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<br />.. <br /> <br />'~ <br /> <br />200605395 <br /> <br />rt())fPr <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />Beginning at the Southeast comer of said Lot Fifteen (15); thence NOO o06'52"W along and <br />upon the east line of said Lot Fifteen (15), a distance of Eighty-one and Thirty-five <br />Hundredths (81.3 5) feet to the midpoint of the east line of said Lot Fifteen (15); thence <br />S62036'58"W, a distance of One Hundred Forty-two and Eighty-six Hundredths (142.86) <br />feet to the midpoint of the West line of said Lot Fifteen (15) said west line of Lot Fifteen <br />(15) also being on a curve; thence running Southeasterly, along and upon the West line of <br />said Lot Fifteen (15), and being along and upon the arc ofa curve to the right whose radius <br />is 50 foot, a distance of Twenty-three and Forty-two Hundredths (23.42) feet (long chord <br />distance = 23.21', long chord bearing SI4019'17"E) to a point of tangency, said point also <br />being the Northwest comer of said Lot Sixteen (16), and also being the Southwest comer of <br />said Lot Fifteen (15); thence Easterly along the South boundary line of Lot Fifteen (15) and <br />the North boundary line of Lot Sixteen (16), to the place of beginning. <br />