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<br />200605681 <br /> <br />TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY <br /> <br />The beneficiary of this Security Instrument is MERS (solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) <br />and the successors and assigns of MERS. This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (i) the repayment of the Loan, and all <br />renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; and (ii) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this <br />Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of <br />sale, the fi)lIowing described property located in the COUNTY of HALL: <br />[Type of Recording Jurisdiction] [Name of Recording Jurisdiction} <br />i~~x~k~~W~IIF_~ A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter(SEl/4) <br />of Section 3, Township 11 North, Range 11 West of the 6thP.K., Hall County, Nebraska, and <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Southeast <br />Quarter; thence running Northerly along the East line of said Southeast Quarter a distance <br />of 372.0 feet; thence running Westerly parallel to the South line of said Southeast Quarter <br />a distance of 993.0 feet; thence running Southerly, parallel to the East line of said <br />Southeast Quarter a distance of 372.0 feet to a point on the South line of said Southeast <br />Quarter; thence runniBg Easterly along the South line of said Sou.heast Quarter a distance <br />of 993.0 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />which currently has the address ofl0090 W CAPITAL AVENUE <br />{Street] <br />Nebraska 68883 <br />[Zip Code] <br /> <br />WOOD RIVER, <br />[City] <br /> <br />("Property Address"): <br /> <br />TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, <br />appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by <br />this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." Borrower <br />understands and agrees that MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by Borrower in this Security Instrument, but, <br />if necessary to comply with law or custom, MERS (as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) has the right: <br />to exercise any or all ofthose interests, including, but not limited to, the right to foreclose and sell the Property; and to take <br />any action required of Lender including, but not limited to, releasing and canceling this Security Instrument. <br /> <br />BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to <br />grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants <br />and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances of record. <br /> <br />THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with <br />limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. <br /> <br />Nebraska Deed ofTrllsl-Single Family-Fannie Mae!Freddie Mae UNIFORM INSTRUMENT MERS Modified Form 3028 01/01 <br /> <br /> <br />- T>m c~.~~~,:~~~~~ llic- II III fil ij'llllIlIllII 1111I11 rr~tiitl <br /> <br />+ 0 1 4 4 5 4 598 5 + 0 0 A D + 3 + 1 3 <br /> <br />It- <br />