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7/7/2006 4:32:25 PM
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<br />." <br /> <br />200606080 <br /> <br />-EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />Tract 1: Undivided one-fourth interest in and to the North <br />Half of the Northwest Quarter (~) of Section Twenty-four <br />(24), TOl.l7Ilship Ten (10) Northr Range Twelve (12) West of the <br />6th P.M. r 'Hall County, NebrasJ),a, and <br /> <br />Tract 2: Undivided one-fourth interest in and to part of1the <br />Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (~?l) of Sec't;-ion <br />Twenty-four (24) in Township Ten (10J North, Range'rwelve (12) <br />West of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of <br />the Northeast Quarter (NW~~) of said Section Twenty-four <br />(24) and running thence South along its West line 1)156 -f-eet <br />to the Northwest corner of a five (5) acre tract heretofore <br />conveyed to John M. Tyrrell by Warranty Deed recorded in Book <br />28 of Deeds, at Page 138, of the Deed Records_ of Hall County., <br />Nebraska; thence East along the ~orth line of said five (5) <br />acre tract, l.,156 feet to a gas pipe ,in the left high bank of <br />Wood Ri "ITer; thence along said left high bank in a general <br />northerly direction as follows: Turning an angle of 50 <br />Degrees to the left, and running 102.9 feet to a gas pipe; <br />thenQ8c36 Degrees 32' to the left, 222 feet to a stake; thence <br />'49 Degrees 21' to the left ,45 feet to a stake; thence' 65 <br />D-egr.ees 42' to the -rightr 39 Feet;- thence 39 Degrees-32' to <br />t.he right'r _245 Feet to a stake; thence 36 Pegrees 13' to the <br />left, 42.5' f~et to a stake; thence 40 ,Degrees ,3D' to the left, <br />J::35 Feet to a stake, thence 35 Degrees 20' to the leftr 51 <br />'feBtto a stake; thence 4~ Degrees to the left, 69 Feet to a <br />-stake; -t'hence 70 Degrees 26' to ,'the right, 100.5 Feettoa <br />stake; thence 50 Degrees 57' to the right, 100 Feet to a <br />stake; the:q.ce 14 Degrees 31' to the right, 100 Feet to a gas <br />pipe; thence 26 Degrees 26' to the left, 372.4 Feet to a gas <br />pipe on the north line of said Northwest ,Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter (~E~); thence West along said North line <br />1)137.8 Feet to -the place of beginning, <br />
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