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<br />Exhibit "A" <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />200605916 <br /> <br />Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast, Quarter ot Section 8, Township 9 North, Range <br />9 West of the 6th P.M'1 more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point 301.75 <br />east of the point of intersection of st. Joseph ilnd Grand Island Rallway Company's Right of <br />Way with the North NE of Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 9 West ot the 6th P.M., running <br />thence South and parallel with the said Right of Way 253 feet, thence east at rIght angles and <br />parallel with the north line 61.75 feet to the west line of the property conveyed by Charles J. <br />Beers. and Maude Beers, his wife, to W.R. Augustin dated June 10, 1914, running thence North <br />at right angles and parallel with said right of way 253 feet to said North line, thence west <br />thereon 6L75 feet to the place ofbeglnnlng, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />