielar. IJ /
<br />ill WITNESS -WHEREOF, I hav.. omx.d my si9nolure h....lo, of Crand Island. Nebraska, Ihis JL!!...doy of ~1---
<br />, 2005,
<br />
<br />A Nebraska limiled liobilily Company'
<br />
<br />We- '77Z L
<br />WiIIicm c. 8o~
<br />
<br />Acknowl e dgem en t
<br />
<br />Sial. Of lIobrasko ss
<br />Caunly Of lfalf . I .-:l ~ r .
<br />On Ih..JtJ!.doy of~t-., 2006, belon me,~ V. e.,-t~~., c Nolory Public wllhin and
<br />for sold Counly, persDnally appeared WIll/Ail C. BAKER, !.Ionog.r 0 COPPER l!EEK ESTATES. U, C., a Nobroska limlled
<br />liablllly Company and 10 me personally known 10 be th. idenl/col porson whoso si9ROh,,0 is affixed horalo, ond Ihol he
<br />did ocknowiedgo Ih. execalion /horoof Ia be his volunlary oel and deed and Ihe volunlory ocl and d.ed af sold
<br />Company,
<br />iNWTTIIESSWi/U{fOF- I ho.. h....unla subscrib.d my nome and offixed my official seal cl Grand island, Nobroska, on
<br />Ihe dol. losl obo.. wr#i,n.
<br />Aly commission e..pi-"s_~~, ~ .
<br />
<br />m d1 c::::~
<br />" lIolory Pub
<br />
<br />I~~I
<br />
<br />Approvals
<br />
<br />Submillod 10 and approvod by Ihe Regional Planning Commission o( Hall Counly, Grand Island,
<br />Villoges of Akjg~ iro and Denlphon. Nebrosko.
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />Wood River cnd Ih.
<br />
<br />{,' at:.-d"
<br />Chairman
<br />
<br />d II /0&
<br />I' r Oo/~
<br />
<br />'''''''' ~ u~. C'M ,,',,'
<br />
<br />N.broska. Ihis_1-!:- doy oLllo.rc..\....
<br />
<br />,2006.
<br />
<br />_~j."),o"Q."
<br />Cily c/"k
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />NO C K'lr HI AND ASS 0 c. L L C. - f Neill f f N / II C " 5 V Ii V f Y/ N C - eN, N 0 I 5 I A NO, N [ Ii N ASK A
<br />
<br />Sh,,1 110. 1 0/ 2
<br />