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<br /> <br />- 20-0005771- <br /> <br />Part of the Southwest ',QuarterLof the Southeas,t Quarter <br />(SW~SE.t) of, Section One (I), in Township Eleven, (11), North, <br />Range Nine' (9) ,West of the, Sixth P.M., morepartl.cularly <br />described as follows,to-wit:CoUlmencingat, the p9int of <br />intersection of thl:! Southerly, right:' ,of way,. line o.f U. S. <br />Highway No. 30, as now constructed, and located, the <br />South boundary line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter of said Section I, running ,thence East along and upon <br />the South boundC!ry line of'said Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter of said Section 1, for a distance of 1104.9 <br />feet, turning thence North at an angle of 90" and running <br />North for a distance of 569.6 feet ,to the Southerly right of <br />way line of said U.S. Highway No. 30, as now constFucted and <br />located, 'and running thence in, t1 ,Southwesterly direction, <br />along and, upon the Southerly right of way line of U. S. <br />Highway No . 30 ,as now constructed and located, for a <br />distance of 1258.55 feet~. to the place of beginning'; and <br /> <br />A tract of land located on a p;.i-rt 'of the South Half of the <br />Southeast Quarter (S~SE!r;) of Section One (1), in. Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range N1ne (9), West of the 6th P.M., more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on <br />the South boundary line of the Southeast Quarter of said <br />Section 1, which is the' intersection of said South boundary <br />line with the East lip.a of the tract, conveyed to the Geer <br />Company, a corporation, by warranty deed recorded In Book 95 <br />at Page 437, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall <br />County, Nebraska; thence North" along ,said East line of said <br />Tract so conveyed, to the intersection of said East line with <br />the South right-..of-way line df United States Highway No. 30, <br />running thence Northeasterly upon said right-of-way line a <br />distance of 231. 4 'feet, running thenc~ Southwesterly at an <br />angle of 12SQ 17', t6 the.right, to a point on the South line <br />of said Section I, which point is 62.1 feet East of the place <br />of beginning, running thence West along and upon the South <br />line of said Section 1 3R!d distance of 62.1 feet to the <br />point of beginning; being a tract of land 231.4 feet wide <br />aLmg the South right-of-way line of United States Highway <br />No. 30 and 62.1 feet wide along the South line of said <br />Section 1 immediately adjOining on the East the tract <br />conveyed to th~ Geer Company by the warranty deed <br />hereinbefore referred to; and <br /> <br />A part of the Southeast Quar~erof the Southeast Quarter <br />(SE.!;;SE~) of Section One '(1), Township Eleven (11) NOl':'th, <br />Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska <br />more particularly "described as follows: Beginning at apoin't <br />on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter, said point being 538.5 feet. West of '. the Southeast <br />carner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarteri <br />thence running Westerly along the South line of said ' <br />Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter a distance of <br />724.0 feet to the Southeast comeroE a t'ract previou.,ly <br />surveyed for, and deeded to, the Geer Company; thence <br />deflecting ri,ght 101 Q 33' 30" and running Northea'sterly along <br />the Easterly line of a tract previously surveyed for and <br />deeded to the Geer Company, a distance of 719.9 feet to a <br />point on the Southerly right-af-war line of U.S. Highway No. <br />30; thence deflecting ri-&bt SIO 35 and running _Northeasterly <br />along said right-of-way line a distance of . 597 ~ 15 feet. <br />thence deflecting right 13411 40' and running Southwesterl~ a <br />distance of 251.0afeet; thence deflecting left 1320 52' and <br />running Northeasterll a distance .o'f 123.15 feet; thence <br />deflecting right 114 10" and running Southerly and parallel <br />to the East line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter a distance of 788.22 feet to the point of beginning <br />and containing 12. 00 acres , . more or less. . ' <br /> <br />j' <br /> <br />j <br />i <br />i <br />i <br />'I <br />,I <br />j <br />1 <br /> <br />