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<br />" <br /> <br />200605447 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Three (3), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M.. Han County, Nebraska, -more particularly <br />described as beginning at a point on the South line of said Section Three (3) said point being Three <br />Hundred Eleven and Seventy One Hundredths (311.71) feet West or the intersection or said South line <br />or Section Three (3) with the West right of way line or the Union Pacific Railroad Onl Branch, thence <br />Westerly along the South line or said Section 'Ibree (3), a distance or One Hundred Seventeen and Forty <br />Nine Hundredths (117A9) feet thence deflecting right 88 degrees 25' 20" and running Northerly a <br />distance or Eight Hundred 'l\renty Five and Five Hundredths (825.05) feet thence deflecting right 91 <br />drgn:cs 34' .co- and running Easterly a distance of Four Hundred Two and Eight Hnndredths (402.08) <br />feet to the Westerly right of way line of the Union Pacific RaIlroad, thence Southeasterly along said. right <br />of way line a distance of Three Hundred Twdve and Nine Hundredths (312.09) feet thence deflecting <br />right 93 degrees and 1h1rty (30) feet and running Westerly a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Five and <br />Forty One Hundredths (295Al) feet thenC::e. deOect1ng len 91 degrees 34' 40" and nmning Southerly a <br />distance of Five Hundred Sixteen (516) feet to the place of beginn1og. <br /> <br />'... <br />